
  • 网络WWDC;Apple WWDC;Apple Worldwide Developer Conference
  1. 在苹果全球开发者大会的舞台上,乔伊斯坐下来演示FaceTime视频电话特性。

    On stage at WWDC , Steve Jobs sits down to give a demo of the new FaceTime video-calling feature .

  2. 昨天早晨,近38000人参加了苹果全球开发者大会的发布会。我们度过了一个美好的时光。

    Almost 38,000 folks turned out for Technologizer 's live coverage of Apple 's WWDC keynote yesterday morning . We had a good time .

  3. 周一在旧金山举行的苹果全球开发者大会(WorldwideDeveloperConference)上,苹果首席执行官蒂姆•库克(TimCook)向听众表示,这种新服务代表着音乐领域的“新篇章”。

    Tim Cook , Apple chief executive , told the audience at Apple 's Worldwide Developer Conference in San Francisco on Monday that the new service represented the " next chapter " of music .

  4. 6月11-15日于美国旧金山举行的“苹果全球开发者大会”(简称WWDC)上,Bibobox开发的30页交互书籍应用LittleStar摘得学生类开发者大奖。

    Bibobox 's 30-page interactive storybook Little Star won the student developer award at Apple 's Worldwide Developers Conference ( WWDC ) , held June 11-15 in San Francisco , US .

  5. 本周一,在旧金山座无虚席的会场上,史蒂夫乔伊斯以一个主题发言拉开了本次苹果全球开发者大会的序幕。会上,他公布了最新的iPhone产品-iPhone4。

    Steve Jobs opened up the World Wide Developers Conference on Monday with a keynote address to a packed house in San Francisco , where he unveiled Apple 's newest iPhone , the iPhone 4 .

  6. 在2008年的夏天,史蒂夫·乔布斯在位于旧金山Moscone中心召开的苹果全球开发者大会上露面,向大家介绍了最新版本的iPhone。

    In the summer of2008 , Steve Jobs appeared on stage at Apple 's Worldwide Developers Conference in San Francisco 's Moscone Center to introduce the latest version of the iPhone .

  7. 周一召开的苹果全球开发者大会(WWDC)上,开发者们可能忽略了苹果对于Spotlight的重视程度,但行业资讯网站广告时代AdAge却注意到了这一点。Spotlight是Mac电脑主屏幕右上角的一个小放大镜图标。

    The developers in the audience at WWDC may have missed the significance of the attention Apple AAPL 1.41 % paid Monday to Spotlight - the little magnifying glass on the top right hand corner of the Mac 's home screen - but Ad Age didn 't.

  8. 该平台最早将于今年与公众见面,并很有可能在今年6月份举行的苹果全球开发者大会上发布。

    The platform might be introduced to the public as early as this year , with a great chance to be launched at the company 's Worldwide Developers Conference in June .

  9. 在旧金山举行的苹果年度全球开发者大会上,首席执行官蒂姆o库克于美国东部时间下午1点登台,欢迎数千名与会软件开发人员。他们中有些人为了确保能参会,在一天前就已经开始排队。

    CEO Tim Cook took the stage at 1 p.m. ET at Apple 's annual Worldwide Developers Conference in San Francisco to welcome a crowd of a few thousand software developers - some of whom had lined up a day earlier to ensure themselves a spot in the audience .

  10. 苹果股票周二下滑,压抑了大市场的反弹。苹果股票下滑始于周一苹果全球开发者大会,并且苹果股票将持续大跌。

    Apple shares fell Tuesday , bucking the broad market rebound and continuing a sharp sell-off that began during Monday 's Worldwide Developer Conference .