
  • 网络Biogas fertilizer;methane fermentations waste
  1. 结果表明,沼气肥的pH值范围为中性到微碱性。

    The results showed that the pH of the slurry were either neutral or light-alkalinity .

  2. 即:运用80%森林土+20%火烧土及20%复合肥均匀混合的培育基质,采用大规格的容器15cm×19cm,于育苗期间定期追施沼气肥可取得榉树容器苗壮苗培育的好效果;

    Using the medium of 80 % forest soil + 20 % burnt soil and 20 % compound fertilizer as the cultivation medium , container of 15 cm × 19 cm , biogas waste fertilizer as top dressing could achieved good effect .

  3. 重庆沼气肥养分物质和重金属状况研究

    Contents of Selected Nutrients and Heavy Metals in Biogas Slurry

  4. 施用沼气肥对保护地土壤硝酸盐及盐分累积的影响

    Effects of Biogas Fertilizers Application on Nitrate and Salt Accumulation in Soil of Protected Fields

  5. 沼气肥养分和重金属含量及变异主要受发酵原料的影响。

    Contents of both nutrients and heavy metals were changeable and affected by raw material used .

  6. 沼气肥肥效研究

    Studies on Efficiency of Biogas Fertilizer

  7. 本文对重庆地区沼气肥的基本性状、养分物质含量、毒性重金属及其污染状况进行了研究。

    Dregs clearing method . In the present study , we analyzed basic characters , contents of nutrients and heavy metals in biogas slurry and dregs collected from Chongqing .

  8. 试验证明,秸秆在与猪粪进行沼气制肥时其最佳配比为7:3,最佳生产周期为30d;(2)秸秆粪便沼气制肥联产设备研究。

    Experiments prove that when straw is fermented with feces for producing biogas and fertilizer , its optimum proportion is 7:3 and the best production cycle is 30d ;( 2 ) Research on the factory equipment which made straw , feces into fertilizer and biogas .

  9. 此公司在逐步发展过程中向产业链的上下游延伸,形成一条闭环式循环发展的产业链条种植业饲料加工养殖业生猪屠宰及深加工废水综合治理及沼气工程有机肥生产种植业。

    The company , in the course of extension of the upstream and downstream industry chain , forms a closed cycle chain of the industrial development : crop farming-feed processing-pig breeding-live pig slaughtering and deep processing-the comprehensive treatment of waste water and biogas project-organic fertilizer production-crop farming .

  10. 利用沼气发生窖渣肥养鱼的试验报告

    A report on utilizing methane cellar residues for pond fish culture