
  • 网络Incorporation;company registration;company formation
  1. 如果你是中介),并要求VI设计公司注册服务为您的客户一个专业(定期,请与我们联系专业中介机构为我们的特别费率。

    If you are a professional ( intermediary ) and require offshore incorporation services for your clients on a regular basis , please contact us for our special rates for professional intermediaries .

  2. 符合公司注册地法律,在过去两年中无严重违反法律的行为;

    In compliance with the laws of the place of incorporation and no severe violation of laws in the previous2years ;

  3. 公司注册资金2500万元,现拥有聚丙烯酰胺(PAM)生产线三条。

    The Companies registered is more than 25 million yuan . The company has three polyacrylamide ( PAM ) production lines .

  4. 本公司注册地址为香港中环域多利皇后街5至8号鸿基大厦5C室。

    Our registered office is Room5C , Hung Kei Building , Nos.5-8 , Queen Victoria Street , Central , Hong Kong .

  5. 公司注册代理人:必须是BVI永久居民身份的自然人或在BVI注册的公司;

    Company Register Agent : Company Registered Agent must be natural persons who has BVI permanent resident status or companies registered in BVI ;

  6. 一旦这些公司注册成为经纪商之后,哪怕它们所从事的唯一交易是在花自己的钱,SEC基本上也就证实了这些公司是在为市场和其他交易商提供服务。

    By having them register as brokers , the SEC basically validates the argument that these firms service the market and other traders , even if the only trading they do is with their own cash .

  7. 新德里企业事务部公司注册处(RegistrarofCompaniesoftheMinistryofCorporateAffairs)提供的公司文件显示,瓦德拉从2007年年底开始做房地产生意,组建了一家名为SkyLightHospitalityPrivateLtd.、注册资本不到2000美元的公司。

    In late 2007 he went into the real-estate business , forming a firm called Sky Light Hospitality Private Ltd. with less than $ 2000 , according to company filings at the Registrar of Companies of the Ministry of Corporate Affairs in New Delhi .

  8. 这处房产于1982年由yunakcorporation买下,该公司注册地是荷属安的列斯群岛(这是当时颇受欢迎的一个避税天堂)的库拉索,由哈里里经营。

    The property was acquired in 1982 by the yunak Corporation - a company registered in curaao in the Dutch Antilles - a popular tax haven at the time - and run by Mr Hariri .

  9. 每份表格NC3只供一名董事使用,公司注册处不接纳未签妥的表格,并会将表格退回提交人。

    Each Form NC3 can be used by one director only . A form which is not properly signed will be rejected by the Companies Registry .

  10. 那个专利是萨迪特里斯公司注册的

    And that patent is registered to a company called Sagittarius .

  11. 该贺奖只限于本公司注册之宗亲们申请。

    Only registered clansman are eligible to apply for the award .

  12. 公司注册资金:壹亿元人民币。

    The company 's registered capital is RMB100 million yuan .

  13. 二零零一年,共有38258家新公司注册成为法团。

    In 2001 , 38 258 new companies were incorporated .

  14. 公司注册资本法律问题研究

    A Study On the Legislative Problems of the Registered Capital of Corporation

  15. 香港公司注册,国外代表处设立;

    Chinese , foreign , joint venture company set up .

  16. 论公司注册资本的经济法律意义

    Analysis of the Economic and Legal Significance of Registered Capital of Company

  17. 合营公司注册资本和负债情况;

    The registered capital and debts of the JV company ;

  18. 政府和社会运动人士希望实行更严格的公司注册审查制度,其他人反对。

    Governments and campaigners want tighter scrutiny of company registration , Others don 't.

  19. 美国电话电报公司注册的电视电话服务商标名。

    A trademark of the AT & T Company .

  20. 北洋政府时期公司注册制度研究

    A Research on Corporation Registration System during the Period of Northern Warlords Government

  21. 我国公司注册中行政因素的评判与分析

    The Judgement and Analysis of the Administration Factor in Company Registration in China

  22. 在美国每天都有成千上万的新公司注册营业。

    In America , there are thousands of new companies registered every day .

  23. 论刑法对公司注册资本规制的立法精神

    On Criminal Law 's Legislation Spirit for the Regulation of Registered Capitals of Companies

  24. 去年林毕业了,在毕业前他的公司注册成功了。

    Lin graduated last year , even before which he got the firm registered .

  25. 对公司注册资本不实的思考

    Legal Thoughts on the False Company Registration Capital

  26. 第二章中国上市公司注册会计师审计质量:价值分析。

    CPA audit quality of the listed companies in our country : value analysis .

  27. 以上商标为艾琳公司注册商标。

    The above are registered trademarks of Irene Co.

  28. 登记注册的记名债券押记注册组〔公司注册处〕

    Bond registered Charges Section [ Companies Registry ]

  29. 公司注册资本为1029万美元。

    The total registered capital is1029 million USD .

  30. 但也有电影公司注册的片名从来没被使用的情况发生过。

    Studios have also sometimes registered titles that have never come to be used .