
pínɡ ɡuǒ jī
  • Apple computer;Mac;Macintosh
  1. MCS-51单片机与苹果机的数据通讯

    The data communication of MCS-51 sigle-chip microcomputer with Apple Computer

  2. 微机扭矩仪与苹果机的联机通信

    Communication Between Microcomputer Torque Instrument and Apple Computer

  3. 是PC机还是苹果机?

    Is it a PC or a Mac ?

  4. 举例来说,XPSOne有一个内置的相机存储卡插槽,这一点就不同于苹果机。

    Unlike the Apple , for example , the Dell has a built-in slot for camera memory cards .

  5. 1981年IBM公司发布了他们应对苹果机二代的产品IBM个人电脑

    In 1981 , IBM launched its response to the Apple II - The IBM PC.

  6. 那些使用Windows操作系统的朋友们曾坏笑着告诉我和其他苹果机用户如果我们想继续使用我们的机器

    I , and other Apple users , were being told with malicious grins from our Windows-using friends that if we wanted to keep our machines

  7. 新一代台北HelloKitty彩绘机分别命名为:苹果机、环球机和魔法机。它们从台北出发,将沿着不同的航线飞行,至少会运行一年。

    The new Taipei-based Hello Kitty jets called Apple Jet , Global Jet and Magic Jet will operate for at least a year on different routes originating from Taipei .

  8. 1976年Wozniak和乔布斯在乔布斯家的车库里开始售卖苹果机一代

    In 1976 , Wozniak and Jobs began selling the Apple I computer from the Jobs family garage .

  9. 我们使用苹果机的人每天都会早起

    Those of us who used Apples , who got up early

  10. 该法已在苹果机上调试通过。

    This method has passed the test on APPLE - ⅱ computer .

  11. 就像一位编辑在苹果机上编出一份时事通讯一样。

    Much the way an editor creates a newsletter on a Macintosh .

  12. 是来自于苹果机二代的收入让公司维持了下去

    the income from the Apple II was keeping the company alive .

  13. 不过无论它有多好苹果机的售价是2500美元

    But however good it was , the Mac cost $ 2500 ,

  14. 麦金托什彩色苹果机好运接连不断。

    Apple Mac coloured computers are on a roll .

  15. 所有地方都很漂亮,有类似苹果机的铝拉丝外观。

    All is shiny and brushed-aluminium a la Macintosh .

  16. 苹果机倍受平面设计者青睐

    The Macintosh would be a hit with graphic designers

  17. 谁能告诉我在北京的哪里可以买到苹果机的二手键盘?

    Can someone tell me where used Mac keyboards are available in Beijing ?

  18. 苹果机则飞往首尔和福冈。

    Apple Jet flies to Seoul and Fukuoka .

  19. 1984年乔布斯推出了这台苹果机。

    In1984 , Steve rolled out the Mac .

  20. 谁说苹果机是完美的?

    Who says Mac OS is flawless ?

  21. 苹果机二代于1977年面世它是第一台拥有彩色图像的家用电脑

    Released in 1977 , the Apple II was the first home computer with colour graphics .

  22. 就得去小众爱好者商店了因为以后不会再有苹果机了

    we 'd have to go to hobbyist shops because there would be no Apple computer .

  23. 亲爱的神父,要是每个人苹果机都是罗马天主教神父,同样没有社会。

    Dear Father priest , if everyone were Roman Catholic priest , there would be no society either .

  24. 他设计了苹果机美妙的原始字体(后被微软抄袭),并将其归功于这个美术字班。

    He attributes the original Macintosh 's beautiful typefaces ( to which Windows copied ) to this exact class .

  25. 问:那么在最后的游戏片断影像部分是?问:游戏是否可以在苹果机下运行?

    And what about the game footage clips ? Q. Will it be available for the Mac as well ?

  26. 1976年乔布斯和沃兹在家用电脑俱乐部向其他研究技术的同仁们推出了苹果机的原型

    Jobs and Waz unveiled the prototype to their fellow tech geeks at the Home Brew Computer Club in 1976 .

  27. 例如他们能控制鼠标类型,在不同的苹果机和其它台式机的不同类型屏幕下进行灵活运用。

    For instance they could control other mouse types , and do it on different Macs and PCs , with different kinds of screens .

  28. 新型苹果机的用户还可以增加附件以满足他们的专业要求,如工程制图和写作。

    Users of the new Apple can also add accessories to make their machines specialize in specific uses , such as engineering and writing .

  29. 所有的现代移动设备都有智能电池模式(比如,安卓机有节电模式,而苹果机有低电量模式)。

    All modern mobile devices have a smart battery saving mode ( for instance , Android has Power Saving Mode and iOS has Low Power Mode ) .

  30. 苹果机的使用者们则可以找到应用文件夹,在那里,点击窗口菜单和应用按键后,你可以打开苹果操作系统查询。

    Mac users can look in the Applications folder , which you can open in the Mac OS X Finder by clicking the Window menu and clicking Applications .