
  1. 在他飞往达拉斯三一广播电台录音制他的濒死经历的途中,心脏病复发,蒙上帝恩召,回归天家。

    The Reverend was on his way to fly to Dallas to tape an interview with Trinity Broadcasting about his NDE when he had a final heart attack and God called him Home .

  2. 蒙了有效恩召的人,的确在今生领受称义,儿女名分,成圣,以及其他在今生与之俱来或随之而来的福分。

    They that are effectually called do in this life partake of justification , adoption , and sanctification , and several benefits which in this life do either accompany or flow from them .

  3. 他将恩底弥翁召到身边令他作出选择:任何形式的死亡或者在永远的梦幻中青春永在。

    He called for Endymion on to him and ordered him to choose between death in any form and everlasting youth in perpetual dreamy sleep .