
liàn qiú
  • hammer
链球 [liàn qiú]
  • (1) [hammer throw]∶田径项目之一,运动员两手握住链球的把手,人和球同时旋转,最后加力使球抛出

  • (2) [hammer]∶链球运动使用的金属球,上面有链子,链子头上安有把手

  1. 中国链球运动员王峥在决赛中以77.03米的成绩获得银牌,落后金牌得主波兰的安妮塔·沃达尔奇克1.45米。

    Chinese hammer thrower Wang Zheng won silver with a throw of 77.03m in the final , 1.45m behind gold medalist Anita Wlodarczyk of Poland .

  2. 链球运动员力量练习的选择与设计

    The Strength Training Method Design and Selection for the Hammer Throwers

  3. 女子链球运动还不是主要的赛事。

    Hammer-throwing for women is not yet a major event .

  4. 规整链球型含C(60)聚苯乙烯的亲水化修饰及其在水中的自组装

    Hydrophilic modification of well-defined hammer-shaped c_ ( 60 ) - ps and the self-assembly behavior therefrom

  5. 规整链球型含C(60)聚(丙烯酸β-羟乙酯)的合成及其在水中的自组装

    Synthesis of a well-defined hammer-like c_ ( 60 ) conjugated poly ( 2-hydroxyethyl acrylate ) and its self-assembly in water

  6. 链球运动员顾原身体素质的灰关联分析及GM(1,1)建模预测

    The Co-relation Analysis of Hammer GuYuan and Grey GM ( 1,1 ) Predicting Model Establishment

  7. 而在PS单分子链球中只有15%苯环的松弛时间为3.9s。

    However , in the system formed by PS single chain spheres , only 15 % benzene rings with a relaxation time of 3.9 second .

  8. 文章以链球投掷技术分析为范例,介绍了Ariel三维解析系统分析动作技术的方法。

    The paper introduces the method of the weight throwing technology analysis by using the system of 3D image analysis .

  9. 结果茶多酚能抑制变链球茵的生长、GTF酶活性及酶产生的胞外多糖。

    Results TP can inhibit the growth , GTF activity and extracellular glucan formation of Mutans Streptococci .

  10. 物理学奖:授予PhilippePerrin,CyrilPerrot,DominiqueDeviterne,BrunoRagaru以及HermanKingma,以奖励他们有关“为何铁饼运动员总是会昏厥而扔链球的人则不会”的研究。

    PHYSICS : Philippe Perrin , Cyril Perrot , Dominique Deviterne , Bruno Ragaru and Herman Kingma for trying to determine why discus throwers become dizzy , and why hammer throwers don 't 。

  11. 自上世纪80年代以来,我国男子链球运动水平取得飞跃的进步,毕忠曾以77.04m的成绩创亚洲纪录,但自90年代以来呈现徘徊不前,甚至有下降的趋势。

    The level of Chinese mail hammers has been progressed since 1980 's , BiZhong once created the Asian record by 77.04m .

  12. 目前研究发现,在肺炎链球菌中将VicK组氨酸激酶基因缺失后,发现它的生长、生物膜的形成、细菌链的增长减慢及毒力降低,因此,认为其对肺炎链球的生长是必需的。

    In VicK histidine kinase gene deletion Streptococcus pneumoniae , the current result found that the growth , biofilm formation , bacterial growth slows down and the virulence is reduced . Therefore , the VicK gene is necessary for the growth of Streptococcus pneumoniae .

  13. 链球最佳的投掷出手角度是多少?

    What is the optimum angle of release of the hammer ?

  14. 优秀男子链球运动员技术与身体训练的方法

    Methods of Techniques and Fitness Training for Elite Male Hammer Throwers

  15. 男子链球主要训练指标体系模型研究

    Model System on Main Training Targets of Men 's hammer throwing

  16. 我国男子链球成绩滑坡的原因探析

    Cause Analysis of the Declining of Chinese Men 's Hammer Throw Performance

  17. 俄罗斯链球运动员投掷技术特点的分析

    Analysis on the Characters of Throw Technique of Russian Throwers

  18. 链球成绩与素质关联分析的新方法及其应用

    A New Method of Relative Analysis for the Hammer Performance and Fitness

  19. 顾原链球投掷技术的生物力学特征及分析

    Biomechanical Characteristics and Analysis of the Hammer Throwing Technique Used by GUYuan

  20. 我国女子链球发展以及训练探讨

    Discussion on Tracing and Development of Female Hammer in China

  21. 优秀男子链球运动员力量素质发展水平的评价模型与标准

    Model and Standards for Evaluating Strength Development of Elite Male Hammer Throwers

  22. 好啊,马克打破了链球项目7.38米的记录。

    Hurrah , Mark 's broken the 7.38-meter record in the hammer .

  23. 链球运动成绩影响因素的分析

    Analysis on the Factors Affecting Result of Hammer Throwing

  24. 浅析柔道投技的进攻时机链球运动过程中的加速时机

    Attacking Time in Wrestling On the Time to Speed up in Hammer Throwing

  25. 链球运动的历史沿革与发展趋势研究

    Research on History and Developing Trend of Hammer Throw

  26. 毕忠破亚洲链球纪录前后的训练

    Training of Bi Zhong before and after his Breaking the Asian Hammer Record

  27. 投掷项目包括标枪、铁饼、链球和铅球。

    The throwing events consist of javelin , discus , hammer and shot .

  28. 我国链球技术的特征分析

    Technical Analysis of the Characteristics of China 's Hammer

  29. 链球专门能力与专项能力探讨

    Research on Special Ability and Item Aptitude of Hammer

  30. 试析力量训练对链球运动员运动成绩的重要性

    Importance of Strength Training on Performance of Hammer Thrower