
yóu yù
  • oil bath
油浴[yóu yù]
  1. 采用油浴式齿轮箱,机电一体化全PLC控制系统,确保高卷绕速度下的优质成型与运行稳定性;

    To apply with the oil bath gearbox , electronic-mechanical with PLC control system to ensure high speed with excellent widing quality ;

  2. 这个过程会随着油浴升温开始变快,原本的氧化态的铂迅速变成了Pt粒子,溶液颜色改变,生成胶体。

    This process become quickly with the oil bath temperature rising , the original oxidation state of platinum rapidly become into Pt particles , the solution color changed and the colloid appeared .

  3. 目的探讨维生素E油浴应用于早产儿治疗中的作用。

    Objective To explore the vitamin E ( VitE ) oil bath function in premature infants treatment .

  4. 以中央核处理器(CPU)这一典型的金含量高的电子废弃物为实验对象,采用油浴离心分离法、熔锡法及真空热解法对CPU进行预处理以实现针脚的分离。

    Central processing unit ( CPU ), a significant electronic component with a high gold content , was taken in experiment . CPU was pre-processed by centrifugal separation , solder smelting and vacuum pyrolysis to separate the pins from the base plates .

  5. 油浴润滑IP68双重密封的选择。

    Oil bath lubricated IP68 double-sealed option .

  6. 拉断后试样在250℃油浴加热40s,因相对稳定下来的应力诱发马氏体的恢复,伸长率减少至29.3%

    The relative stabilization stress induced martensite reversed when the tensile failure specimens were put into 250 ℃ oil for 40 s , and the elongation percentage decreased to 29.3 % .

  7. 为75~100kW拖拉机设计了配套用大流量油浴式空气滤清器。

    A high volume oil-bath air cleaner is developed for 75 to 100 kW tractors . Using T.

  8. 油浴/干式组合空滤器在格尔发上的应用与分析

    Application and analysis of oil bath / dry air cleaner on gallop

  9. 可燃性气体清除检验油浴式滤清器通气管

    Inspection of freedom from inflammable vapour oil bath air breathing

  10. 一种方法是采用油浴。

    One method is to use an oil bath .

  11. 泥巴、岩石、橄榄油浴。

    Mud . Rocks . Olive oil showers .

  12. 大流量油浴式空气滤清器设计

    The Design of High Volume Oil-bath Air Filter

  13. 在油浴润滑系统中,在安装轴承之前不要涂上润滑脂。

    In oil-bath systems , do not pack the bearings with grease before installation .

  14. 所有驱动件均足油浴润滑运转,减少保养工作量及降低噪音。

    Headstock all drives lubricated in a single oil-bath , reduce maintenance and servicing .

  15. 恒温油浴在电缆设备温控系统中的应用

    The application of the constant temperature oil bath in the temperature control of the cable machinery

  16. 油浴温度145±1℃;

    Oil temperature 145 ? 1 ℃;

  17. 多片在油浴。

    Multi-plate in oil bath .

  18. 为了解决上述问题,我们提出了一种油浴搅拌加热的方法。

    To overcome this issue , a new method & heating oil bath with stirring was proposed .

  19. 该法使用毛细管和油浴,比过去沿用的方法准确、简单、节资、省时。

    Itis accurate , simple , inexpensive and time saving as compared with the older , conventional methods .

  20. 通过锥齿轮副实现转运系统,锥齿轮副组装在油浴式卡箍的内侧。

    Movement system of blades realized throughout bevel gear pair , which are assembled inside of oil-bath-tight carter .

  21. 油浴式滤清器通气管旋流管式空气滤清器

    Oil bath air breathing

  22. 油浴过滤不受大众欢迎,被认为是过时,因为它是一种激烈的改变。

    The oil bath filter isn 't popular and is considered obsolete because it is a hassle to change .

  23. 结果表明,与常规油浴加热相比,红外辐射不能促进反应的进行。

    The results indicate that infrared radiation can not promote the reaction compared to conventional heating by oil bath .

  24. 采用油浴法对思茅松木材进行热处理工艺的研究,从而分析研究热处理后思茅松木材的吸湿性。

    The heat-treated process of Pinus kesiya wood which adopted by oil method has been studied in this paper .

  25. 与普通油浴法比较微波辐射法具有收率高、耗时短、反应完全等优点。

    Microwave radiation method was better than normal oil bath method with higher yield , shorter time and more complete reacting .

  26. 重铬酸钾油浴法有机&无机复混肥中有机质测定方法研究重铬酸钾氧化法合成2-吡啶甲酸的研究

    Determination of Content of Organic Matter in Organic-inorganic Compound Fertilizers by Potassium Dichromate Synthesis of 2-pyridinecarboxylic acid by oxidation of potassium dichromate

  27. 反应是在实验室自行设计的无梯度反应器和油浴固定床反应器中进行。

    The reactions were carried out in an isocratic reactor and an oil bath fixed bed reactor , which are designed by us .

  28. 用烘箱加热法、油浴法、沸水浴法测定橡胶树不同器官的有机碳含量。

    Three methods including oven-heating , oil bath , and boiling water bath were used to determine organic carbon content in different organs of rubber trees .

  29. 罗兰把拥有动人的身体曲线和漂亮肤色的原因归功于自己“对生活的热爱,常享用美味的意大利面条以及泡橄榄油浴”。

    Loren puts her curves and complexion down to " a love of life , spaghetti , and the odd bath in virgin olive oil " .

  30. 关键技术包括:(1)适当的延长油浴加热时间,获得水力直径小且分布窄的氢氧化铝胶粒;

    The key technology includes : ( 1 ) prolonged heating time to obtain Al ( OH ) _3 particles with small size and narrow hydrodynamic diameter distribution ;