
  • 网络Biomass;biological yield;biomass yield
  1. 木薯有适应性强和生物产量高等优点,是新兴的热带作物产业,自中国加入WTO和东盟10+3后,面临着巨大的机遇和挑战。

    Cassava production is a new industry of which advantageous characteristic are good adaptability and high biological yield etc. Chinese cassava industry is confronted with tremendous opportunity and challenge after China joined WTO and Association of South-East Asian Nations ( ASEAN ) .

  2. 生物产量&大豆高产育种的物质基础

    Biological yield ─ physical basis of soybean nigh yield breeding

  3. 促进了萝卜的生长发育和代谢作用,萝卜的生物产量、经济产量、还原糖和维生素C的含量均明显提高。

    The reducing sugar and vitamin C in radish also increased markedly .

  4. AM真菌与施N量对白术幼苗化学成分和生物产量的影响

    Effects of AM Fungi on the Chemical Composition and Growth Amount of Atractylodes macrocephala Koidz Seedling on Different N Levels

  5. 盐胁迫下马铃薯脱毒苗生物产量及Vc含量的变化

    The difference in biological yields and Vc content of potato virus free plantlets under sodium stress

  6. 腐殖酸的两种主份都能提高Cd污染土壤中小白菜的生物产量。

    The two fractions of humus all could promote the fresh weight of Brassica chinensis in Cd contaminated soil .

  7. 通过不同N肥处理的田间试验,研究N素营养对油菜成熟期地上部各部位生物产量的调节作用。

    S : The trials were carried out through the treatment of different N application to research the regulation of N nutrition to biomass of different parts of rape plant in ripening stage .

  8. 无论Gm、Pal5单接种或Pal5+Gm双接种均能改善植株磷素营养,促进玉米生长,生物产量和单果重增加;

    So both the single or double inoculation could change the uptake of phosphorus , promote the growth of corn , and increase the biomass and the fruit weight .

  9. 旱地秋覆膜玉米子粒灌浆特性主要表现在LAI增加,生物产量提高。

    It is mainly shown on the increase of LAI and improvement of biomass , dry-land autumn plastic covering maize filling characteristic .

  10. 喷施外源GA3和SA之后,能够有效缓解NaCl胁迫对草莓生长的抑制作用,表现为叶片受害程度降低,叶面积增大幅度提高,植株的生物产量增加。

    Exogenous GA_3 and SA could effectively alleviate the restrain of NaCl stress , decrease the level of salt damage , and increase the leaf area and biomass .

  11. 在不同氮肥水平下对6个基因型不同的玉米杂交种的子粒产量、生物产量、吸氮量、叶片硝酸还原酶活力(Nitratereductiveactivity缩写NRA)等测定结果进行了分析。

    Six crossbred maize cultivars with different levels of nitrogen fertilizer were studied in the field for maize yield , nitrogen uptake rate and leaf nitrate reductive activity .

  12. UV-B增加处理下玉米的经济产量、生物产量、经济系数均减少,且经济产量受到的影响更大一些。

    Enhanced UV-B radiation reduces the economic outputs , the biological outputs and economic coefficient , with bigger influence on the economic outputs .

  13. 地上垂直生产结构可分为四大类,多数品种生物产量集中在20~60cm,分别向两级递减。

    Vertical biomass structure on above ground was divided into four grades .

  14. 使用向日葵修复高浓度Cu污染土壤时,还需考虑采用其他手段接种根际微生物、转基因、设施农业环境工程技术等来增加其生物产量。

    So when sunflower is used to remediate copper-contaminated soil , other means such as inoculation of rhizospheric microorganisms , transgenic , agro-biological environmental engineering technique , and so on should be considered to increase its biomass .

  15. 数学模拟表明,O3胁迫时间越长、恢复时间越短油菜经济和生物产量与O3浓度相关越显著。

    Simulation research showed that correlations between output and total biomass towards O3 concentrations were well with prolong O3 exposure duration and recovery time shortened .

  16. 结果表明,该基因能提高叶绿素b含量1倍以上,总叶绿素含量25%左右,光合作用速率20%左右;提高生物产量和经济产量16%以上,降低垩白粒率17%左右。

    The results showed the high chlorophyll gene can increase chlorophyll b by 1 times , total chlorophyll by 25 % , the rate of photosynthesis by 20 % , and biomass and grain yield by 16 % , and decreased chalky grain rate by 17 % .

  17. 甘蔗是C4作物,其光能转换效率、光合速率、单位面积生物产量显著高于其它作物,具有高净能比,适应性广、耐旱、产量潜力大。

    As a C_4 plant , sugarcane is rather high in light inversion efficiency , photosynthetic rate and biomass productivity , which make it the highest in net energy rate .

  18. 结果表明,CO2浓度增加促进了玉米的生长和发育,物候期提前,光合速率增大,蒸腾系数减少,加快了根、茎、叶等干物质积累,提高了生物产量和经济产量。

    The experiments show that increasing CO2 concentration can promote growth and development of maize , shorten phenophase , enhance photosynthetic rate , decrease evaporation rate , step up biomass accumulation of roots , stems and leaves , and increase biolgical and economic yields .

  19. 低分子有机物质处理均提高了辣椒的平均单果质量和生物产量;甲酸、乙酰丙酸和有机酸钾处理与CK相比显著提高了辣椒的生物产量和经济产量;草酸处理降低了经济产量。

    Low molecular organic matter all increase the average fruit mass and biomass yield ; Formic acid , Levulinic Acid and Organic Acid Potassium fertilizer significantly increase biomass yield and yield compared to the control ; Oxalic acid decrease yield .

  20. 玉米覆膜时,大麦/玉米间作籽粒和生物产量的LER分别为1.32和1.30,具有显著的间作优势。

    In contrast , LERs with plastic sheet mulching were 1.32 for grain yield and 1.30 for biomass , indicating a significant yield advantage of the intercropping .

  21. 云南松(pinusyunnanensis)林林分结构和生长规律的初步研究马尾松林杆材阶段生物产量和径级分化及密度效应初探

    A Primary Study on the Structure of the Forest Stands of Forest of Pinus yunnanensis and the Regular Pattern of Its Development PRELIMINARY DISCUSSION ON BIOMASS , TIMBER DIFFERENTIATION AND DENSITY EFFECT OF MASSON , S PINE POLE STANDS

  22. 控制生物产量的基因与6B和7B染色体有关,7B染色体上的基因表现为增效。

    And genes controlling biomass yield were related to chromosomes 6B and 7B , the effects of genes in chromosomes 7B were lager than that in chromosomes 6B ;

  23. 在NaCl胁迫下无论接种AM真菌与否玉米植株生物产量均减少,但不接种处理的减少幅度比接种处理的高10个百分点左右。

    Under NaCl stress , the dry matter production of corn plants inoculated with or without arbuscular mycorrhizal ( AM ) fungus ( Glomus mosseae ) was decreased , but the decrement for non mycorrhizal plants was 10 % higher than that for mycorrhizal ones .

  24. 利用数量遗传模型对P1、P2、F1、F2,3等4个世代的相对分蘖率、有效穗、生物产量及经济产量等性状进行了遗传分析。

    Relative tillering ability , available spike , biomass , and grain yield of P1 , P2 , F1 , and F2 , 3 were used to study the genetic development of rice related to phosphorus efficiency with a quantitative genetic model .

  25. 在同一NaCl水平下,接种VAM真菌处理的生物产量显著高于对照;

    It was shown that the biomass of the plant declined with an increased NaCl level , and , at a given NaCl level , the biomass of the individuals inoculated with VAM fungi was higher than that of the individuals without the inoculation treatment .

  26. 结果表明:在一定施氮范围内,芥蓝单株经济产量和生物产量都随着施氮量的增加不断提高,当施氮水平达到1N以上时,施氮量的增加对芥蓝产量无明显影响。

    In proper range of nitrogen level , the yield and biomass of Chinese Kale increased with the increasing of nitrogen level , but when nitrogen level ( exceed ) 1N , the yield was not affected significantly with the increasing of nitrogen level .

  27. 青贮玉米生物产量及营养积累规律研究

    Studies on Accumulation of Organism Yield and Nutrition of Silage Maize

  28. 不同经营水平下油桐林生物产量的分析

    Analysis of biological productivity of tung trees under different management levels

  29. 不同玉米品种生物产量和营养物质产量的差异分析

    Effect of Different Type Maize Cultivars on the Vegetative Yield of Corn

  30. 影响青贮玉米生物产量关键指标的筛选及其遗传研究

    Screening and Genetic Research for Biology Yield Key Index in Silage Maize