
  • 网络production expenses
  1. 作为中国石油天然气集团公司(CNPC)的上市子公司,中石油(PetroChina)还将在去年基础上削减勘探和生产支出近10%,以应对油价自去年夏天以来近50%的跌幅。

    PetroChina , the listed arm of China National Petroleum Corp , will also cut almost 10 per cent in exploration and production spending compared with last year in response to a near-50 per cent plunge in oil prices since last summer .

  2. 得出结论:除了农业基本建设支出对农业产出有负经济意义外,其他三个财政支农(包括农林水利气象费用支出、支援农村生产支出和科技三项费用)均对农业有正经济意义。

    Conclusion : In addition to capital expenditure on agriculture has a negative economic significance of agricultural output , the other three financial support for agriculture ( including forestry , water conservancy meteorological costs , support costs and Expenditure for rural production ) are positive economic significance of agriculture .

  3. 进一步的,在借鉴已有研究的基础上,本文试图通过非生产性支出这一框架来解释政治关联对公司业绩的损害途径。

    And basing on previous research , we use the non productive expenditure to explain the influence path .

  4. 进一步的,本文引入非生产性支出的框架来解释高管政治关联损害公司业绩的可能途径。

    Furthermore , we bring in framework of non-productive expenditure to explain possible influence path of political connection .

  5. 河北省财政支农生产性支出与非生产性支出的对比分析

    The Comparative Analysis of the Productive Expenditure and the Nonproductive Expenditure in the Financial Expenditure for Agriculture in Hebei Province

  6. 虽然公共财政支出因为包含了非生产性支出或转移支付,因此经济效率较低。

    Local fiscal expenditure always contains some non-productive expenditure and transfer payment , so its economic efficiency is relatively lower .

  7. 第一,实体经济层面上,比较优势差异决定了全球生产和支出格局差异。

    Firstly , based on the real economy , the disparity of comparative advantage leads to the disparity of global production and spending .

  8. 现代企业管理中,薪酬已不仅仅是传统的企业生产成本支出,而是与企业人力资源开发战略紧密相联的管理要素。

    In modern enterprise management , compensation administration is more a key factor closely connected with enterprise human resource management strategy than just a kind of cost .

  9. 相反,我们甚至可以认为,只要现金没有用于生产性支出,而是闲置在资产负债表上,仅仅赚取微薄的回报率,它其实是在拖累公司收益的增长。

    Arguably , as well , it is actually a drag on earnings growth as long as cash sits on the balance sheet unproductively earning low rates of return .

  10. 发行公司债券筹集的资金,必须用于审批机关批准的用途,不得用于弥补亏损和非生产性支出。

    The proceeds from issuance of company bonds shall be used for the purpose approved by the approval authority , and may not be used to cover losses and non-operating expenditures .

  11. 改革开放以来,我国财政支出规模呈先缩小后扩大的趋势,但是财政生产性支出占财政总支出的比重却不断缩小。

    After China 's opening and reforming , the fiscal expenditure scale dwindled first and enlarged afterward , but the rate of fiscal productive expenditure in total expenditure is gradually reducing .

  12. 研究结果显示,财政收入、政府消费性支出、政府生产性支出、财政赤字分别与就业变量之间存在长期均衡的协整关系。

    Research results show that there is a long-term equilibrium co-integration relationship between the government revenues , the government consumer spending , the government productive expenses , fiscal deficit and employment respectively .

  13. 政府生产性支出作为公共支出的一部分,在引导私人资本投资,提高劳动供给水平,促进经济长期增长方面具有重要作用。

    As a part of public expenditure , the productive government expenditure has an important effect on guiding private capital investment , improving the level of labor supply and promoting long-run economic growth .

  14. 因此,从总的结果来看,对社会是不利的,至少是有一万镑的差异,即丙的那笔非生产性支出额。

    There is , therefore , on the general result , a difference to the disadvantage of the community , of at least ten thousand pounds , being the amount of C 's unproductive expenditure .

  15. 中央财政生产性支出对经济增长的推动力量远高于地方财政生产性支出,(3)国家财政的非生产性支出规模过大,不利于经济增长。

    Second , the impelling action of central government fiscal productive expenditure is larger than local productive expenditure . Third , the scale of nonproductive fiscal expenditure is too large , which is no good to economic growth .

  16. 长期以来政府卫生支出一直被视为一种消费性支出,可以增进社会福利,但降低经济增长率,但作为政府对国民健康人力资本的投资其生产性支出的特点也是显而易见的。

    Government health expenditure has long been considered as a nonproductive expenditure , which can promote the social welfare , but reduce economic growth rate . But as a kind of investment of the national health capital , this expenditure also has an obvious feature of productive expenditure .

  17. 出口、生产和资本支出均大幅下降。

    Exports , production and capital expenditure have collapsed .

  18. 一些经济迹象有所改善,制造业,工业生产和消费者支出都有小幅上涨。

    Some economic signs have improved . Manufacturing , industrial production and consumer spending have made small gains .

  19. 许多企业处于这种情况:拥有现金储备,但往往找不到生产性用途支出资金。

    Many corporations are in this situation of having cash piles but often do not have productive uses for the money .

  20. 一方面,中国仍然是增长最快的大型经济体。另一方面,随着生产商削减支出,有关供应大幅增长的预测似乎过于乐观。

    China is still the fastest growing major economy ; forecasts of enormous supply growth seem optimistic as producers cut back spending .

  21. 在中国,就在国内外汽车生产商整体支出持平之际,它们却在网络广告上投入大把大把的钱。

    Both foreign and domestic auto makers here are pouring ad money into online ventures , even as their overall spending remains flat .

  22. 中国粮食生产成本外支出的地区性差异较大,对一些地区农民的增收有不利影响。

    The cost from outsides of production is different areas is quit different , also takes side - effects on Chinese farmer 's income .

  23. 但对于生产性政府支出,开放经济的最优税收政策与封闭经济的最优税收政策并不完全等价。

    But for government produc-tion expenditure , the optimal tax policy in an open economy is incompletely equivalent to that in a closed economy .

  24. 哈尔滨发电有限责任公司目前生产用水水费支出在经营性成本中的比例逐年上升,准备利用城市污水作为电厂的补充用水。

    The rapid rising ratio of operating water costs to running expenses requires municipal wastewater reclamation for supplying water in Harbin generate electricity corporation .

  25. 对于具有相对拥挤性的生产性政府支出,本文利用附加效用值函数法,分析财政政策的增长效应和福利效应,讨论最优的财政政策。

    For government production expenditure , this paper analyzes growth effect and welfare effect of fiscal policy and discusses opti-mal fiscal policy by the additional utility value function method .

  26. 由于商品和人力资本从低等级城市向高等级城市流动,生产和消费支出发生空间转移,商品消费种类存在城市等级差别。

    Merchandise and human capital flow from low rank city to high rank city , in turn , production and consumption transfer spatially , there is difference of consumption variety in rank cities .

  27. 其次,在内生经济增长理论经典模型和区域经济收敛理论的基础上,分别从生产性财政支出流量和存量两个方面对其与区域经济增长的关系进行理论分析。

    Secondly , based on the classical endogenous growth theory and regional economic convergence theory , theoretical analysis in this article explains flows and stocks of productive expenditure and their relations with the regional economic growth .

  28. 中海油表示,在今年的资本支出中,勘探、开发和生产资本化支出将分别约占21%、67%和10%。

    Cuts will be concentrated in development spending , which will drop by 67 per cent , Cnooc said . Spending on exploration and production will be reduced by 21 per cent and 10 per cent respectively .

  29. 华北地区城镇居民水费支出占收入与消费的比例研究哈尔滨发电有限责任公司目前生产用水水费支出在经营性成本中的比例逐年上升,准备利用城市污水作为电厂的补充用水。

    On the percentage of water charges to disposable income and living expenditure in North China The rapid rising ratio of operating water costs to running expenses requires municipal wastewater reclamation for supplying water in Harbin generate electricity corporation .

  30. 哈佛大学(HarvardUniversity)教授迈克尔礠森(MichaelJensen)后来批评企业集团存在“数十亿非生产性的资本支出和组织效率低下现象”,赞扬了企业朝着“更小、更集中、更高效”的方向演变的趋势。

    Michael Jensen , a Harvard professor , later criticised the " billions in unproductive capital expenditures and organisational inefficiencies " at conglomerates , praising the trend toward " smaller , more focused , more efficient " enterprises .