
  • 网络apple pear;Pyrus bretschneideri Rehd
  1. 在苹果梨生长不同时期的果实上喷施不同浓度的赤霉素(GA)和多效唑(PP333).结果表明:500mg/L的GA对苹果梨果实纵横径的生长具有促进作用;

    GA and PP 333 were sprayed on the surface during the different growth period of Apple pear .

  2. 苹果梨果实采后呼吸和乙烯释放规律

    Study on postharvest respiration and ethylene production of apple pear fruits

  3. RAPD技术在苹果梨变异单系鉴别上的应用

    Application of RAPD to the variation strains identification of apple-pear

  4. RAPD在梨品种资源及苹果梨分类上的应用研究

    Classification of Pear and Apple - pear by RAPD

  5. 利用AFLP分子标记鉴定苹果梨的分类地位

    Taxonomic Status Identification of Ping guo Pear by AFLP Molecular Marker

  6. 苹果梨200g以上优质果率达到75%以上,比对照提高24.7%,间作物小麦产量提高15.8%。

    The percent rate of high quality fruit weighting more than 200g was over 75 % . It increased by 24.7 % than CK , and the inter-crop wheat increased by 15.8 % than CK .

  7. 苹果梨授粉花粉的萌发以及花粉管的行为

    The germination of pollination pollen and embryogenesis in apple - pear

  8. 苹果梨幼树拉枝效应的研究

    A Study on Effect of Branch Bending for Young Apple-pear Trees

  9. 吉林延边苹果梨主产区土地质量地球化学评价

    Geochemical Evaluation of Land Quality in Yanbian Apple-pear Main Production Areas

  10. 苹果梨叶片矿质营养成份季节性变化规律的研究

    Study on the leaf nutrition seasonal change pattern of apple-pear fruit

  11. 苹果梨果实矿质元素含量季节变化规律

    Seasonal variation regularity of mineral elements content in apple pear fruits

  12. 不同产地苹果梨品质鉴评分析

    Study on Fruit Qualities of Apple Pear Produced in Different Areas

  13. 1&MCP对苹果梨采后生理效应和品质的影响

    1-MCP affecting on physiological effect and quality of apple-pear after picked

  14. 苹果梨和鸭梨酶促褐变机理的研究

    Study on the Enzyme Browning Mechanism of Pingguo Pear and Duck Pear

  15. 蜂蜜花粉悬浊液对苹果梨的喷雾授粉效果

    The Spray Pollination Effect of Honey Pollen Suspension to Apple-pear

  16. 苹果梨果园土壤营养与叶片营养的调查

    Investigation of the Nutrition in Soil of Apple-pear Garden and in Plant

  17. 苹果梨果实套袋技术探讨

    Approach on Technique of Cover with Paper Bag for Apple-pear

  18. 内蒙苹果梨主产区营养分析及施肥方案建议

    Nutrient Analysis and Fertilizing Proposal for Pingguo Pear Orchard in Inner Mongolia Region

  19. 苹果梨枯梢与裂果原因的探讨

    The Reason of Stagheaded and Schizocarpic Fruit of Apple-Pear

  20. 土壤稀土元素地球化学特征及其苹果梨品质效应研究

    Study on REE Geochemistry in Soil and the Effect on Quality of Apple-pear

  21. 食品添加剂对贮藏后期苹果梨汁澄清度的影响

    Effects of food additives on clearness of apple pear juice during anaphase storage

  22. 花粉管生长的必要因素。(5)苹果梨自花结实率为零。

    The rate of self-fruitfulness in apple-pear was zero .

  23. 苹果梨耐贮特性的生理研究

    Studies on the Physiological Characteristics of Storage-resistant of Apple-Dear

  24. 苹果梨的净光合速率变化规律

    Changes laws of net photosynthetic rate of apple-pear

  25. 苹果梨栽培技术研究现状

    Research on present situation of apple-pear cultivated technique

  26. 山楂苹果梨醋酸饮料生产工艺的研究

    Study on the production technology of vinegar beverage with Chinese hawthorn and apple pear

  27. 苹果梨幼树控旺促花方法研究

    Study on Methods of Vigorous Growing Control and Blossom Acceleration for Young Apple-pear Trees

  28. 苹果梨单叶面积的测定方法

    Mensuration methods for single leaf area of apple-pear

  29. 绿色苹果梨生产技术规程

    Produce technique rules of green apple - pear

  30. 苹果梨果冻的加工工艺

    Processing technology of apple - pear jelly