
  1. 利用泛克里金技术估算油气地质储量

    Estimating Geological Reserve of Oil and Gas by Universal Kriging Technique

  2. 关于油气地质储量费用进成本问题的思考

    Consideration on the Problem of Oil and Gas Geologic Reserve Expense into Cost

  3. 应用于油气地质储量计算,能有效地提高储量计算的精度。

    Using it to compute reserves , the accuracy of calculation can be increased .

  4. 容积法是计算油气地质储量的基本方法之一。

    Volume method is one of the basic methods for the calculation of gasoil reserves .

  5. 地震反演技术在油气地质储量研究及井位部署等方面的应用广泛。

    Seismic inversion technique is widely used in hydroear-bon geological reserve investigation and in well location selection .

  6. 塔里木盆地已获油气地质储量在构造单元和层位上呈明显的不均一性。

    Distribution of reserves that have already been discovered is significantly uneven in various structural units and horizons .

  7. 中国石油天然气总公司1988年颁布的油气地质储量有偿使用费标准已不适应目前市场经济的需要。

    The standard for valuable ? usable expense of oil ? gas reserves in place issued by CNPC in1988 has not fitted with the needs of market economy at present .

  8. 确定油藏过渡带的流体饱和度,是准确计算非均质、低渗透油藏中油水过渡带油气地质储量的关键。

    The calculation of fluid saturation in the transition zone is highly related to accurate calculation of oil and gas geologic reserve in oil / water transition zone in heterogeneous low permeability reservoirs .

  9. 当前,世界范围内的各大油气田,特别是中国东部油田新增油气地质储量多数来源于隐蔽油气藏。

    At present , in the most of big oil gas fields in this world , especially the oil fields in the east part of China , the newly found oil gas in place are predominantly from subtle reservoirs , which are very hard and costly to be developed .

  10. 在前人研究的基础上,对一种异常高压油气藏地质储量计算及动态预测的物质平衡新方法进行了分析和应用。

    Based on the previous research , the author made extensive analysis and application appraisements are made about a new material balance method of super high - pressure oil ( gas ) reservoirs to calculate reserves and predict performance .

  11. 为揭示油气形成机理、地质储量及其分布,必须查明油气藏地质特征在地史过程中的演变情况,孔隙度是这一地质过程中的重要参数,也是地史研究的主要内容。

    Porosity is the major parameter in the changing course of geological characters .

  12. 油气藏地质建模是储量计算的基础和前提。

    The modeling of complex hydrocarbon reservoirs is the premise and basis of the calculation of the reserves .

  13. 物质平衡方程式常常用于确定油、气藏原始地质储量,以及预测油、气藏的未来动态。

    Equation of material balance is used commonly for determining the amount of oil and gas originally in-place , and for predicting future reservoir performance .

  14. 为开拓找油新领域,解决好目前油气地质储量不足的问题,提出寻找中生代海相油气。

    In order to open new domains for oil exploration and solve the problem of insufficient remaining reserves , it is necessary to search for Mesozoic marine origin petroleum .

  15. 应用黑油模型计算油气藏过渡带油气地质储量

    Calculation of oil and gas geologic reserves in the transition zone with black oil simulator

  16. 我国是一个低渗油气藏资源比较丰富的国家,未动用的油气地质储量中,低渗油气藏占的比例很大。

    Low-permeability reservoirs are rich in China . The low-permeability reservoirs account for a large proportion in the unused oil and gas geological reserves .

  17. 通过调整毛管压力曲线确定含油饱和度分布,并应用引进的黑油模型,对夏子街油田三叠系克拉玛依组油藏过渡带的油气地质储量进行了计算。

    The distribution of oil saturation is determined by modifying the capillary pressure curves , and oil and gas geologic reserves in transition zone of Triassic ( Karamay formation ) in Karamay oilfield calculated with the introduced Black Oil model .

  18. JZ油气田为沙河街组砂岩油气藏,油田内部完钻探井8口,均获工业油气流,形成了一定的油气地质储量。

    JZ Shahejie oil and gas field is a sandstone reservoir , drilled 8 wells , industrial oil and gas flow were to form a certain amount of oil and gas geologic reserves .