
  • 网络Biological transmission;biological vector
  1. 蚊子传播疾病,大致有两种传播方式:生物性传播和机械性传播。

    Mosquito-borne disease , generally there are two modes of transmission : spread of biological and mechanical transmission .

  2. 海洋微藻是造成赤潮和外来生物入侵性传播的有害海洋生物。

    Micro-algae is harmful halobios which can cause red tide and invasion of non-indigenous species .

  3. 电离放电治理外来生物入侵性传播试验研究

    Experimental Study on the Treatment of the Invasive Spread of exotic Organisms Using Hydroxyl Radical

  4. 外来有害生物入侵性传播是海洋面临的四大威胁之一,船舶压载水是造成有害生物入侵最主要的传播途径。

    The introduction of invasive marine species into new environments has been identified as one of the Four Greatest Threats to the world 's ocean and its main spread source is the ballast water .

  5. 但艾滋病病毒在蚊子体内既不发育也不增殖,所以不可能通过生物性的方式进行传播。

    However , HIV is neither development nor in the mosquito proliferation , it is not possible through the spread of biological way .