
zhǎo qì chí
  • Biogas digester;methane generating pit
  1. RM-PVC硬塑料沼气池的设计与研究

    Design and Study on RM-PVC hard plastic methane generating pit

  2. 抛物线拱型竹编水泥沼气池模型内力分析

    Analysis of Internal Forces of Bamboo-weaved Concrete Methane Generating Pit Models with Parabolic Arch Structure Surface

  3. V型自动循环沼气池的原理与设计

    Auto - circulation of V - type Ferment Pond 's principle and Design

  4. 沼气池供给CO2及部分能量;

    Methane pool provided CO 2 and part energy source .

  5. 基于Ansys的竹编水泥沼气池结构性能仿真分析

    Analysis on Mechanical Properties of Methane Generating Pit Made of Bamboo-framed Concrete by ANSYS Software

  6. 螺旋管加热沼气池的实验研究和Fluent模拟

    Experiment of Biogas Digester with Spiral Heating System and the Simulation with Fluent Model

  7. 在分离式密封的沼气池中加入接种物,使原料TS达到25%。

    Then inoculum was added into the digester so that the TS of the material got of 25 % .

  8. 研究小型暗河式沼气池以猪粪和青草为发酵原料,在适当pH值、总固体含量和碳氮比的条件下,沼气产量和单位池容产气率与温度之间的关系。

    The study was carried out with pig manure and green grass as fermented raw materials , under the condition of proper pH value , total solid content and C / N ratio to find out the relationship between the methane yield and temperature .

  9. 为了探索农村小型、高效、使用方便的新型沼气池,对RM-PVC硬塑料沼气池进行了设计与研究。

    A New type of Methane Generating Pit has been designed and studied . The Generator is Made of RM-PVC plastic plane .

  10. 沼气池粪样年均寄生虫卵沉降率为99.6%,灭活率为99.8%,血吸虫卵在沼液中15d后不能孵出毛蚴;

    The faecal parasite eggs can be reduced by 99 . 8 % . No miracidium hatching of schistosome eggs was found in 15 days of retention in biogas tanks .

  11. 本研究中从广西壮族自治区隆安县一沼气池内筛选到一株能以甲醇为唯一碳源生长的甲基营养型细菌MB200。

    A strain that can grow with methanol as the sole source of carbon , MB200 , was isolated from the soil samples at a digester of Longan GuangXi .

  12. 沼气池管护中常见问题及处理措施

    Common Problems and Its Handling Measures in Maintenance of Firedamp Pools

  13. 城镇净化沼气池处理生活污水效果评价

    Evaluation on Daily Life Sewage Treatment Effect by Municipal Biogas Digester

  14. 云南商品化沼气池产业化发展分析

    Analysis on development of marketable biogas digester industrialization in Yunnan province

  15. 提高农村沼气池产气率的研究

    An approach to increase the biogas yield of rural biogas digester

  16. 浅析沼气池渗漏的原因及其防治措施

    Analysis on the Seepage Cause and Prevention of Hydraulic Biogas Digesters

  17. 沼气池装料启动操作技术和管理要点

    Technique Main Points on Operation and Management for Start Firedamp Pool Charging

  18. 临汾市沼气池冬季正常产气可行性探讨

    Feasibility of Biogas Normal Production by Methane-generation Pit during Winter in Linfen

  19. 塑料大棚内沼气池建设技术

    Techniques for Building the Methane Tank within the Plastic Shed

  20. 沼气池防气渗处理的理论基础

    Theoretical basis of treatments against gas permeability for marsh-gas-generating pits

  21. 浅议椭球型沼气池地下水处理

    A Brief Talk on The Handling of Groundwater in Ellipsoid Methane-Generating Pit

  22. 我国农村户用沼气池大都采用常温发酵。

    Most of methane-generating pit in the country ferments on ordinary temperature .

  23. 整体式太阳能沼气池的传热分析

    The heat transfer analysis of solar methane generation pit with integration construction

  24. GB/T4750-1984农村家用水压式沼气池标准图集

    The collection of designs for household hydraulic biogas digesters in rural areas

  25. 城镇净化沼气池残渣还田处理试点研究

    Apply of Waste Residue from Municipal Biogas Tank to Field

  26. 户用沼气池综合效益评价方法

    Evaluation on the composite benefit of household biogas digesters

  27. 新型沼气池的设计与施工

    The design and construction for a new-type biogas pool

  28. 农村简易竹编水泥沼气池结构特点及性能分析

    Analysis on Structure Characteristics of Biogas Digester Constructed of Bamboo-Weaved Concrete in Rural

  29. 机械化批量生产塑料沼气池研究应用最新进展

    Research and application of mechanical massive production of plastic digester : new progress

  30. 怎样设计水压厌氧过滤沼气池

    Anaerobic adhesive How to Design Marsh Gas Pool Having Oxidation-resisting and Filtering Ability