
  • 网络Mead;MEADE;margaret mead;G. H. Mead;George Herbert Mead
  1. 神经学讲师理查德?米德(RichardMead)表示,BenevolentAI已确认一种药物发现的途径并开启了一种惊人的新途径。

    Richard Mead , lecturer in neuroscience , says that Benevolent has already validated one pathway for drug discovery and opened up a surprising new one .

  2. 友善的企业让人更乐于为之工作。如果你认可管理学大师彼得•德鲁克(PeterDrucker)说的那句话,即“文化能把战略当早餐吃”(cultureeatsstrategyforbreakfast),你应该考虑赞同彼得•米德学派。

    Nice companies are more pleasant to work in , and if you agree with management guru Peter Drucker that " culture eats strategy for breakfast " you should consider subscribing to the Peter Mead school of business .

  3. 然后他在费城的米德维尔钢铁公司(midvalesteelworks)工作并成为总工程师,然后转到伯利恒钢铁公司工作。

    He then worked at Midvale steel works in Philadelphia , where he became chief engineer , before moving to Bethlehem Steel Company .

  4. 米德曾是一家极受尊崇的广告公司AbbotMeadVickers(即现在的AMVBBDO)的联合创始人。

    He was a co-founder of the highly regarded advertising agency Abbot Mead Vickers , now AMV BBDO .

  5. 下一个时代的开始或多或少与出版了“超大规模集成电路系统导论”的1.3666米德和Lynn康威在1980年。

    The next era began more or less with the publication of " Introduction to VLSI Systems " by Carver Mead and Lynn Conway in1980 .

  6. 人类学家米德(MargaretMead)写过巴厘岛人难以置信的忙碌,完全没错&巴厘人家少有偷闲时光。

    Margaret Mead wrote about the in-credible busy-ness of the Balinese , and it 's true & there is rarely an idle moment in a Balinese compound .

  7. 1981年,电影《D·B·库柏的冒险旅程》(ThePursuitofD.B.Cooper)问世,由崔特·威廉姆斯(TreatWilliams)领衔饰演一位名叫J.R.米德(J.R.Meade)的前美军特种部队成员。

    In 1981 , the movie " The Pursuit of D.B. Cooper " opened with Treat Williams in the lead role as a former Green Beret named J.R. Meade .

  8. 这家总部位于加利福尼亚罗斯米德市的集团公司旗下管理着1500多家熊猫快餐厅(PandaExpress)、聚丰园餐厅(PandaInn)和Hibachi-San日本料理餐厅,遍布全美42个州以及墨西哥首都墨西哥城。今年是熊猫餐饮集团成立40周年。

    Their Rosemead , Calif. , company now manages a total of 1500 Panda Express , Panda Inn , and Hibachi-San restaurants in 42 states and Mexico City , and it is celebrating its 40th anniversary this year .

  9. 随后,论文从米德冲突、Mundell-Fleming模型、货币模型等角度对我国两个区间货币政策的特征事实分别做了理论解释。

    Subsequently , the paper gives a theoretical explanation to the facts of monetary policy in two parts from the perspectives of Mead conflict , the Mundell-Fleming model , monetary model .

  10. 但毕马威金融科技业务全球联合主管沃伦.米德(WarrenMead)表示,中国成为“市场领导者”以及金融科技的日益全球化意味着,英国政策制定者和监管机构将“必须继续努力维持我们的地位”。

    But Warren Mead , global co-head of fintech at KPMG , said the emergence of China as " a market leader " and the increasing globalisation of fintech means UK policy makers and regulators will " have to continue to work hard to maintain our position . "

  11. 青年心理的独特研究与启示&浅谈米德关于青年心理的跨文化研究

    Mead ′ s peculiar study on youth psychology and Its Enlightenment

  12. 米德夫人想买一个洛可可式的椅子。

    Mrs. Mead is looking for a chair in rococo style .

  13. 长城上罗斯米德大道东210高速公路北行线。

    Wall on northbound lanes of210 freeway east of Rosemead Blvd .

  14. 皮蒂也怯生生地开口了:“我请你,米德大夫&”

    Pitty began , timidly : " Please , Dr. Meade & "

  15. 在此以前,思嘉还一直希望是米德大夫诊断错了。

    Until that moment , Scarlett had hoped Dr. Meade was mistaken .

  16. “你说米德大夫在火车站?”

    " You say Dr. Meade 's at the depot ?"

  17. “米德太太上医院去了,”思嘉说。

    " Mrs. Meade 's over at the hospital ," said Scarlett .

  18. 他不可能把米德的股份卖给�

    He 's not gonna sell his shares of Meade to you .

  19. 米德的自我理论述评

    The Connotation of Mead 's Self-Theory and Its Comments

  20. 我要跟米德大夫谈谈这件事。

    I shall speak to Dr. Meade about it .

  21. 他们遇见了一个男人,并与其合作,后来他成了米德的第三任丈夫。

    they met and collaborated with the man who would become her third .

  22. 米德的文化模式对当代美学多元化发展的启示

    Enlightenment of Mead 's Theory of Culture Patterns on Diversified Development of Contemporary Aesthetics

  23. 米德是一位拥有许多桂冠的学者。

    Mead is an expert with many laurels .

  24. 米德自我概念的社会学转向

    The Sociological Shift of G.H.Meads ' Self Concept

  25. 网络时代的自我构建&从米德谈起

    Self Construction in the Age of Internet A Study Based on Mead 's Theory

  26. 门稍稍开了,米德大夫站在门口急平地招呼她。

    The door opened slightly and Dr. Meade stood on the threshold , beckoning imperiously .

  27. 米德:美国传播学的鼻祖

    Mead , Founder of American Communication Science

  28. 第二部分,简要概述米德的自我理论的哲学基础及其理论背景。

    Part Two briefly generalizes Mead 's philosophical foundation and theoretical background of his self-theory .

  29. 另一类是游戏与语言,代表人物有维特根斯坦和米德。

    The other is game and language , which was represented by Wittgenstein and Mead .

  30. 位于宾夕法尼亚州米德维尔的阿勒格尼学院三年前也做出了类似的决定。

    Allegheny College in Meadville , Pa. , made a similar decision three years ago .