
shēnɡ huó pǐn zhì
  • Quality of life;life quality
  1. 杭州生活品质之城传播策略研究

    Research on the Communication Strategy of Life Quality City Hangzhou

  2. 高收入者融资需求主要是投资和提升生活品质的需求。

    The main financing demands of high-income earners are investment and enhancing life quality demand .

  3. “我认为抗抑郁药是一种改善生活品质的药物,”查尔顿医生说。

    ' I see anti-depressants as a lifestyle drug , ' says Dr Charlton .

  4. 我们这本10页的指南有助于您提高生活品质。

    Our 10-page guide will help you to change your life for the better .

  5. 虽然没有生活品质数据但这项研究确定了PCI早期观测在排除症状方面还是有效的。

    Although quality-of-life data are not yet available , this study confirms previous observations that PCI is effective at relieving symptoms .

  6. 通过以上研究阐明,技术创新理论(TRIZ)可以有效地解决家用空调合逸性设计中的问题,提高家用空调的附加值,改善人们的生活品质。

    According to the research , TRIZ can solve the problems in the harmonization of air-condition and promote its additional value and improve the quality of people 's life .

  7. ITV特派员亚瑟·麦克米伦:要像雷妮这样学会做100件事可能需要一年半的时间,但是对于少数有幸成为它们主人的人而言,这肯定能提升他们的生活品质。

    ARTHUR MACMILLAN , ITV CORRESPONDENT : Learning 100 tasks like Renae has done may take a year and a half , but it can prove a life enhancing experience for the lucky few who become their owners .

  8. 人性化空间是现代人所追求的生活品质。

    The human nature space is a life-quality pursuing for modern-man .

  9. 我们应该改进所谓的生活品质。

    We should improve what is called the quality of living .

  10. 努力改善城市内的生活品质

    Endeavored to improve the quality of life in the inner city

  11. 创造新的生活品质,体现邻里的人文关怀。

    Create new life style and materialize the humanistic solicitude among neighborhood .

  12. 对于生活品质的相关因素,我们亦提出相关解释与讨论。

    Discussions about the improvement on quality of care are also provided .

  13. 这是所有生活品质的载体。

    That 's the carrier of all the living qualities .

  14. 积极的休闲游憩对提高城市生活品质尤为重要。

    Active recreations extremely help to improve the urban living .

  15. 这样的现状影响着居民的生活品质。

    This affects the status of the residents ' quality of life .

  16. 本病对日常生活品质影响甚大。

    This disease has a great influence on the daily quality of life .

  17. 我想西班牙的生活品质应该比伦敦好吧!

    I would settle for slightly lower pay but higher quality of life !

  18. 我们致力于生产优质的科技性领先型产品提升人们的生活品质。

    Histrong dedicates to producing technology-based quality product to improve people 's life .

  19. 同时,可以提高我们的生活品质。

    And improve the quality of those lives .

  20. 糖尿病是可能严重影响生活品质的普遍疾病。

    Diabetes is a common condition that can seriously affect your quality of life .

  21. 如果你的领导力提升了,生活品质会下降多少?

    How would your life change for the worse if your leadership skills increased ?

  22. 改善所有年龄的人们的生活品质

    improve quality of life at all ages .

  23. 启动.工作表现、生活品质.查询.内部资料、忠诚度.

    Initiate . Employment record , quality of lifestyle . Query , internal data .

  24. 口腔健康是影响人体健康和生活品质的重要因素之一。

    Oral health is a key driver of systemic health and quality of life .

  25. 根据最近的一项调查,台湾人的生活品质正在下降。

    According to a recent survey , the quality of life in Taiwan is deteriorating .

  26. 用互联网的先进技术提升人类的生活品质是腾讯公司的使命。

    Tencent 's mission is to use Internet-related technologies for the betterment of human life .

  27. 城市的治理影响着我们的生活品质,也影响着城市未来的发展。

    Urban governance will affect our life quality and affect the future of the city .

  28. 利安德巴塞尔工业的产品在提升人们的生活品质中起到了非常重要的作用。

    LyondellBasell products play a vital role in improving the quality of people 's lives .

  29. 我们应该同心协力改善生活品质。

    We should work in concert with one another to improve the quality of our lives .

  30. 为管理者带来更好的生活品质

    Better quality of life for managers