
  1. 哥特骑士们精通骑兵战术,故而成为帝国军中杀手镧。

    Well practiced in heavy cavalry tactics these knights make a fearsome addition to any Imperial army .

  2. 论魏晋南北朝时期骑兵战术的新发展

    On the New Development of the Cavalry Tactic During the Wei , Jin , Southern and Northern Dynasty

  3. 拜占庭骑兵战术灵活,属于略微轻装的中型骑兵,无论远程射击还是近身格斗都颇为出色。

    Versatile lightly armoured medium cavalry , equally able shooting their bows , or fighting with their swords .

  4. 在北朝,步兵战胜骑兵的战术也在不断成熟,为西魏北周的军事变革所汲取。

    During the period of the North dynasty , the tactics for the infantrymen defeating the cavalrymen became more mature , which was regarded as good for the military reforms by the North Wei and .