
  • 网络the heart of the matter;core of the problem
  1. 问题的核心是一种被称为三磷酸腺苷(ATP)的分子,它可以为任何类型活体细胞的细胞生命活动直接供能。

    At the heart of the matter is a molecule called adenosine triphosphate ( ATP ), which serves as a direct source of energy for doing cellular work in any kind of living cell .

  2. 试析《问题的核心》主人公斯戈比的怜悯

    On Scobie 's Sense of Pity in The Heart of the Matter

  3. 是非界限是所有道德问题的核心。

    The distinction between right and wrong lies at the heart of all questions of morality .

  4. 问题的核心是供求关系。

    The heart of the problem is supply and demand

  5. 我们必须抓住问题的核心。

    We must get to the heart of the issue .

  6. 他没有触及问题的核心。

    He didn 't get to the core of the subject .

  7. 我们没触及问题的核心。

    We didn 't get to the core of the subject .

  8. 他的问题的核心是缺钱。

    The kernel of his problem is lack of money .

  9. 问题的核心(core)让我心烦(bore)。

    The core of the problem bores me .

  10. 解决该问题的核心就是对多UCAV协同任务规划问题进行合理的建模和求解,以及适应环境动态变化的在线规划。

    Properly modeling and solving , online planning for dynamic environment are the keys to solve this problem .

  11. 我觉得我们可能甚至已经抵达了一个问题的核心:为什么事实上有些M.B.A.反而毁掉了一些前途大好的创业家。

    I think we may even have reached the point where some M.B.A. 's actually damage up-and-coming entrepreneurs .

  12. 这么做的一个结果是,提高了金砖四国(BRIC)中其它国家讨价还价的能力。如今这些国家处于许多国际问题的核心。

    One of the upshots of this is that it increases the bargaining power of the other BRICs , which are these days at the centre of so many international issues .

  13. 首尔国立大学公共卫生学院的YangBong-min教授认为,缺乏严格监管是问题的核心。

    For Yang Bong-min , a professor of the School of Public Health at Seoul National University , a lack of regulatory rigour is at the heart of the problem .

  14. 因为债券部分是固定的,所以如何对其期权部分进行合理的定价便成了该问题的核心。目前大多数学者几乎都是在假设波动率为常数的前提下对满足B-S公式的期权进行定价求解。

    The pure bond portion is fixed , so how reasonably pricing options become the heart of this problem . Now , most of the scholars assume that volatility is constant when they use B-S option pricing formula .

  15. 因此,城镇化就成为解决上述三个问题的核心之所在。

    Hence , urbanization becomes the core of these three problems .

  16. 而农村地权制度是农村土地问题的核心所在。

    And the rural land property system is the hard core .

  17. 为什么不直击问题的核心呢?

    Why not go directly to the heart of the problem ?

  18. 问题的核心是祖国统一。

    The most important issue is the reunification of the motherland .

  19. 而其中问题的核心就是电力需求和电煤的需求。

    The core issue lies in the demand of electricity and coal .

  20. 影像匹配是三维重建问题的核心。

    The key problem to 3D reconstruction is image correspondence .

  21. 波形合成中方向问题的核心是相位计算。

    The key problem of directions in waveforms synthesizing is phase calculation .

  22. 这是我们所面临的公共政策问题的核心。

    This is the heart of the public policy issues we face .

  23. 三农问题的核心是农民问题,解决农村富余劳动力的就业问题是解决农民问题的关键。

    The farmer is at the core of China 's agriculture-related problems .

  24. 这些问题的核心是发展不平衡。

    At the heart of the issues is an imbalance .

  25. 全球问题的核心就是人的问题&人的价值观念问题。

    The problem about human self is just the core of global problems .

  26. 问题的核心在于过时的央行战略。

    At the heart of the problem lies an outmoded central banking strategy .

  27. 问题的核心是:你是向谁祷告?

    The question is really-to whom are we praying ?

  28. 所有这些问题的核心经济论点从未真正改变过。

    The economic argument at the heart of all this never really changes .

  29. 意义问题的核心是语言如何表征实在。

    The core of the problem of meaning is how language represents reality .

  30. 因此,住房价格与居民支付能力始终是住房问题的核心。

    Therefore , housing price and affordable ability of people are core problems .