
yóu yìn
  • mimeograph
油印 [yóu yìn]
  • [mimeograph] 用刻写或打字的蜡纸做版,用油墨印刷

油印[yóu yìn]
  1. 1876年的今天,托马斯·爱迪生获得油印机的专利权。

    1876-Thomas Edison receives a patent for his mimeograph .

  2. 马克和海岸,从油印到复印机,以雷射印表机,使用户更精细的工作。

    Mark and Shores went from mimeograph to copiers to laser printers , which allow finer work .

  3. 球上面会留下鞋油印。

    It 's gonna leave a shoe polish mark on the ball .

  4. 他油印出一批讲义。

    He ran a batch of mimeographed sheets off .

  5. 仍然伯克郡的一个拖车公园里油印自由宣言

    still pumping mimeographed manifestos out of a trailer park in the Berkshires .

  6. 在山区,差不多所有的材料部是油印或石印的。

    In the mountains almost everything had to be mimeographed or stone-block lithographed .

  7. 1970年代之前,计算尺跟打字机和油印机一样,随处可见。

    Before the 1970s the slide rule , or slipstick , was as common as the typewriter or the mimeograph machine .

  8. 有白色水印和无水印的证券,复印机,油印机,静电和激光复印机用按尺寸切割的办公用纸。

    Standard Specification for White Watermarked and Unwatermarked Bond , Mimeo , Spirit Duplicator , Reprographic , and Laser Printer Cut-Sized Office Papers .

  9. 然后,我们凭着当时兴起的复印技术把笔记印出来&人们说英语名称是油印机或复制机。

    We then printed them thanks to a reproductive technology then popular , known in English as a mimeograph , or a ditto-machine , I am told .

  10. 如果还要贴在墙上,或付油印,或登上报纸,或印成一本书,那问题可就大了,它就可以影响许多的人。

    If he has them posted up , mimeographed , printed in newspapers or published in book form , then the problem becomes indeed a big one , for they can influence many people .