
  • 网络enping;Enping City
  1. 恩平市邮政局EMS市场分析与对策研究

    Analysis and Tactics for EMS Market of Enping Post office

  2. 益阳市邮政储蓄客户关系管理策略研究恩平市邮政局EMS市场分析与对策研究

    Strategy Analysis on CRM of Yiyang Postal-saving Bank ; Analysis and Tactics for EMS Market of Enping Post office

  3. 文章以广东省恩平市地质环境质量评价为例,运用层次分析法对影响地质环境的因素进行分析,并利用GIS分析与层次分析法进行耦合,探讨其在地质环境质量评价中的应用。

    Taking Enping City in Guangdong Province as example , the paper takes advantage of AHP to analyze the factors which affect the geological environment , AHP and GIS are coupled to discuss the evaluation of suitability in the quality of geological environment .

  4. 广东恩平市稻区越冬期不同土地利用方式下主要节肢动物多样性调查分析。

    Arthropod biodiversity and community structure as influenced by different winter-cropping systems in the paddy fields of Enping City , Guangdong Province .

  5. 文章以恩平市旅游经济走廊为例讨论了区域主题旅游产业集群的空间培育和产业联系培育策略。

    Taking tourism economic corridor of Enping as a research case , space cultivation strategy and industry extension strategy of a regional tourism industry cluster are discussed .

  6. 本文通过对广东省恩平市金融机构市场退出后的民间信贷市场考察,认为经济活动的需要是金融交易得以存在的客观基础。

    This paper studies the transaction natures and economic background of informal credit market of Enping City , Guangdong Province , give the market withdrawal of formal financial institutions in this region .

  7. 正规金融机构退出后的信贷市场研究:广东省恩平市个案分析中小企业融资中正规金融与非正规金融比较分析

    On the Credit Market after the Market withdrawal of Formal Financial Institutions : the Case Study of Enping City Comparative Analysis & Recommendations for Improvement between Formal Financial System and Informal Financial System for SMEs ' Financing

  8. 广东省高考成绩于6月25日正式公布,恩平市恩平黄冈实验中学的伍正涛成为该市理科状元,当地一房地产开发商特此奖励其一套133平的房子。

    Gaokao results were announced on June 25 in Guandong and Wu Zhengtao from EnpingHuanggang Experimental Middle School became zhuangyuan , or top scorer , in Enping city of Guangdong province and was granted a 133-square-meter apartment by a local property developer .