
  • 网络Chivalry;knighthood
  1. 他并不是一个骑士道的信奉者。

    He was not a student of chivalry .

  2. “那是我在行骑士道里最近的一个,”他说道,闪着某种我们以前认为这个一板一眼的演员不太可能做到的:一个大大的灿烂笑容。

    " That 's the closest I 'll ever come to getting a knighthood ," he said , flashing something we never thought this magnificently intense actor was capable of : a broad , blinding smile .

  3. 她对绿甲骑士笑道:“大人,您的头盔上有两只金色鹿角,

    She smiled at the green knight.Your helmet bears golden antlers , my lord .

  4. 没错,但后来我来搭救了她!白衣骑士回答道。

    ' Yes , but then I came and saved her !' the White Knightreplied .

  5. 一位身披银袍的骑士像一道白昼潜入,带来闪耀的奇迹。

    A silver-mantled knight dived in like a flash of daylight with blazing wonders .

  6. 使事情更糟的是,圆桌骑士中最骁勇善战的朗斯洛爵士与亚瑟的妻子圭内维尔私通,违反了骑士道,破坏了骑士们的团结。

    To make things worse , a love affair developed between Queen Guenevere and Sir Lancelot , who was perhaps the greatest of the Round Table knights . This scandal destroyed the bonds of respect and friendship that had united all the knights .

  7. 在这些故事里,亚瑟王和他的骑士们被描述成了中世纪的人物,身披中世纪武士的铠甲、讲求中世纪的骑士道.

    They told the stories of Authur and his knights as though they were knights of the Middle Ages , wearing the kind of armour that was worn by knights of the Middle Ages and following the set of rules of behaviour called chivalry .