
  • 网络Standard English;Queen's English;received pronunciation;voa;VOA Standard English
  1. 如果你在我们这里说标准英语,大家就会对你产生怀疑。

    If you speak standard English anywhere round our way , people tend to view you with suspicion .

  2. 因为GoodonYou出现在一本俚语字典中,而且又在一般字典中被注明是口头用语,可以说尽管它非常普遍,但还不能算作标准英语。

    With good on you showing up in a slang dictionary and being labeled colloquial in a regular dictionary , it 's fair to say that although the phrase is common , it hasn 't quite made the leap to being considered Standard English .

  3. 有些话可以用苏格兰英语表达,而无法用标准英语表达。

    There are things you can express in Scots that you can 't say in English .

  4. “神烦狗”的独白通常包含两个词,第一个词基本上会是so,such,many,much和very当中的一个,与标准英语不同的是,神烦狗通常会用这些词来形容那些它们不应该形容的词。

    Doge uses two-word phrases in which the first word is almost always one of five modifiers ( " so " , " such " , " many " , " much " , and " very " ) , and the departure from correct English is to use the modifier with a word that it cannot properly modify .

  5. 对《义务教育课程标准英语实验教科书GoForIt》使用后评价的调查研究

    An Investigation into the In-Use-Evaluation of the New Curriculum Textbook " Go for it "

  6. 这不仅仅因为约束使用了XPath,还因为验证规则使用了标准英语来命名。

    This is not only because the constraints use XPath , but also because the validation rules are named in standard English .

  7. AttemptoControlledEnglish是标准英语的一个丰富的子集,它被设计用来作为规范和知识表示语言,包括业务规则。

    Attempto Controlled English is a rich subset of standard English designed to serve as specification and knowledge representation language , including for business rules .

  8. 由于英语语言的多样性,美国黑人英语(简称ABC)在语音,句法和词素等方面与标准英语有所不同。

    As a variety of English , American Black English ( ABE for short ) is different from standard English in phonology , syntax , and lexicon .

  9. 提示:若使用的是标准英语语言键盘,请选择美国。

    Hint : For a standard English-language keyboard , select US .

  10. 其简明的事实是:没有单一的标准英语。

    The plain fact is this-there is no single standard English .

  11. 论新加坡标准英语的建立原则和语言特点

    On Principles of Developing Singapore Standard English and Its Language Characteristics

  12. 大学英语口语教学中的标准英语与非标准英语探析

    On Standard English or Non-standard English in College Spoken English Teaching

  13. 浅谈黑人英语对标准英语的影响

    A Brief Talk on Effects on Standard English Produced by Black English

  14. 广告英语商标词对标准英语的溢出效应

    The Overflow Effect of Brand Names in Common English Vocabulary

  15. 英语的国际化与标准英语

    Standard English in the Process of the Globalization of English

  16. 与标准英语也大不一样。

    Which are different from the rules of Standard English .

  17. 请使用基于标准英语的文本重新输入密码。

    Please reenter the password again using the Standard English based text .

  18. 黑人使用的英语可能比标准英语更富有表达力。

    [ B ] Black English can be more expressive than standard English .

  19. 她能说一口流利的标准英语。

    She can speak the Queen 's English fluently .

  20. 人性与理性的挣扎&从方言与标准英语之间的互换看梅勒斯的形象特征

    The Struggle Between Nature and Rationality & Analyzing the Linguistic Feature of Mellos

  21. 那些坚持标准英语语法的人仍处于强大地位。

    Those who insist on standard English grammar remain in a powerful position .

  22. 英国广播公司的大多数播音员说的都是标准英语。

    Most announcers on the BBC speak standard english .

  23. 在英语的各种变体中,标准英语最能表达复杂的思想。

    Of all the varieties , standard English can best convey complex ideas .

  24. 标准英语变体语用观

    A pragmatic view on varieties of standard English

  25. 信不信由你,(世界上)没有什么标准英语。

    Believe it or not , there is no such thing as standard English .

  26. 她说一口方言,不是标准英语。

    He speaks dialect , not standard english .

  27. 一些俚语最终成了标准英语的一部分。

    Some slangs finally did find their way to be part of the standard English .

  28. 试论非标准英语的文学作用&读《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》

    On the Literary Functions of the Non-standard English in the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn ;

  29. 从中国式英语到标准英语英汉经济类语篇篇章结构模式之比较研究

    Organizational Patterns of English and Chinese Texts for Business and Economics : A Contrastive Study

  30. 标准英语通话与飞行安全

    Standard comunication in english & flight safety