
yóu táo
  • nectarine
油桃[yóu táo]
  1. CO2施肥对大棚油桃光合作用及产量品质的影响

    The Effects of CO_ 2 Enrichment on Photosynthesis , Yield and Quality of Nectarine in Greenhouse

  2. 葡萄和油桃自然休眠解除过程中H2O2含量和抗氧化酶活性的变化

    Changes in H_2O_2 content and activities of antioxidant enzymes of grape and nectarine during natural dormancy-release

  3. 以完整水果作对比,草莓、杏子、葡萄柚、柠檬、酸橙、哈密瓜、油桃、橙子、梨、蓝莓、桃子、李子、苹果和菠萝的血糖负荷指数不超过6。

    Compare that to whole fruits . Strawberries , apricots , grapefruit , lemon , limes , cantaloupe , nectarines , oranges , pears , blueberries , peaches , plums , apples and pineapple have glycemic loads of 6 or less .

  4. 油桃温室CO2气体的分布及变化规律

    Distribution and Variation of CO_2 in Solar Greenhouse of Peach Tree

  5. GA3处理对采后油桃果实膜脂过氧化的影响

    Effect of GA_3 on lipid peroxidation in postharvest nectarine

  6. 油桃果肉颜色性状的RAPD分子标记研究

    RAPD Markers of Flesh Color of Nectarine

  7. 早熟油桃胚培养适宜pH范围为5.7~6.3,成熟早的品种,对培养基pH值的要求相对越高;

    PH in medium was better from 5.7 to 6.3 , and the early ripening cultivars needed relatively higher pH in medium for embryo rescue .

  8. “必选买有机产品(AlwaysBuyOrganic)”的食品。草莓、油桃和美国出产的苹果均同时名列上述两份“黑名单”之中。如果你考虑购买有机食品,不妨把这几样放在购物清单的首要位置。

    Both lists include strawberries , nectarines and American-grown apples . If you 're considering buying organic , you might put these items at the top of your list .

  9. 研究了设施栽培条件下曙光油桃根系的碳氮物质代谢、POD和SOD活性的动态变化。

    Dynamics of physiological and biochemical metabolism of nectarine roots were studied with Shuguang nectarine variety grown under protected cultivation conditions .

  10. 结果表明:单独使用SA和GA3处理曙光油桃,保鲜效果明显。

    The result indicated that the treatment of SA and GA3 took obviously effect on preserving freshness .

  11. 1-MCP对外源乙烯诱导油桃果实软化的影响

    Effects of 1-MCP Treatment on Softening of Nectarine Induced by Exogenous Ethylene

  12. 樱桃和油桃果实的SOD变化规律基本与叶片一致:樱桃果实在发育过程中SOD活性渐升,而油桃则渐降。

    In fruit , SOD-a of cherry and nectarine were just as leaf . During development SOD-a of cherry fruit raised , but nectarine fruit went down .

  13. 1-MCP处理对油桃果实硬度、呼吸及乙烯合成的影响

    Effects of 1-MCP treatment on fruit firmness , respiration , and ethylene production in nectarine fruit

  14. 1-MCP对外源乙烯诱导的油桃果实呼吸、乙烯代谢的影响

    Effects of 1-MCP on Fruit Firmness , Respiration and Ethylene Production Induced by Exogenous Ethylene in Nectarine Fruit

  15. 油桃(Prunuspersicavar.nectarinaMaxim)果实生长发育与裂果的关系研究

    A Study on the Relationship between Nectarine ( Prunus Persica var. Nectarina Maxim ) Fruit Development and Dehiscence of Nectarine Fruit

  16. 而POD活性的变化趋势与CAT相反,且葡萄CAT和POD活性水平在整个自然休眠期皆明显低于油桃;

    While the change in POD ( activity ) was contrary to those of CAT ; and CAT and POD activities of grape during dormancy stage were remarkably lower than those of nectarine .

  17. 以‘大久保’与‘兴津油桃’杂交的F2代109株群体为试材,采用AFLP、RAPD、SSR分子标记进行遗传分析。

    A linkage map of peach was constructed with AFLP , SSR and RAPD markers in 109 F_2 population derived from the cross of ' Okubo ' and ' Xingjin ' nectarine .

  18. 以秦光油桃为试材,研究了1-MCP处理对外源乙烯诱导果实软化的影响。

    Qinguang nectarine was used to investigate the effects of1-MCP ( an inhibitor of ethylene ) on softening of nectarine induced by exogenous ethylene during fruit ripening .

  19. 本实验利用AFLP分子标记,以大久保、兴津油桃杂交F2代109株后代群体为试材,构建桃分子标记连锁图谱。

    In this research , linkage map of peach was constructed with AFLP molecular marker in 109 F2 population derived from the intercross of ' Okubo ' and ' Xingjin nectarine ' .

  20. 以油桃和葡萄为试材,喷施复合叶面肥72h后,叶片中叶绿体含量、硝酸还原酶活性、铁和锌含量显著提高;

    Chlorophyll contents , nitrate reductase activity , iron content and zinc content in the leaves were significantly increased after 72 h after nectarine trees and grapevines sprayed with fertilizers .

  21. 结果表明:葡萄和油桃芽体H2O2含量在初休眠期升高,深休眠期保持较高水平,休眠解除前后迅速下降;

    The results showed that H_2O_2 relative contents of grape and nectarine increased at early-dormancy stage ( EDS ), kept high level at deep-dormancy stage ( DDS ), and decreased quickly at dormancy-release stage ( DRS );

  22. 外源6-BA、GA3处理提高了油桃花芽呼吸强度,并使呼吸代谢途径中的TCA、HMP比率升高,对EMP影响作用小,其中6-BA的作用效果最为明显;

    Spraying growth regulators such as 6-BA or GA3 raised dormant bud respiratory intensity and the rate of TCA or HMP , but had little effect on the rate of EMP .

  23. 桃果对机械伤害的反应较快,不同程度机械损伤的北京14号桃和黄油桃损伤后10min时呼吸快速增高,伤呼吸在30min时出现高峰;

    The Wound respiration of Beijing No. 14 peach and Yellow Nectarine increased rapidly in 10 min. The peak respiration rate reached in 30 min.

  24. 连续3年在保护地高密(610株·667m(-2))栽培条件下,对‘曙光’油桃两种整形方式和采后去冠(PostharvestCanopyRemoval,简写作PCR)修剪系统进行了研究。

    Two training models and PCR ( Postharvest Canopy Removal ) pruning system of nectarine cv . ' Shuguang ' in high-density ( 9 150 trees ' hm-2 ) protected cultivation were studied for three consecutive years .

  25. Put降低了油桃果实的呼吸速率,有效抑制了乙烯的生成和释放,呼吸高峰和乙烯释放高峰的出现均推迟5d。

    So it was help to the fruits ' favor and qualities . 4 . Put decreased the respiration rate , restrained the ethylene create and production of nectarines . Compared with ck , the peak of respiration rate and ethylene production delayed for 5 days . 5 .

  26. 在南部西班牙,桑格利亚汽酒被叫做zurra,这种是从桃子或者油桃里得来的。

    In the south of Spain Sangria is called zurra , and is created with peach or nectarine .

  27. 油桃花芽的Valt、ρValt与可溶性糖、淀粉、脯氨酸含量呈正相关,与相对电导率、丙二醛含量呈负相关;叶芽中刚好相反。

    Valt and ρ Valt of flower buds positively correlated with concentrations of soluble sugar , starch and proline , and negatively correlated with relative electrical conductivity and malondialdehyde concentration .

  28. 以果实发育天数为65d的普通桃82-18-73及75d的油桃Sunsplash为试材,探讨早熟桃两步法胚培养和移栽技术。

    Peach 82-18-73 ( FDP 65 d ) and nectarine Sunsplash ( FDP 75 d ) were employed to explore the technique for two-step embryo culture and transplantation of early-ripening peach .

  29. 不同品种油桃裂果比较及防治措施研究

    The Comparison of Dehiscent Fruit of Different Nectarines and Controlling Measures

  30. 中华蜜蜂为温室油桃授粉的效果研究

    A Study onthe Pollination of Apis . c.c to Greenhouse Nectarine