
  • 网络Rapeseed;Canola;rape seed
  1. 加拿大双低油菜籽粕对奶牛瘤胃发酵及产奶性能影响的研究

    Effect of Canola Meal on Rumen Fermentation and Milk Performance in Dairy Cows

  2. 双低油菜籽高效加工与多层次增值技术

    High Profit Processing and Multiple Value-added Techniques of Canola

  3. 下剩的油菜籽不多了。

    There aren 't many rape seeds left .

  4. 通过常规定性PCR检测,在31份样品中检出转基因油菜籽,检出率为62%。

    The conventional qualitative PCR results showed that GMO derived material existed in 31 samples , and the percentage is 62 % .

  5. 应用ICP-MS测定双低与双高油菜籽的矿质元素含量

    Application of ICP-MS to Detection of Mineral Elements in Double-Low and Double-High Rapeseed

  6. 有关TPS浸取油菜籽动力学数据极少且不一致,本文对含碱助剂TPS浸取油菜籽动力学数据进行了系统完整的测定。

    This dissertation carried out a comprehensive investigation on rapeseed-leaching dynamics with TPS containing basic additives .

  7. 广汉县新开发的油菜籽蛋白浓缩饲料(简称RPC)含粗蛋白53.4%,赖氨酸2.32%;

    A concentrated feed newly-developed with rapeseed protein contains about 53.4 % of crude protein and 2.32 % of lysine .

  8. 有益的以植物为基础的omega-3脂肪酸最近也被引进油菜籽之中。

    Beneficial plant-based omega-3 fatty acids have also recently been introduced into oil seeds .

  9. YH系列圆筒形烘干机经改造后用于潮油菜籽的烘干。

    Type of YH DRYER reformed was used for drying rapeseed .

  10. 本文报告油菜籽芥酸(EA)免疫测定技术中有关芥酸人工抗原合成和鉴定的方法。

    The method of synthesizing and identifying the synthetic antigen of erucic acid ( EA ) of rapeseed in immunologic determination techniques were reported .

  11. 油菜籽必须干燥,使含水量降至9%才能贮藏。必须抓紧时间干燥j因为湿的种子很快会变质。

    The seed must be dried to 9 % moisture content for storage ; this must be done as soon as possible because damp seed rapidly deteriorates .

  12. 油菜籽中转基因抗草甘膦油菜籽的定量检测菜籽多酚与BHA在菜籽油中的协同抗氧化作用

    Quantitative Detection of Genetically Modified Roundup-ready Canola in Imported Canadian Canola Synergistic anti-oxidative effects of rapeseed polyphenol and BHA on rapeseed oil

  13. 3%双低油菜籽组CP、OM全消化道表观消化率明显高(P<0.05),经济效益增加最多,为适宜添加比例。

    The treatment of supplementing 3 % double-low rape seed gain CP , OM apparent digestibility increase ( P < 0.05 ), this ratio is the best one .

  14. 测定了的它们富集系数K值,叶菜类蔬菜的K值为0.2~0.5,油菜籽为0.26,粮食作物为0.05~0.11,瓜果类蔬菜为0.01~0.07;

    Enrichment factors ( K ) of them were counted . K values of the leaves of vegetables , rapeseed , cereal crops and fruits of vegetables are 0.2 0.5 , 0.26 , 0.05 0.11 and 0.01 0.07 respectively .

  15. NSB组合液对油菜籽产量和品质的影响

    Effect of NSB mixed liquid on rape yield and quality

  16. 转基因油菜籽多重PCR-DNA芯片联用检测方法的研究

    Research of Genetically Modified Rapeseed Detection with Multiplex PCR-Gene Chip

  17. 对卡诺拉(Canola)油菜籽双相溶剂浸出工艺流程、主要设备、溶剂特性、工艺特点以及工业化生产所面临的问题等进行了介绍。

    This paper detailed the flow chart , main equipment , properties of solvent and problems about production of the two phase solvent extraction of Canola rapeseed .

  18. 用用微波消解法处理富含油脂的油菜籽样品,氢化物原子荧光光谱法(HG-AFS)测定其中的砷和汞。

    The As , Hg in rapeseed rich in oil were treated by microwave method and determined by hydride generation-atomic fluorescence spectrometry ( HG-AFS ) .

  19. 通过FAO世界油菜贸易数据分析,得出近年来世界油菜籽、菜籽油、菜籽饼贸易旱现出三个特点,一是北美洲是油菜籽的净出口地,亚洲是油菜籽的净进口地;

    By the analysis of FAO data on rapeseed trade , the characteristics of rapeseed , rape oil and rape cake trades were showed . First , North America was the net export area and Asia was the net import area .

  20. 该文以双低油菜籽粕为原料,通过L9(3~4)正交实验探讨从双低油菜籽粕中提取植物甾醇方法、工艺条件等。

    This paper explores the extraction method etc from double-low rapeseed cake . By L_9 ( 3 ~ 4 ) orthogonal test , we obtained the best technological conditions of extracting .

  21. 以完整甘蓝型油菜籽为样品,研究了不同光谱预处理和回归统计方法在用近红外反射光谱(NIRS)分析油菜籽中芥酸和硫甙的含量时,对建立回归方程的影响。

    Using intact kernel rapeseeds as test samples , various methods for spectra pretreatment and different regression methods were compared to establish an optimal regression equation for rapeseed erucic acid and glucosinolate content analysis by near infrared reflectance spectroscopy ( NIRS ) .

  22. 结果表明:油菜籽各小样品含油量模型的决定系数(R2)从93.93%到96.93%不等,均方差(RMSECV)从0.56到0.79不等;

    The results showed that the determination coefficients of the models for oil and erucic acid content in different small-sample rapeseed were 93.93 % - 96.93 % and 96.91 % - 98.42 % , respectively ;

  23. 试验表明,该烘干机每小时可烘干潮油菜籽7.5t,对水分16%~17%的潮油菜籽一次降水幅度为5%~6%,烘后油菜籽含油量不受影响。

    The test result showed that the dryer can treat rapeseed 7.5t / h , lower moisture content 5 % ~ 6 % for rapeseed of 16 % ~ 17 % moisture content at a time . Oil content of rapeseed dried was not reduced .

  24. 油菜籽中硫代葡萄糖甙总量测定方法&内源酶法

    The method for determining total glucosinolate content in rapeseed-endogenous enzyme method

  25. 油菜籽蛋白质中硒含量及分布研究

    Studies on the Content and Distribution of Selenium Protein in Rapeseed

  26. 油菜籽薄层干燥及其通风特性的试验研究

    Research on Thin Layer Drying and Aeration Properties of Rape Seeds

  27. 响应面分析法优化油菜籽类胡萝卜素的提取工艺

    Parameters optimization of carotenoids extraction from rapeseed using response surface methodology

  28. 油菜籽饼中单宁的提取、分离与纯化制备

    The extraction , separation and purification of tannin in rapeseed cake

  29. 氯化钯&分光光度法测定油菜籽硫苷含量的研究

    Determination of Glucosinolate Content in Rapeseed with Palladium Chloride Spectrometry Method

  30. 油菜籽与超临界甲醇原位萃取-酯交换反应制备生物柴油

    Biodiesel from Rapeseed via Extraction and in-situ Transesterification in Supercritical Methanol