
  • 网络chain mail;Chain Armor;Ringmail
  1. 精良链甲令贵族骑兵的防护绝不逊于同时期任何骑兵。

    Mail armour gives them the same protection as contemporary knights .

  2. 巨盾持弩民兵装备链甲和全身巨盾。

    Italian crossbow militia , armoured with mail and a pavise .

  3. 拜占庭剑士装备链甲、长剑和盾牌,作战颇为出色。

    Byzantine infantry unit equipped with sword , shield and mail armour .

  4. 高地剑士身穿链甲,挥舞双手巨剑,作战极为凶残。

    Shock troops wielding a large two-handed sword and armoured in chain .

  5. 他们身穿精良皮甲或链甲,手持战盾进行防御。

    To defend they have good leather or light chain shirt and shield .

  6. 马扎尔骑兵是天生的弓骑兵,装备复合弓和轻型链甲。

    These natural horsemen are armed with a composite bow and wear light armour .

  7. 这些身穿链甲挥舞利斧的勇士,锋刃中挥洒著维京的辉煌。

    Protected by mail armour and wielding axes , they resemble the Vikings of old .

  8. 骑马民兵装备链甲、骑枪和长剑,是出色的骑兵部队。

    Encased in mail and equipped with lances and swords these troops are effective fighters .

  9. 他们装备轻型链甲、盾牌、骑枪和锋利长剑。

    Hussars are equipped with light mail , shield and armed with lance and sword .

  10. 步行波耶骑兵身穿轻型链甲或镶甲,手持长斧,极为骁勇善战。

    These young adventurers wear light mail or light brigandine armour and carry an axe .

  11. 拜占庭弓骑兵身穿镶甲或链甲,装备复合弓和长剑。

    They wear padded or mail armour and are equipped with a composite bow and sword .

  12. 剑士们身穿链甲,手持长剑巨盾,作战颇为出色。

    These soldiers are equipped with a sword and large shield and wear mail armour for protection .

  13. 长剑军士训练有素,作战强悍,装备长剑、盾牌和链甲,擅长对抗步兵。

    Trained and hardened warriors equiped with sword , shield and mail , effective against other infantry .

  14. 瓦达瑞泰弓骑兵军纪森严,训练有素,身穿轻型链甲或镶甲,使用强力复合短弓。

    Disciplined and highly trained , the Vardariotai wear light armour and fire a composite bow from horseback .

  15. 这些早期骑士全身披挂链甲,手持双手巨斧,是极为恐怖的杀戮机器。

    Encased in mail and equipped with a two handed axe these early knights are formidable fighting machines .

  16. 一旦战事需要,链甲骑兵经常跨下马背充任步兵,协防或助攻城邑。

    When need calls it , the Mailed Knights would often dismount to help defend or assault a fortification .

  17. 巡逻骑兵装备轻型链甲和长矛,适合用于侧翼包抄和追击残兵。

    Equipped with light mail and spear , this unit is handy for out flanking your opponent and chasing down archers .

  18. 轻骑兵们装备轻型链甲或镶甲,手持骑枪长剑,作战十分出色。

    Very fast , these elite lancers are equipped with light mail or brigandine armour and armed with lance and sword .

  19. 拉丁骑兵是服役于拜占庭军中的西欧骑兵,装备链甲和长剑,训练有素,作战经验丰富。

    Western European troops fighting for the Byzantine Empire , these experienced and well trained fighters are armed with lances and swords .

  20. 这些骑士身穿重型链甲或板甲,手持沉重骑枪,是战法娴熟实力强大的精锐军事组织。

    An elite and powerful fighting order of well trained knights wearing heavy mail or plate armour and armed with a lance .

  21. 胡萨尔轻骑兵装备链甲、盾牌、骑枪和长剑,以高度机动游击战术闻名于世。

    Renown for their fast hit and run tactics , Hussars are equipped with light mail , shield , lance and sword .

  22. 将领卫队身穿重型链甲或早期板甲,手持骑枪,其恐怖冲锋令敌军闻风胆裂。

    Wearing heavy mail or partial plate and wielding lances this unit is capable of devastating charges and riding down most foes .

  23. 匈牙利贵族骑兵装备轻型链甲和复合弓,无论远程攻击或近身格斗都同样出色。

    Well equipped with light armour and composite bows , these warriors are good horse archers who are also capable in close combat .

  24. 他们身穿链甲,装备锋利长剑和精良盾牌,令所有立陶宛敌军闻风胆裂。

    Carrying swords and good quality shields , wearing chainmail protection they are more than capable of taking the fight to Lithuania 's enemies .

  25. 他们训练有素,装备重型链甲和骑枪,步战时则将骑枪作为长矛使用,极为骁勇善战。

    Well trained , and clad in heavy mail , when fighting on foot , they cut their lances down and use them as spears .

  26. 他们通常身穿镶甲或轻型链甲,手持长矛或者丹麦战士至爱的战斧。

    Scouts wear padded or light mail armour and are equipped with a spear or a large axe , as the Danes are wont to do .

  27. 埃德萨骑士是为国家效命沙场的封邑贵族,装备骑枪、战斧和重型链甲。

    Vassal knights who owe service to the County of Edessa and the Principality of Antioch , equipped with lance , axe and wearing mail armour .

  28. 我们还改变了装甲类型之间的差别,使得板甲将不会比链甲,皮甲和布衣提供更多的保护。

    We are also changing the mitigation difference among armor types so that plate doesn 't offer so much more protection than mail , leather , and cloth .

  29. 他们身穿轻型链甲或镶甲,以便射箭时得到良好防护,同时,高贵血统亦令得他们即便对近身厮杀亦面无惧色。

    Their light mail or brigandine armour gives them adequate protection while firing their bows , and their aristocratic upbringing gives them the stomach for close combat if required .

  30. 他们装备镶甲或轻型链甲,挥舞长枪战技娴熟,若战事需要,亦可拔剑近身肉搏。

    Afforded the protection of padded or light mail armour , these men are confident in their use of the pike , and when required , their short swords in close combat .