
  • 网络Peat swamp forest
  1. 曾有人在东南部的沼泽森林一带时发现过象牙喙啄木鸟。

    The ivory-billed woodpecker was once found across the swampy forests of the south-eastern states .

  2. 与丹戎普丁国家公园相邻的事一大片的泥炭沼泽森林,几乎已经退化但含有丰富的碳。

    Next to the park is a stretch of peat-swamp forest , mostly degraded but rich in carbon .

  3. 新建的保护区环绕成一个马赛克式的稀树草原,覆盖有古老的沙丘,河边的森林以及沼泽森林。

    The new protected areas will encompass a mosaic of savannas covering ancient sand dunes , riverside forests , and swamp forests .

  4. 你还介意那些沼泽和森林吗?

    Do you even care about the marsh and the woods ?

  5. 警察在沼泽及森林地区展开密集搜捕,缉拿一周前杀害一名州警察的犯罪嫌疑人亡命徒埃里克.弗雷。

    Police were searching in a dense , swampy woodland for survivalist Eric Frein suspected of killing a state police trooper a week ago .

  6. 二1煤层由3~4个周期性相序构成,反映了成煤沼泽由森林沼泽向草本或草本木本混生沼泽的演化过程。

    Coal B _1 is composed of three or four succession from reduction facies to oxydation facies , showing the development from forest swamp to marsh upwards .

  7. 两只天鹅又游到池塘下游的尽头,这里一边是沼泽和森林,一边是有鹿出没的洼地。

    Then the swans swam to the lower end of the pond , a marsh with woods on one side and a deer meadow on the other .

  8. 在湖泊、沼泽与森林相互交错的地域,是鸟类最佳的生存地带,而湖泊、沼泽周围森林的完好程度直接关系到鸟类的生存。

    The lake , swamp and forest interlace were the best environment where the birds lived , and integrated degree of forest which lied on lake and swamp directly affect survival of the birds .

  9. 超长跨距系统无任何中继设备,运营维护成本低,一般应用在特殊场合,如城际、近海、无人区(沙漠、沼泽、森林)以及电力通信。

    The ultra-long span non-repeater system demands low cost for operation and maintenance , and is usually applied in some special cases , such as inter-city connection , offing , no man ′ s land ( desert , swamp , forest ) and communication system for power transmission lines .

  10. 1997年,P.progenetica生活的这种泥煤沼泽地被森林大火所破坏,如今这种沼泽地也面临着人类伐木、城市化进程和开荒种田等行为的威胁。

    The peat swamps were damaged by forest fires in1997 , and are also threatened by logging , urbanisation and agriculture .

  11. 巴西中部布满沼泽,草原和森林廊居。

    Central Brazil is covered with cerrado , or grassland and gallery forest habitat .

  12. 研究了吐哈盆地侏罗纪煤层煤相的划分标志及四种煤相(即干旱森林沼泽相、潮湿森林林沼泽相、流水沼泽相及开阔水体沼泽相)的基本特征;

    This paper has studied the dividing symbols of Jurassic coal facies in Turpan-Hami basin and the basic characteristics of its coal facies ( such as dry-forest swamp , wet-forest swamp , flowing-water swamp and open-water swamp etc. ) .

  13. 小兴安岭是我国主要山区湿地分布区之一,区内有草丛沼泽、灌丛沼泽和森林沼泽等多种沼泽湿地类型,因此,在我国湿地研究中占有重要地位。

    Wetlands in Xiaoxing ' an Mountains , which one of the main mountainous wetlands distribution areas , play an important role of the wetlands study in China , because of the diversity wetland types including marshes , thicket swamps and forested swamps .

  14. 研究结果表明:①森林/沼泽生态交错带群落种类数目沿着沼泽至森林方向的环境梯度呈现明显的三次式曲线递增的趋势。

    The research results show that : ( 1 ) species number of communities increase in cubic curve along the environmental gradients from swamp to forest ;

  15. 在研究神木煤田2-2煤层煤岩特征的基础上,划分了三种泥炭沼泽类型,即开阔水体草本沼泽、陆地森林沼泽和潮湿森林沼泽。

    On the basis of study on the petrographic characteristics of coal 2 - 2 in Shenmu Coalfield , three types of peat swamp are recognized , i. e.