
wèn dá tí
  • essay question;questions and answers exercise
  1. 最后的问答题有点难,你写了什么?

    I struggled with the essay question on the back . What did you write ?

  2. 来自美国一流高校的80多位利益相关方赞成这项提议。此外,耶鲁大学也将会于明年的申请书上附加一道问答题,要求申请者“提出他们对家庭、社区或公众的参与和贡献”

    More than 80 stakeholders from first-tier colleges and universities have endorsed it . Yale University will be adding an essay question on next year 's application that will ask applicants " to reflect on engagement with and contribution to their family , community and / or the public good . "

  3. EDX评估工具需要实实在在的老师或评分者首先评判100份短文或问答题。

    The EdX assessment tool requires human teachers , or graders , to first grade 100 essays or essay questions .

  4. 我们准备了许多与亚运会有关的问答题。

    There are many questions about Asian Games at Lobby Bar .

  5. 我说该出今天的有奖问答题了。

    I said it is time we set today 's award-winning question .

  6. 那我们就赶快出今天的有奖问答题吧。

    Let 's hurry and set today 's award-winning question .

  7. 别忘了给大家出今天的有奖问答题。

    Don 't forget to set today 's award-winning question .

  8. 今天的有奖问答题还没有出呢。

    We haven 't set today 's award-winning question yet .

  9. 让我们做有关这张照片的问答题。

    Let 's do Questions and Answers on the picture .

  10. 我们今天的问答题时间可又到了呀。

    Now it 's time again to answer the day 's question .

  11. 今天的有奖问答题我已经想好了。

    I 've already doped out today 's award-winning question .

  12. 我们希望学生能够自行完成我们出的问答题。

    You are expected to complete the problem sets on your own .

  13. 玛丽亚:为什么不直接给我们开放式的问题或者问答题?

    Maria : Why can 't they give us open-ended or essay questions ?

  14. 有奖问答题吧。我去开车。

    Question for our audience . I 'm going to start the car .

  15. 好。今天的有奖问答题是这样的。

    Sure . Here 's today 's award-winning question .

  16. 我们也该请您回答今天的有奖问答题。

    Now it 's time for you to answer today 's award-winning question .

  17. 问答题:动物细胞培养与植物,微生物细胞培养的不同?

    Question-and-answer drills : Zooblast cultivates with plant , microorganism cell cultivation diversity ?

  18. 你需要玩一些简单的游戏,以获取问答题的正确答案。

    you play simple games to enter the correct answers to quiz questions .

  19. 各同学请留意,二月七日的补课的测验,试卷中包含多项选择题及问答题。

    The test on7 th Feb contains multiple choice question and conventional questions .

  20. 请听好今天的有奖问答题。

    Please listen carefully to today 's award-winning question .

  21. 好,今天的问答题是。

    Well , here 's today 's question .

  22. 然后读一些相对较难的文章,做一些问答题。

    Then read some considerably difficult articles and do some questions and answers exercises .

  23. 当同学们看到只有5个问答题时,他们简直要裂开嘴笑了。

    And smiles began biger as the students found there were only five questions .

  24. 以下两个综合问答题会出现在期末考。

    Below are the two essay questions that will appear on the final exam .

  25. 他们告诉他,他有三个小时去完成这一问答题。

    They told him that he would have three hours to complete the one-question quiz .

  26. 得,罚我出今天的有奖问答题吧。

    Okay , as a punishment , I 'll set the award-winning question for today .

  27. 来说说今天的有奖问答题吧。

    How about today 's award-winning question ?

  28. 对于问答题,在线考试系统采用关键字模糊匹配的方法。

    For the Q & A , the system uses the keyword fuzzy matching method .

  29. 我先来给您出今天的问答题。

    I set a question for today .

  30. 问答题自动评判技术的研究与实现

    The Study and Realization on the Technology of the Auto - judging of Essay - Question