
wèn tí dān
  • questionnaire
  1. 而这些问题单靠北京自身是难以解决的。

    And it is difficult for Beijing to solve these problems by itself .

  2. 从太原市河西北中部污水处理厂的建设,说明处理水的回用问题单靠一项环评是难以解决的,应该统筹规划。

    It shown that the problem about reuse of disposed water only depend on an assessment is difficult to solve and should plan as a whole .

  3. 然而无论他使用要病人自己填写问题单的方法还是更微妙的面谈方法,被鉴定为A型性格的人的结局并不比其他人糟。

    Yet , no matter whether he used the self-report questionnaires or the more subtle interview technique , people identified as Type A 's did not fare worse than the others .

  4. 在仲裁过程中,仲裁庭认为必要时可以发布程序令、发出问题单、举行庭前会议、召开预备庭、制作审理范围书等。

    During the process of arbitration proceedings , the arbitration tribunal may issue procedural orders , send out questionnaires , hold meetings before hearing , convene preliminary hearings , draw up terms of reference , etc.

  5. 对问题单约束0-1线性整数规划问题(0-1ILP,背包问题)的特性进行了分析,设计了问题求解的算法&降维替换算法(线性规划求解与特殊启发式相结合的方法)。

    In this paper , we analyzed some property for the single restrict 0-1 ILP ( one dimension knapsack problem , knapsack problem ), designed an algorithm using the linear programming solution combined with heuristic & reduce dimension and replace variable algorithm .

  6. 我们认为把P2P的思想与Web服务结合起来,可以有效地解决Web服务的瓶颈性问题和单点失效问题。

    We consider the combination of P2P and Web services will solve these problems in the architecture .

  7. OFDM超宽带射频收发器设计关键问题及单芯片实现

    Research and Design of OFDM UWB Transceiver with Full Chip Implementation

  8. 这两个问题在单用户MIMO系统的研究已经比较成熟。

    In single user MIMO system , both issues are developed very well .

  9. P2P系统固有的分散特性正好可以解决传统C/S模式电子商务系统所面临的主要问题:单点失效;成本高等。

    The peculiarity of decentralization in P2P system solves many main problems such as single node invalidation , high cost and so on , that are confronted in C / S model .

  10. 研究重点主要集中于目标出现之前的目标侦测问题、单目标定位算法问题以及追踪过程中的节点唤醒问题,并在Matlab平台上构建了仿真实验系统。

    The points of the research focused on the target detection problem before target emerge , single-target positioning algorithm , as well as nodes awakening in the course of tracking , and Matlab-based simulation system is constructed .

  11. 武当群上部变沉积岩组时代归属问题:单锆石U-Pb年龄的制约

    A discussion on the age of the meta-sedimentary rocks in the upper part of the Wudang group : constrained by the grain-zircon U-Pb Dating

  12. 用该方法代替FDS软件中的亚格子应力模式构造的DES求解器被用来对湍流强迫对流问题和单室火灾问题进行数值模拟。

    The FDS software package was used as the numerical framework for the DES solver , which was then used to simulate a typical forced convection problem .

  13. 提出了一种用于代理搜索问题的单小区分析模型,并通过引入代理搜索成功概率(Agent-GotProbability)目标函数,首次推导出了一跳搜索环境下的成功概率解析表达式。

    This thesis proposes a model to analyze the agent-get problem , introduces an objective function named Agent-Got probability , and deduces the analytical expression of Agent-Got probability under one-hop condition for the first time .

  14. “很显然,要有效地解决这一问题,单在一个领域中,如在立法或技术方面采取行动是远远不够的”,Reggi博士说。

    " It is clear that action in a single sphere , like legislation or technology is not enough to deal effectively with the problem ," said Dr Reggi .

  15. 单复变函数的几何理论是复分析理论中的一个重要的研究方向,复值映照类的Bloch常数和Landau定理等单叶半径估计问题是单复变函数理论中的重要研究问题之一。

    The geometry function theory of univalent functions is an important research branch in the theory of complex analysis . The estimate of the Bloch constant and Landau theorem of complex valued mappings is one of the important research topics in the field of the theory of univalent functions .

  16. 非线性椭圆方程边值问题的单重特征值的分歧

    Bifurcation from Simple Multiplicity of Eigenvalues for Nonlinear Elliptic Equation Boundary Problems

  17. 而这些问题,单靠传统的库存模型并不能给出满意的答案。

    Above all is short of traditional inventory model .

  18. 解决这些问题,单靠传统的理论方法,是难以为继的。

    It is impossible to explain so many problems only by tradition theories and methods .

  19. 是他们挑起的,但问题不单在他们身上。

    I mean it is , but it 's. .. it 's not just them .

  20. 如何解决这个问题,单点登录,对企业来说不为一个最好的选择。

    How do solve this problem , single sign-on , it is the best choice for enterprises .

  21. 第二章对传统仓库理论进行简单综述。而这些问题,单靠传统的库存模型并不能给出满意的答案。

    The second Chapter states the traditional inventory theories . Above all is short of traditional inventory model .

  22. 非均质各向异性介质三维各向异性非线性位场边值问题的单媒质有限元分析各向异性电介质波导

    A 3-D Finite Element Analysis of Potential Boundary Value Field Problems with Anisotropic and Nonlinear Media for Single-medium Elements

  23. 这个模型用于构造处理模糊性和不确定性决策问题的单目标决策专家系统。

    The model is suitable for establishing the expert systems that dispose the single-target decision problems with uncertainty and fuzziness .

  24. 协同编辑系统支持多人同时对同一文档进行操作,其中的版本控制问题与单用户编辑器相比显得更为复杂,尤为重要。

    Supporting many persons to operate on a document at the same time is a basic function in collaborative editing system .

  25. 这些问题不单影响作为个体的经济利益问题,同时也影响着整个传统相声艺术能否持续发展的问题。

    This will affect the economic interests as individuals , but also affect the sustainability of the traditional dialogue artistic development .

  26. 教学改革中暴露的问题不单是教学技术的问题,而更多的是文化层面的问题,研究教学改革应当与一定的社会文化问题结合起来。

    The problems exposed in teaching reform are not only involved in technical level , but more concerned with cultural level .

  27. 一个节点位置优化的实际工程问题&单螺杆泵抽油杆系统扶正器间距的优化设计。

    A engineering example of nodal positions optimization ptimal design of staff and centralizer span for single screw pump in inclined shaft .

  28. 多年以来,人们在一些传统的优化问题诸如单目标优化问题的研究上已经十分成熟。

    For years , researches in some of the traditional optimization problems such as single objective optimization problem are already very mature .

  29. 数据所有权、性能问题及单点故障还有更多普遍的问题都存在于这个解决方案中。

    Data ownership , performance problems , and being a single point of failure rank among the more common problems with this solution .

  30. 根据配送中心数目的多少,物流配送车辆调度问题有单配送中心车辆调度问题和多配送中心车辆调度问题之分。

    According to the number of distribution center , the vehicle scheduling problem can be divided into single-depot vehicle routing problem and multi-depot vehicle routing problem .