
  • 网络TEU;TEUs;Feu
  1. 即使是容量为1.6万标准箱,相当于30英里长的集装箱火车的货轮也会受到影响。

    Even a 16,000 TEU ship fills the equivalent of 30 mile-long container trains .

  2. 在2014年上半年,西伯利亚大铁路的集装箱运输量提高了8%,增长至86.56万标准箱(即20英尺长的集装箱)。

    In the first half of 2014 , international container traffic on the Trans-Siberian rail line rose 8 % , to 865,600 teu ( 20-foot equivalent units ) .

  3. 注:TEU是折合20英尺标准箱的英文缩写。

    Note : TEU is the abbreviation of " Twenty-foot Equivalent Unit " .

  4. 这艘船大约相当于4个足球场的长度,是有史以来建造的运能最大的集装箱货轮,一次能够装运1.6万个20呎标准箱(TEU)。TEU是业界衡量集装箱容量的单位标准。

    The ship – about the length of four soccer pitches – is the biggest container vessel ever built in terms of capacity , capable of carrying 16,000 twenty-foot equivalent units ( TEUs ), the industry standard measure for a container .

  5. 外包装:瓦楞纸箱适合装西氏标准箱数量并保证运输完好无损。

    Secondary packaging : corrugated carton suitable to contain West standard carton quantities and to maintain product integrity during shipping .

  6. 天津港是一个拥有2.2万名劳务派遣员工,年吞吐量4亿吨、集装箱1000万标准箱的综合性大港口。

    Tianjin Port is a comprehensive port with 22,000 dispatched employees , throughput of 400 million tons and containers of 10 million teu a year .

  7. 中远将根据与比雷埃夫斯港务局签署的、期限为35年的特许使用权协议,运营上述两个码头,比雷埃夫斯港的吞吐量将增加两倍至每年逾300万标准箱,并创造多达1000个就业机会。

    Cosco would operate both terminals under a 35-year concession agreement with PPA that would triple capacity to more than 3m TEUs annually and create up to 1,000 jobs .

  8. 随着我国集装箱吞吐量突破1亿标准箱以及集装箱码头的不断建设发展,堆场渐渐成为码头运营中的关键区域。

    The yard becomes the key zone gradually in terminal operation with the throughout of container in China broken through 100 million TEUs and uninterrupted development of container terminal construction .

  9. 徐:标准箱是每箱4捆颜色相同的丝绸。我们还有小包装的,每箱1捆。

    For a normal carton , we have four bales of the same colour in a carton , but we also have small packing with only one bale in a carton .

  10. 世界前10位的货柜班轮公司每周有超过40个航班从中国沿海港口到欧洲各大基本港口,每周的运输能力超过15万个20尺标准箱。

    Top-ten container-line carriers in the world have more than 40 vessels from China basic ports to European ports per week . The loading capacity is more than 150,000 20-foot containers .

  11. 堆高能力从现有堆4(标准箱高)过5,提高到堆8过9。与现有国际先进集装箱码头的各种装卸工艺相比,能够显著提高堆场的装卸效率,大大降低运营成本。

    The stacking capacity is improved from 4-5 to 8-9.Comparing with currently advanced automation technology in the world , it can improve greatly the yard handling efficiency and reduce remarkably the operation cost .

  12. 到2003年底,全省沿海港口生产性泊位257个,其中万吨级以上泊位86个,货物吞吐能力达到1.53亿吨,集装箱泊位12个,吞吐能力达到170万标准箱。

    To 2003 year 's end , entire province coast port has 257 production berthes , 86 berthes above 10 thousand-ton , the cargo handling capacity achieved 153 million tons , 12 container berthes , the handling capacity achieve 1.7 million standard containers .

  13. 水泥混凝土标准养护箱和标准养护室中的湿度控制

    Humidity Control in Cement Concrete Standard Curing Box and Standard Curing Room

  14. 为国际上最通用之标准光源箱。

    For the most common international standard light box .

  15. 包装:针织套衫用聚乙烯塑料袋包装,装入出口用标准纸板箱。

    Packing : Sweaters are warned in polybasic and packed in standard export cardboard carton .

  16. 测配色用标准光源箱常用的光源标准如同步辐射光源和壁稳亚弧光源等。

    Often used standard light source is synchrotron radiation source and wall stabilized argon arc source .

  17. 标准砂箱的铸造工艺设计与制造

    Designing and Manufacture of Typical Flask

  18. 分析了管程温差对标准管箱法兰密封性能的影响,并为标准管箱法兰的选用提供了理论依据。

    The influence of standard channel flange sealed performance is analyzed in the case of subjected to channel side temperature difference .

  19. 介绍了一种取代传统标准电阻箱的数字化智能有源直流标准电阻器,它由标准电阻与有源电路箱组成,用于对各种类型的直流电阻测量仪进行校验。

    This paper introduces a digital and intelligent active direct current resistor box , which calibrates various direct current resistance measurement devices substituting conventional standard resistor box .

  20. 改变标准养护箱和标准养护室温湿度控制仪探头的位置,可有效地控制标准养护箱和标准养护室中的湿度。

    Change the location of detecting head of humidity control gauge in standard curing box and standard curing room so as to efficiently control humidity of standard curing box and standard curing room .

  21. 简易标准运血箱的研制与应用

    Development and application of simplified standardized blood transporting box

  22. 高准确度标准分压箱的研制

    Investigation of High Precision Standard Voltage Divider

  23. 结果表明采用不同的规范标准在进行箱梁的温度效应计算时所产生的应力值不同。

    The results showed that the box girder stress value will be different with different standards .

  24. 我们用塑料袋将羊毛衫装好,再装进标准出口纸板箱。出口包装用瓦楞纸箱抗压力合格评定方法的探讨

    Woolen sweaters will be wrapped in polybags and packed in standard export cartons . Discussion on Presure Resistance Assessment Method of Corrugated Fiberboard Box

  25. 标准直流分压箱的研制与等电位屏蔽技术

    Development of Standard DC Potential Dividers and Equal potential Screening Technique

  26. 单片微型计算机控制的标准化电梯操纵箱设计

    The Design of Standardized Elevator 's Control-case Controlled by a Single-chip Microcomputer

  27. 另一种是使用一标准的齿轮传动箱,齿轮传动箱带有一个装有连杆系统的动力油缸。

    The other type uses a standard type gearbox with a power cylinder attached to the linkage system .

  28. 通过向客户提供标准信封和包装箱,并要求在运输标签上填写一致的信息,这些公司可籍此建立成熟的跟踪系统。

    By providing standard envelopes and boxes to customers and requiring consistent information on the shipping label , these companies were able to build sophisticated tracking systems .

  29. 方法:应用标准的玻璃方箱对所配毒饵进行毒杀蜚蠊试验,并与有关的其他市售毒饵进行药效比较、评价。

    Methods : To conduct efficacy experiments with the new formulation bait by the standard square box , and to compare with other baits on the market .