
  • life safety;safety-of-life
  1. HBV感染可引起肝硬化和肝癌,严重危害机体健康和生命安全。

    HBV infection can cause liver cirrhosis and liver cancer , is seriously harm to the health of the body and life safety .

  2. 保证生命安全是人的最基本需求。

    To safeguard life safety is a human 's basic need .

  3. 他所担心的只是他自己的生命安全。

    All he 's worried about is his own hide .

  4. 你的驾驶危及了其他路人的生命安全。

    You imperilled the lives of other road users by your driving .

  5. 每个人都享受着受疫苗保障的生命安全,但那只有在所有人都分担风险的情况下才有效。

    Everyone enjoys the life-saving benefits vaccines provide , but they 'll exist only as long as everyone shares in the risks .

  6. 做好疫情防控工作,直接关系人民生命安全和身体健康,直接关系经济社会大局稳定,也事关我国对外开放。

    The outcome of the epidemic prevention and control directly affects people 's lives and health , the overall economic and social stability and the country 's opening-up

  7. 各级党委和政府及有关部门要把人民群众生命安全和身体健康放在第一位,采取切实有效措施,坚决遏制疫情蔓延势头。

    The Party committees and governments at all levels must put people 's safety and health as the top priority and take effective measures to curb the spread of the virus .

  8. 中方秉持人类命运共同体理念,既对本国人民生命安全和身体健康负责,也对全球公共卫生事业尽责。。

    Guided by the vision of a community with a shared future for humanity , China is making every effort not only to protect the life and health of its own people but also to contribute to global public health security .

  9. 对于她的另一个客户尼古拉斯·格雷夫斯(NicholasGraves),焦虑症是危及他生命安全的一系列疾病之一。

    And anxiety was among a constellation of diagnoses that became life-threatening for another client , Nicholas Graves .

  10. 汽车制动性能失灵会危及生命安全.为此,文中提出一种通过微电子机械系统(MEMS)电容加速度传感器来监测动态汽车制动性能的方案。

    As the malfunction of automobile braking system is life threatening , a monitoring scheme of dynamic automobile braking performance using MEMS ( Micro-Electro-Mechanical System ) capacitive accelerometer is proposed .

  11. 本文阐述了UPS的基本原理,系统构成,船上应用应达到的要求,以及当船上主电源发生故障时应对那些重要和维系生命安全的设备馈电。

    The paper discuss its basic working principle , system composition , application requirements for marine use and to which essential and life saving concerning users it shall feed power in case of blackout of ship 's mains .

  12. 阐述了舱外航天服在航天员出舱活动(EVA)过程中的作用、舱外航天服工效设计对保障航天员生命安全和EVA质量的意义,以及航天服设计必须考虑的各类因素。

    The function of extravehicular spacesuit in extravehicular activity ( EVA ), the means of extravehicular spacesuit work efficiency design to lifeguard for astronaut and EVA quality , and various factors considered in the design were presented in this paper .

  13. 适用于生物技术设施的消防及生命安全规范

    A Fire Protection Life Safety Code Compliance Approach for Biotechnology Facilities

  14. 艾滋病是人类生命安全的巨大威胁。

    HIV / AIDS poses a serious threat to human life .

  15. 大火威胁了当地几十家人的生命安全,这些人只能被迫撤离啊。

    The fire threatened dozens of homes , forcing some evacuation .

  16. 建设安全文化体系营造生命安全平台

    Setting up Security Culture System and Constructing Life Security Platform

  17. 食品安全直接关系到老百姓的身体健康与生命安全和社会的稳定。

    Food safety relates to human health and social stabilization .

  18. 因为他们拿你的生命安全威胁我一旦他们发现我已经告诉了�

    Because they made threats against your life , forcing my silence .

  19. 它直接涉及到人的生命安全。

    It directly concerns the safety of passengers ' life .

  20. 然而现场监测往往会危及工作人员的生命安全。

    However , It is dangerons for technical staff to monitor on site .

  21. 食品质量安全直接关系到广大消费者的身体健康和生命安全。

    Food quality security has direct relations with health and life for consumers .

  22. 我们保证你们:生命安全!

    You are to be guaranteed security of life !

  23. 相对主动安全而言,被动安全对保护乘员生命安全具有更直接更现实的意义。

    Passive security is more important to protect passenger life than initiative security .

  24. 和确保广大公民的生命安全。

    And ensure the safety of the general population .

  25. 他们必须为自己的生命安全多做提防。

    They must look out for their lives .

  26. 中国人民的生命安全从此获得了根本保障。

    The Chinese people have won the basic guarantee for their life and security .

  27. 越方船只的做法严重威胁了中国渔民的生命安全。

    The practice of YueFang ships seriously threatened the life safety of Chinese fishermen .

  28. 重视船舶救生设备保障人员生命安全

    Personnel Safety Assurance Depends on Marine Lifesaving Appliance

  29. 一方面及时准确的病症异常报警有效的保障了病人的生命安全。

    On the one hand , timely and accurate abnormal alarm can safeguard the patients .

  30. 尤以滑坡监测,往往会危及现场工作人员的生命安全。

    It is dangerous for technicians who work on the site especially landslide monitoring site .