
ɡōnɡ yì jīn
  • public welfare fund;community fund
公益金 [gōng yì jīn]
  • [public welfare funds;communal chest] 企业单位、生产单位用来兴办本单位的文化事业和公共福利事业的资金

  1. 而彩票公益金的使用方向则直接取决于彩票发行的目的。

    The usage of the public welfare fund from lottery ticket sales directly depends on the purpose of lottery sales .

  2. 在这种转变的过程中,法定公益金作为一项过渡性的制度安排被确立下来。

    In this transformation process , the statutory public welfare fund was established as a transitional arrangement , and it was drawn as a certain percentage from the net profits .

  3. 所有必要的费用都从公益金中支出。

    All necessary expenses are drawn from the public welfare funds .

  4. 我国体育彩票公益金分配管理中存在的问题及改进建议

    Problems and Suggestions When Distributing Sport Lottery Public Welfare Funds in China

  5. 我国体育彩票公益金的使用模式

    Mode of spending of sports lottery welfare fund in China

  6. 我国彩票公益金公共性本质与管理模式优化

    Commonality Essence of the Commonweal Fund of Chinese Lottery and Managing Optimization

  7. 香港公益金会员机构

    Member agency of the Community Chest of Hong Kong

  8. 心光成为公益金会员。

    Becomes a member of the Community Chest .

  9. 从理论上说,法定公益金制度与投资者权益和公司利益都相互冲突,在实践上也几乎形同虚设。

    Theoretically , there are conflicts with the interest of investor and the company .

  10. 如果他们回答公益金的正确行使,珍惜的是他们。

    If they answer the chest 's exercise correctly , the treasure is theirs .

  11. 阿梅会将全场送给她的贺礼,全拨捐公益金。

    All the money she received as gift was donated to the Community Chest .

  12. 我国彩票公益金用于教育事业的政策研究

    The Study of the Policies of Investing Chinese Education Causes with Public Welfare Fund from Lottery

  13. 公益金是发展完善。

    The chest is well developed .

  14. 有些女性无法找到合适的衣服,他们由于没有公益金所有。

    Some women cannot find clothes that fit them due to having no chest at all .

  15. 四公益金及教育金百分之五。

    Set aside as the public welfare fund and education fund not less than five percent .

  16. 法定公益金失去存在的理论基础和现实意义;

    Thus the legal public fund has lost its foundation for existence and its practical significance .

  17. 它必须已调整阀对这个“内阀公益金”的设计概念!

    It must have been adjusting the valves on this " inside valve chest " design concept !

  18. 我国彩票公益金管理存在的问题及对策分析公益信托,慈善基金

    An Analysis of Problems and Solutions of Lottery Public Welfare Fund Management in China ; charitable trust

  19. 公益金制度的变化之我见

    Change of Community Fund System

  20. 在立法上,强化彩票公益金的公开制度。

    As to the legislation , the disclosure system of lottery public welfare fund should be reinforced .

  21. 厂里要用公益金给大家发点福利。

    The factory decided to withdraw some money from the public welfare fund to provide everybody with benefits .

  22. 我们的铁兄弟正试图挤进一个小铁公益金自己的肌肉充分。

    We the Brothers of Iron are trying to squeeze ourselves in one small Iron Chest , full of muscles .

  23. 这两项重要的法规从制度上规定了法定公益金提取的强制性,使得在十几年的时间里各个企业都在自己的会计核算体系中给了法定公益金一席之地。

    These two important regulations make each enterprise brings the statutory public welfare fund into their accounting system for several years .

  24. 使用从地板上的旧花瓶库存锤,并从附近的地面装甲公益金的关键。

    Use HAMMER from inventory on old vase on the floor and get CHEST KEY from the floor near the armor .

  25. 公司提取的法定公益金用于本公司职工的集体福利。

    The company 's statutory common welfare fund is used for the collective welfare of the company 's staff and workers .

  26. 削减将通过胸壁及胸腔将拨入公益金之间的两根肋骨。

    A cut will be made through the chest wall and the thoracoscope will be put into the chest between two ribs .

  27. 国家与时俱进修改《公司法》,取消了企业提取法定公益金的规定;

    In accordance with the new era , our country has revised The Company Law , which has cancelled the enterprise-extracting legal public fund .

  28. 1999年,国家体育总局提出在体育彩票公益金的捐助下创建青少年体育俱乐部。

    In 1999 , juvenile sports club was set up by the National Sports Bureau under the sponsoring of sports lottery public accumulated fund .

  29. 首先,通过对国内、外福利彩票公益金的管理情况进行对比分析,挖掘福利彩票公益金的好的管理经验。

    First of all , through a comparison between the management situation of domestic , outside the welfare lottery , mining welfare lottery good management experience .

  30. 彩票的垄断性也体现在了彩票公益金的使用和管理上,其蕴含了国家的意志与利益。

    The monopoly is also reflected on the utilization and management of lottery public welfare fund , which indicates the will and interest of the state .