
  • 网络Identifier;SSID;UDID
  1. 例如,当信息上传到储存库里时,会分配一个数字对象标识符。

    For example , when information is uploaded to a repository , a digital object identifier ( DOI ) is assigned .

  2. 这里的self标识符声明一个线程局部变量time。

    Here the self identifier declares a thread local variable time .

  3. 科学家可使用这个数字对象标识符来公布研究周期的每一个步骤,而不仅仅是最终的文章。

    Scientists can use a DOI to publish each step of the research life cycle , not just the final paper .

  4. 虽然谷歌、微软和其他技术平台会根据全美失踪和受剥削儿童中心和其他信息交换中心提供的标识符数据库与上传的照片或电子邮件附件进行比对,但安全专家认为苹果的计划更具侵入性。

    While Google , Microsoft and other technology platforms check uploaded photos or emailed attachments against a database of identifiers provided by the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children and other clearing houses , security experts faulted Apple 's plan as more invasive .

  5. find():通过实体的主标识符查找实体。

    Find (): Locate an entity by its primary identifier .

  6. 将每个线程的name属性设置为唯一的标识符。

    Set the name property of each thread to a unique identifier .

  7. 这是因为let是一个全局定义的标识符。

    This is because let is a globally-defined identifier .

  8. 其中的变量名可以是任何一般的标识符,如x。

    The variable name can be any normal identifier , like x.

  9. handle属性给页面元素分配一个标识符。

    The handle attribute assigns an identifier to the page element .

  10. 已调度任务的标识符将从调度器实例检索,并返回给start操作请求者。

    A scheduled task identifier is retrieved from the scheduler instance and returned to the start operation requester .

  11. CustomerId:客户的唯一标识符

    Customer Id : unique identifier of the customer

  12. 特定的客户则通过在Customer之后追加标识符加以表示,例如/customer/ims。

    Specific customers are represented by appending an identifier to Customer , such as / customer / ims .

  13. PerformanceManager通过向系统提供的标识符跟踪业务服务登记和需要报告的其他事务数据。

    The Performance Manager tracks business service enrollments and other transaction data required for reporting through an identifier supplied to the system .

  14. XML名称空间通过在标签名前增加全局标识符将本地名转化成全局名。

    XML namespaces turn local names into global ones by appending a global identifier to the tag name .

  15. 这对静态链接比对动态链接更重要,因为非static标识符将是全局可见的。

    This is more crucial for static linking than dynamic , because a non-static identifier will be globally visible .

  16. ID:服务器的一个文本标识符。可以是一个主机名或简单的标识符,比如“PrimaryServer”。

    ID : A text identifier for the server .

  17. 显示%type=II%的任何元素都是实例标识符&它们通常是id或value元素。

    Any elements that show % type = II % are instance identifiers & these are typically id or value elements .

  18. 除了组件之外,您只能使用简单的标识符重命名UML元素。

    Except for components , you can only rename UML elements with simple identifiers .

  19. 限制嵌入在片段标识符中的JavaScript代码,防止其意外执行。

    Restrict JavaScript code embedded in fragment-identifier data from being executed inadvertently .

  20. 例如,用户可以在URLMappingFile中更改参数分隔符或外部请求标识符。

    For example , a user can change the parameter separator or external request identifier in the URL_Mapping_File .

  21. Eclipse将它与插件id连在一起,作为平台提供的惟一标识符。

    Eclipse concatenates it with the plug-in id to make a platform-wide unique identifier .

  22. Metro/WSIT默认使用另一种方法,称为主体密匙标识符(subjectkeyidentifier,SKI)。

    Metro / WSIT defaults to using another method , called subject key identifier ( SKI ) .

  23. id是扩展点标识符。

    Id is the extension point identifier .

  24. ContentAssist弥补的特性之一是Ruby对标识符使用的特殊命名约定。

    One of the redeeming features for Content Assist is the special naming conventions Ruby uses for identifiers .

  25. 读取粘贴内容的页面&此页面将需要被传递给某种post标识符。

    A page that reads a post & This page will need to be passed some kind of post Identifier .

  26. HAMMER通常会重申对象标识符顺序,并预期不会被用完。

    HAMMER typically iterates object identifiers sequentially and expects to never run out .

  27. 这个标识符是基于操作系统中正在执行的脚本的集成标识符(PID)的。

    This identifier was based on the operating system process identifier ( PID ) of the executing script .

  28. 类型是由其统一资源标识符(UniformResourceIdentifier,URI)及其名称定义的。

    A Type is defined by its Uniform Resource Identifier ( URI ) and its name .

  29. 我们将为每个迭代使用相同的消息对象,因此,对于第二个get,将包含所接收到的第一条消息的组标识符。

    We reuse the same message object for each iteration and consequently , for the second get , it will contain the group identifier of the first message received .

  30. 再次使用syntaxmatch为一个正则表达式定义标识符,然后把标识符与Error关联起来。

    You would again be using syntax match to define an identifier for this regular expression and link to Error .