
  1. 中国板块构造研究的某些新进展

    Some advances in researches of plate tectonics of China

  2. 是一个典型的代表广州市华南中国板块等等。

    Is a typical representative of the Guangzhou South China plate and so on .

  3. 关于中国板块动力学及其在国民经济中的一些应用

    The Geodynamics of the China Plate and some of its Application in our National Economy

  4. 因此,“南中国板块”失去了它的正常举行。

    Therefore , the " South China plate " lost its place on the normal .

  5. 中国板块构造概况

    The outline of China plate tectonics

  6. 自那时以来,位于广州市番禺区,“南中国板块”在数量越来越多。

    Since then , located in Panyu of Guangzhou ," South China plate " growing in volume .

  7. 以满足美好未来,我们期待到南中国板块充分的合理性。

    As to meet the glorious future , we look into the South China plate full of rational .

  8. 中国板块构造对油气盆地演化和油气分布特征的控制

    Control of plate tectonics over evolution of petroliferous basins and characteristic of oil and gas distribution in China

  9. 但是,已经移到绝大多数南中国板块的业主,在不是很好。

    But have already moved the vast majority of South China plate owners , having not very good .

  10. 而聚合拼贴形成的中国板块和中秦岭造山带与联合古陆的形成时期同为石炭、二叠纪。

    The North China and Yangtze paleo-plates coalesced to form China plate and middle Qinling orogenic belt in Carboniferous-Permian times .

  11. 滇黔桂大部分地区属中国板块,在哀牢山藤条河缝合带及昌宁双江缝合带以西属青藏板块。

    Most of Dian-Qian-Gui belongs to China Plate except the part to west of Ailaoshan-Tentiaohe Suture and Jingning-Shuangjiang Suture , which belongs to Qingzang Plate .

  12. 本文还从电性结构特征探讨了西拉木伦河断裂带可能是西伯利亚板块和中国板块的缝合线。

    According to the geoeletrical structure it is supposed that the Siramulen River fault zone seems to be a tectonic suture line between Siberia plate and China plate .

  13. 印支期以来陆相沉积盆地与造山带之间的转换,形成新秦岭造山带和中国板块(或地台)的裂解。

    In the third stage , since Indo Chinese epoch , the transformation from continental basin to mountain formed Neo Qinling and contributed to the rifting of the Chinese plate .

  14. 古生代-三叠纪板内(或地台)海相沉积盆地与造山带之间的转换形成中秦岭造山带和联合古陆(或中国板块);

    In the second stage , from Paleozoic to Triassic , the transformation from the marine sedimentary basin within the plate ( or platform ) to mountain formed Meso Qinling orogenic belt and Pangea ( or Chinese plate );

  15. 本文根据开合观点,将板缘构造与板内构造结合起来,按前震旦纪、古生代和中新生代三个阶段总结了中国板块构造的基本格局。

    In the light of the view of " Opening and Closing " , in combination with the plate boundary tectonics and the intraplate tectonics , the essential pattern of the plate tectonics of China is summarized in three stages : the Pre-Sinian , the Paleozoic , and the Mesozoic-Cenozoic .

  16. 中国天山板块构造

    The plate tectonics of Tianshan in China

  17. 中国南方板块构造

    Plate tectonics of southern China

  18. 南岭成矿带是太平洋及印度洋板块对中国大陆板块联合作用的结果。

    The Nanling metallogenic belt is the result of the combination of the Pacific plate and the Indian oceanic plate with the continental plate of China .

  19. 这些北北东向和北东向断层形成一条巨长的转换断层系列,也是中国大陆板块东缘与菲律宾洋块的一条边界。

    These NNE and NE faults become a long transform fault system and formed a boundary between the eastern margin of China Continental Plate and Philippine Sea Plate .

  20. “与其他上市银行相比,其估值不具吸引力,假如你不得不在自己的投资组合中持有中国银行板块股票,农行也不会是你的首选,”一名驻上海的基金经理人表示。

    " The valuation is unattractive compared to the other listed banks and if you have to hold Chinese bank stocks in your portfolio , AgBank would not be your first choice , " said one Shanghai-based fund manager .

  21. 中国股市ST板块弱有效性检验

    The Weak Validity Test of ST Portfolio in Chinese Stock Market

  22. 中国热带第四纪板块构造的地貌效应

    Geomorphological Effects of Plate Movement During Quaternary in China ′ s Tropics

  23. 中国古代文学板块论

    On the Schools of Ancient Literature in China

  24. 中国南海不同板块边缘沉积盆地构造特征

    Tectonic Characteristics on the Sedimentary Basins with Different Plate Margins in the South China Sea

  25. 中国东部扬子板块同华北板块在中&晚三叠世拼接的沉积学证据

    Sedimentologic Evidence on the Docking of Yangtse Plate and North China Plate in Middle-Late Triassic Period in East China

  26. 研究了中国大陆的板块划分,建立了中国大陆分板块速度场模型。

    This paper researched on the Chinese mainland division of the plates , established China ' smainland points plate velocity model .

  27. 中国股市汽车板块及相关行业风险与收益的实证研究

    An empirical study of the earning ratio and risk in China stock market of the automobile industry and its associated trades

  28. 中国大陆古板块演化是在全球板块运动的总体框架下进行的,受全球板块运动的控制。

    The evolution of the fossil continental plate in China had been carried out under the general framework of global plate movement , thus it had been controlled by the global plate movement .

  29. 中国古大陆板块的个性造就了中国海相盆地演化的多旋回性,由此形成烃源岩热成熟度高、目的层埋深大、保存条件差等个性。

    The characteristics of China 's paleo-continent plates brought up the multicycles of marine basin evolutions , which consequently resulted in high maturity , deep-buried target beds and poor preservation of marine source rocks .

  30. 晚三叠世末期,扬子板块才与中朝板块拼合,中国东部各板块联成一体,使构造格架基本定型。

    Up to the end of the Late Triassic , the Yangtze plate then collided with the China-Korea plate , the plates of eastern China amalgamated , the tectonic framework of which was fundamentally set up .