
  1. 我反对资本主义的意识形态。

    I don 't agree with the ideology of capitalism .

  2. 他们真是要搞社会主义、反对资本主义复辟吗?

    Did the Gang really want to build socialism and oppose the restoration of capitalism ?

  3. 梁漱溟既反对资本主义的经济制度,也反对社会本位的经济制度。

    Liang both opposed bourgeois economic system , and also the social based economic system .

  4. 因为随着衰退带来痛苦,确实存在强烈反对资本主义的危险。

    For as recession bites , there is real danger of a backlash against capitalism itself .

  5. 我们用社会主义来反对资本主义。

    We oppose socialism to capitalism .

  6. 资本主义全球化的结果将是反对资本主义的,其前景将是社会主义的。

    As a result of capitalist globalization , the prospect of our world will be socialism but not capitalism .

  7. 所有那些反对资本主义的人士总是被默多克和其他右翼的肮脏媒体无端地诬蔑中伤。

    All those who fought back against capitalism were vilified mercilessly by the Murdoch and right-wing gutter media in general .

  8. 他认为,生态学是反对资本主义的,资本主义的生产方式是导致生态危机的根本原因。

    He holds that ecology is anti ? capitalism , and capitalistic production mode is the root cause of the eco ? crisis .

  9. 但是他们的革命却被无处不在的「星巴克」无情地、慢慢地破坏摧毁,反映了他们反对资本主义的入侵是徒劳的。

    Their " revolution " however is bluntly undermined by the relentlessly ubiquitous presence of " Starbucks ", rendering their ambitions futile against an encroaching capitalism .

  10. 在经济上反对资本主义的过度生产和竞争,也反对稳态经济模式,主张一种把计划和市场结合起来的适度发展的经济模型。

    In economy , he rejected overproduction and over competition of ( capitalism ), and he ( advocated ) the economic mode which combined planning with market-oriented economy .

  11. 抗议者中有一名在急救营工作的精神科护士。他说自己倒不反对资本主义,但消费主义与他在工作中见到的成瘾行为有很多相像之处。

    A psychiatric nurse who works in the first-aid tent says he is not anti-capitalist but consumerism has much in common with the addictive behaviour he sees at work .

  12. 对英国公学的产物来说,他们比较看不起商贸,这只是反对资本主义的一个小原因,更主要的问题是宏观调控。

    For products of the English public school , apt to despise trade , it was but a small step to reject capitalism , and place faith in greater state control .

  13. 一位欧洲高层官员(法国人,而非英国人)近来抱怨称,伦敦反对资本主义的普通抗议者,比普通的德国政治家更懂得市场是如何运行的。

    One top European official , ( French , not British ) groaned recently that : The average anti-capitalist demonstrator in London has more understanding of how markets work than the average German politician .

  14. 全球金融市场面临许多疑问,但恐怕没有哪个如下述疑问这般有强烈的针对性:全球经济能否及时反弹,以消弥百万工人不断高涨的反对资本主义在某些场合已走向暴力之声?

    There are many questions hanging over global financial markets , but none more pertinent , perhaps , than the following : will the global economy rebound in time to quell rising discontent among the millions of workers who have turned violently in some cases against capitalism ?

  15. 一些人指责雷纳德反对资本主义、反对物质的东西。但是她坚称,实际上,她支持物质的东西,尽管她承认,她的大部分东西都是二手货。

    Looking at the five different stages , she followed products from extraction all the way to disposal . Leonard has been accused of being anti-capitalist and anti-stuff , but insists that , actually , she is pro-stuff , although , she admits , most of her possessions are second-hand .

  16. 他强调利权归我,强烈反对外国资本主义的经济侵略。

    He emphasized that " Benefit returns to me " and he opposed foreign capitalist economic invasion .

  17. 自从19世纪中叶以来,左派的主要任务就是反对伴随资本主义而产生的不平等现象。

    JORGE CASTANEDA : The left 's main issue since the middle of the19th century has been inequality that accompanies capitalism .

  18. 但是不要把反对党内资本主义思想的斗争,错误地移到社会经济方面,去反对资本主义的经济成分。

    However , we should not mistakenly carry over the struggle against capitalist ideas within the party to the field of social economy and oppose the capitalist sector of the economy .

  19. 帝国主义侵略中国,反对中国独立,反对中国发展资本主义的历史,就是中国的近代史。

    Indeed the history of modern China is a history of imperialist aggression , of imperialist opposition to China 's independence and to her development of capitalism .