
mǐ gāo
  • rice cake;rice pudding
米糕[mǐ gāo]
  1. 这种米糕很糯。

    This rice cake is very sticky .

  2. 忽然,米糕从木盆中掉了出来,被一块大石头挡着。

    Suddenly , the rice cake fell out of the basin and stopped beside a big rock .

  3. 我是磨米房的,我来送米糕。

    I 've brought the rice cakes from the rice miii .

  4. 不一会儿,它就看见蟾蜍正吃着米糕!

    He soon found the toad eating the rice cake .

  5. 没有米糕我们没法进行仪式的。

    We can 't do the ritual without rice cakes !

  6. 我妈给我带的都是米糕。

    All my mother ever gives me are rice cakes .

  7. 你会收到米糕

    You 'll be handed rice cakes .

  8. 你可以做米糕。

    You can make rice cakes .

  9. 首先,猴子躲在村长家的大门后面,等机会入屋偷米糕。

    The monkey hid behind the door and waited for the chance to steal the rice cakes .

  10. 村子里家家户户都忙着准备米糕来庆祝新春佳节。

    All the families in the village were busy preparing rice cakes to celebrate the new year .

  11. 哇啊!他真帅。我们免费多奉送一个米糕给他。

    Wow , he is real good-looking . let 's give him an extra rice cake for free .

  12. 中国有种很有名的用米做的糕点,叫米糕。

    A Foreigner By Any Other Name In China , mi gao is a popular type of rice cake .

  13. 村长家的一名女工正忙着调制新年米糕。

    At that time , a servant of the village headman was busy cooking the rice cakes for the new year .

  14. 饥肠辘辘的它也很想吃米糕,可是却不好意思开口。

    He wanted to have a part of the rice cake too but he was too ashamed to ask for it .

  15. 富含复合碳水化合物的食品诸如:谷物、土豆、通心粉、饼干或者米糕等会让人感觉到放松和昏昏欲睡。

    Foods high in complex carbohydrates-such as cereals , potatoes , pasta , crackers , or rice cakes-make many people relaxed and drowsy .

  16. 猴子和蟾蜍来到村长的家,开始它们的偷米糕计划。

    The monkey and the toad reached the village headman 's house . Then they carried out their plan to steal the rice cakes .

  17. 城内一支大马帮的马锅头喜好甜食,尤其喜欢吃本地的米糕。

    Ma Guotou was the chief of one big caravan in the town . He had a sweet tooth especially for the rice cakes made locally .

  18. 这位心灵手巧的年轻女子,为了让丈夫在路途的劳顿中品尝到带着家乡味道的米糕,就想办法制作了一套方便携带的甄糕的工具。

    But this ingenious wife managed to invent a portable cooker which made it possible for her husband to enjoy rice cake of hometown taste in the journey .

  19. 素食食品随处可见,从无处不在、可品尝到辣米糕和红豆面包的街边小摊,到豪华餐馆和山顶的寺庙都可找到。

    It is possible to eat vegetarian food everywhere , from street stalls where spicy rice cakes and red-bean filled bread snacks are ubiquitous to swanky restaurants and mountain-top temples .

  20. 到大家回车,汽车上路,李先生在咀嚼米糕,寡妇和阿福在吸香烟。

    By the time everyone had returned to the bus and it started off , Li was munching away on rice cakes and the widow and Ah Fu were smoking cigarettes .

  21. 这一天最有代表性的食品是清香的打糕。打糕,就是将艾蒿与糯米饭,放置于独木凿成的大木槽里,用长柄木棰打制而成的米糕。

    On the day , the most representative food is rice cake , which mix wormwood and glutinous rice in a large tub , beat with a long handle wood crafted rice into cakes .

  22. 有一天,猴子对蟾蜍说:¨我们为什么不去偷些米糕回来吃呢?”它们讨论了好久,终于想出了一个办法。

    One day , the monkey asked the toad , " How shall we steal some of the rice cakes to eat ? " They talked about this for some time . In the end , they came up with an idea .

  23. 可是平日里走南闯北奔波在外,难以满足口福,而制作米糕的圆甄携带也不方便,所以让心疼丈夫的妻子很是遗憾。

    But he was always on the go most of the times and didn 't have the luck in having rice cake . Besides , Zengzi , the earthen utensil for steaming rice cake was not portable , which was really something his wife always felt regrettable about .

  24. 这样,小圆甄恰好放在锅盖的洞眼上,只需在锣锅中盛满水,置于炉火上,在小甄内放上混合好的米面,两个小甄一起蒸,三五分钟后,米糕就熟了。

    This way , these small containers can just be put in a position suitable for the holes of the pot cover . One can just put pot with water on stove and fill the small containers with mixed rice and paste to have rice cake done within a few minutes .