
qí bīng
  • cavalry;trooper;cavalryman;dragoon;sowar
骑兵 [qí bīng]
  • [cavalry;cavalryman] 骑马作战的兵士

骑兵[qí bīng]
  1. 他是一个骑兵。

    He is a cavalryman .

  2. 天边扬起的尘土说明骑兵来了。

    A cloud of dust on the horizon announced the arrival of the cavalryman .

  3. 骑兵驱散了他们并把他们逐出了战场。

    The cavalry scattered them and chased them off the field .

  4. “下士,您去哪里?”骑兵费恩毕恭毕敬地问道。

    ' Where to , Corporal ? ' asked Trooper Fane respectfully .

  5. 我被派往第10骑兵队的A连。

    I was assigned to Troop A of the 10th Cavalry

  6. 他正和国王讨论保留骑兵全部力量的必要性。

    He was arguing with the King about the need to maintain the cavalry at full strength

  7. 我们翼侧受到一队骑兵的袭击。

    We were taken in flank by a troop of cavalry .

  8. 这个骑兵超假了。

    The trooper overstayed his leave .

  9. 骑兵一路上不断扬起令人窒息的灰尘。

    Cavalry , raising clouds of choking dust , went past endlessly .

  10. 骑兵向手无寸铁的村民们冲了过去。

    The cavalry charged down on the defenceless villagers .

  11. 骑兵很快就赶上他们的敌人。

    The horsemen were rapidly gaining on their enemy .

  12. 骑兵队伍高昂着头通过了广场。

    The mounted troops passed the square with their heads held up high .

  13. 敌军有500名轻骑兵。

    The enemy had five hundred light horse .

  14. 骑兵们骑在马上唱着歌。

    The cavalry sang as they rode .

  15. 骑兵队伍正在挺进。

    The cavalry was / were advancing .

  16. 骑兵指挥官预言,如果苏族人进兵要塞,他们中有很多人会被打死。

    The cavalry commander predicted that many Sioux would bite the dust if they attacked the fort .

  17. 应为巴尔干地区斯拉夫人的骑兵用剑。刀柄的铜钉具有显著的游牧风格

    It'should be cavalry Jian.The copper nail on grip has nomadism style .

  18. 敌人的骑兵撞倒了我们的人。

    The enemy cavalry rode our men down .

  19. n.骑兵骑兵的机动性远优于步兵。

    cavalry The cavalry is much superior in mobility to the infantry .

  20. 我已经送了游骑兵队的票巧克力和“辛普森家庭”DVD

    I 've sent Rangers tickets and chocolates and " Simpsons " DVDs .

  21. 威廉姆斯的陨落,始于他与一名伊拉克老兵一同现身纽约游骑兵队(NewYorkRangers)的一场比赛之时,那次露面是为了纪念一名退休的参谋军士长。

    Williams ' downfall began when he appeared at a New York Rangers game with an Iraq veteran in a tribute to a retiring command sergeant major .

  22. 他喜欢每晚在那里观看得州游骑兵(TexasRangers)棒球队的比赛。

    And that 's where he likes to watch the Texas Rangers every night , 'Laura Bush said .

  23. 古代骑兵编制和训练之刍议

    A Modest proposal for the Size and Train of Ancient Cavalry

  24. 土库曼枪骑兵装备锋利骑枪和狼牙棒,如怒涛狂涌,锐不可当。

    Turkish heavy cavalry with lance and mace to deal punishment .

  25. 那个大胆挑战整个骑兵队的击剑者是苏洛。

    The fencer who defiantly challenge the whole troops is Zero .

  26. 骑兵营车行经理、活动主持人肖先生安排活动规划。

    Cavalry car business manager , activities planning activities Moderator Shaw .

  27. 你是说把骑兵的马都送给印第安人吗?

    Are you suggesting the cavalry give its horses to indians ?

  28. 他们或许把自己的骑兵炸得灵魂出窍。

    They 've probably bombed hell out of their own cavalry .

  29. 步行波兰贵族骑兵热衷步战厮杀,使用标枪作战。

    Dismounted , they make solid infantry armed with light spears .

  30. 他在装甲骑兵部队打过很多次仗。

    He had seen plenty of service in the armoured cavalry .