
wèn dá
  • questions and answers;Q and A
问答 [wèn dá]
  • [questions and answers] 提问和回答

问答[wèn dá]
  1. 在语言教学中问答法是一种很好的训练。

    Questions and answers are a good discipline in language teaching .

  2. 现在我们有大约10分钟的问答时间。

    Now we have about ten minutes for questions and answers .

  3. 你申请参加这次问答比赛了吗?

    Have you entered your name for the quiz yet ?

  4. EDX评估工具需要实实在在的老师或评分者首先评判100份短文或问答题。

    The EdX assessment tool requires human teachers , or graders , to first grade 100 essays or essay questions .

  5. 面向网络的问答系统为Web信息处理技术的研究提供了新的思想和思路。

    Web-oriented QA system provides a new idea for infomation processing technology .

  6. 大规模信息过滤技术研究及其在Web问答系统中的应用

    Research on Techniques of Large-scale Information Filtering and Its Application in Web Question Answering System

  7. 给出了基于Web的数学概念知识问答系统,研究了问答系统中查询语言的命名独立性及实现方法。

    One technology within the Web-based knowledge query system , query language independence , is introduced with details .

  8. 在web教学系统中,教学策略主要体现在学习资源(学习资源不仅仅包括声音、文本、视频等单独的媒体素材,在web上出现的练习,问答等也应看作学习资源)的选择和组织上。

    In web-based instructional system , instructional strategy is embodied mainly in the choosing and organizing of learning resources .

  9. 主要对基于Web的开放领域问答系统及其涉及的信息检索、信息抽取、自然语言处理等相关技术内容进行了分析研究。

    This article discusses Web-Based Open Domain Question Answering System and the relevant technologies , such as information retrieval , information extraction , natural language process and so on .

  10. 问答(QuestionAnswering,QA)系统是可以提供更加精确的检索结果的新一代的信息检索系统。

    Question Answering system is a new generation of information retrieval systems which can provide more accurate searching results .

  11. 问答式运动规约CRC的软件实现

    The Realization of CRC in the Telecontrol Polling Protocol

  12. 基于HPSG文法的Web问答技术研究

    Research on HPSG Based Web Question-Answering Technology

  13. 想了解更多关于VM的系统要求可以访问我们的技术问答。

    To find out more about the system requirements for the VM visit our Technical FAQ .

  14. 我将采用问答的形式介绍和SAML有关的概念。

    I will explain the concepts associated with SAML using a question-and-answer format .

  15. 从跨文化语用学角度来看,EFL课堂问答过程中往往发生一系列的面子威胁行为。

    From the perspective of cross-cultural pragmatics , the question-answer process in TEF classroom often incurs a series of " face-threatening acts " .

  16. 下面请看用户与Siri的各种爆笑问答:

    See some of Siri 's most entertaining answers to user questions here .

  17. 提出在问答系统中使用形式概念分析(FCA)来抽取答案。

    A question answering method was proposed using formal concept analysis ( FCA ) to extract answers .

  18. 关于数字MMDS几个技术问题的问答

    Discussions on a few questions of the digital MMDS transmitting cable digital TV

  19. 本系统的研究成果和采用的技术也能适用于其他限定领域的基于FAQ的问答系统。

    The technologies used and research results in this system have extensive commonality in limited fields Q & A system .

  20. 数十年来一直是美国国家公共广播电台代表声音的卡尔·卡塞尔宣布,他将于今年春天辞去在NPR机智问答节目《waitwaitdon'ttellme》中担任的工作。

    A signature voice here in NPR for decades , Carl Kasell is announcing effectively this spring he 'll be stepping down from his work on the NPR quiz show wait wait don 't tell me .

  21. 主要包括Sphinx平台的语音识别技术,ALICE智能机器人问答系统框架以及在Android平台上开发分布式系统的相关技术。

    This includes voice recognition technology on Sphinx Platform , framework of Alice intelligent robot question-answering system , and the correlative technologies of developing distributed system on Android Platform .

  22. 方法用应付方式问卷、SCL-90、自我意识开放性问答,比较2003-2004年下半学期选修《健康心理学》的369名大学生教学前后心理健康变化情况。

    Methods 369 medical college students were tested by Coping Style Questionnaire , SCL-90 and self-consciousness opening answer to compare the mental health before and after attending the course of health psychology .

  23. 例如:在英汉双语例句检索系统中,两个句子语法结构相似,就可以认为这两个句子是相似的;而在基于FAQ的自动问答中,则需要两个句子意思基本相同。

    For example , if the structure of the syntax is similar , we can think the two sentences are similar in the example retrieval system .

  24. 自动答疑系统中问题定位方法的研究提出基于FAQ自动问答技术来构建网校自动答疑系统,完成系统设计与开发。

    This paper put forward a method of automatic question-answering system based on FAQ technology for net-schools and described the design and implementation of the system .

  25. 自动问答系统(QuestionAnswerSystem,简称QAS)是一种基于因特网,运用了自然语言理解技术的高性能软件系统,能够自动解答人们提出的常规性的问题。

    The automatic question and answer system ( Question Answer System , is called QAS ) is the high performance software system that is based on Internet , with the use of the natural language understanding to answer the regular questions raised by people .

  26. 这张简单的图片是由库马尔·安吉特在果壳问答网站上创造的,并且已经在Facebook上被分享了几十万次,图片显示了一个简单的素描,要求用户们计算其中包含了多少个三角形。

    The simple drawing , which was created by Kumar Ankit on quora.com and has been shared hundreds of thousands of times on Facebook , shows a simple sketch , and asks users to calculate how many triangles it contains .

  27. Zappos还打算在电梯内安装益智问答等电子游戏,从而有助于打破让人尴尬的沉闷,奥尔森说道。

    In its elevators it hopes to install digital games , such as trivia challenges , to help break awkward silences , says Mr. Olson .

  28. 谷歌中国前负责人也曾在在线问答网站Quora中表示,阿里巴巴和马云并不适合管理雅虎。

    And the former head of Google China said on Quora that Alibaba and Ma aren 't suited to manage Yahoo .

  29. 基于我所在实验室之前关于中文语音识别应用的实践,决定实现一个以语音智能机器人问答为交互方式基于Android智能手机平台的孕妇保健知识查询软件系统。

    Based on the practice our laboratory made on Chinese speech recognition before , I determine to build a maternal care query software system that using the Q and A system of voice intelligent robot as its interactive mode on Android Platform .

  30. 在在线论坛Reddit上的随便问我点啥的问答环节,他回答了这第三个问题,这名微软创始人坦言,他希望他会说法语、阿拉伯语或是汉语。

    Speaking in his third Ask Me Anything question-and-answer session for online forum Reddit , the Microsoft founder revealed that he wished he spoke French , Arabic or Chinese .