
wài zī
  • foreign capital;foreign investment;foreign funds
外资 [wài zī]
  • [foreign capital] 由外国投入的资本

  • 引进外资

外资[wài zī]
  1. 不过,外资对于台湾的频道节目经营,在WTO以后影响较大。

    But , foreign capital has more influence on running of TV channels after Taiwan entered WTO .

  2. 随着中国加入WTO以后,外资大量进入中国市场,国有股权转让的速度更是加快了步伐。

    With the China 's entry into WTO , the foreign capital floods into China and accelerates this transaction .

  3. 瑞士人想要阻止外资流入。

    The Swiss wanted to discourage an inflow of foreign money .

  4. 如何对外资管理者进行补偿还有待磋商。

    How foreign fund-managers will be compensated has yet to be thrashed out .

  5. 外资银行的放贷金额持续萎缩,面临枯竭。

    Credit from foreign banks is drying up

  6. 美国的外资总额仍然只占美国资产的5%左右。

    Total foreign investment in America still constitutes only about 5 % of U.S. assets .

  7. 多年以来我们都被教导美国和外资乃是问题所在。

    For years we were taught that Uncle Sam and foreign investment were the problem .

  8. 要开一家外资企业就要钻条条框框,没几个出来的。

    To try to open a foreign-owned business is to enter a thicket of regulations from which few emerge .

  9. 随着外资的减少,政府将更加受制于起伏不定的国际油价。

    With the reduction in foreign investments , the government will be even more a hostage to the whims of the international oil price

  10. 他们应吸引外资。

    They should attract foreign investment .

  11. 一些银行已开设提供经济担保或证明等新业务,以利于引进外资。

    And some banks have begun to render such new services as issuing guarantees and witness in favor of the foreign investments .

  12. 我在一家外资银行做会计。

    I 'm an accountant at a foreign bank .

  13. 大幅缩减外资准入负面清单

    Significantly shorten the negative list for foreign investment .

  14. 光有外资显然不够,只是劝告人们进行改革也不行。

    Foreign funds alone are clearly not enough , nor are exhortations to reform .

  15. 对此,外资企业有要求,中国企业更有要求。

    Stronger IPR protection is the requirement of foreign enterprises , and even more so of Chinese enterprises .

  16. 第八十五条中外合资经营企业、中外合作经营企业、外资企业使用土地的,适用本法;

    Article 85 This law applies to the use of land by Sino-foreign joint and cooperative ventures , and wholly foreign-owned enterprises .

  17. 发展中经济体相比发达国家更受外资青睐流入发展中经济体的外国直接投资约为6160亿美元,比2019年下降12%,流入发展中经济体的外国直接投资占全球外国直接投资的比重已高达72%,达到历史最高水平。

    Although FDI to developing economies decreased by 12 percent to an estimated $ 616 billion , they accounted for 72 percent of global FDI — the highest share on record .

  18. 草案指出,中国将积极促进内需和外需、进口和出口、引进外资和对外投资协调发展,强调中国会坚定不移地进一步扩大对外开放。

    China will work to promote the coordinated development of both domestic and external demand , imports and exports , as well as foreign and outbound investment , the draft outline said , stressing that the country stays committed to further opening-up .

  19. 国家发展改革委副主任宁吉喆表示,国家将进一步优化外资营商环境,推行一系列政策,包括缩减外资准入负面清单,鼓励外资参与中国制造业高质量发展。

    Ning Jizhe , deputy head of the National Development and Reform Commission , said that the country would further improve the business environment for foreign investment , implementing and incentivizing overseas investors in participating in the high-quality development of its manufacturing industry .

  20. 联合国贸易和发展会议发布的报告显示,2020年中国的外国直接投资增长4%,达1630亿美元,成为全球最大外资流入国,美国排名第二位。发达经济体受疫情冲击最为严重

    China was the world 's largest recipient of foreign direct investment ( FDI ) in 2020 , as flows rose by 4 percent to $ 163 billion , followed by the United States , a report by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development ( UNCTAD ) showed .

  21. 加入WTO后我国对外资银行的监管策略研究

    The Study of Strategy of Controlling Foreign Banks After China Joining the WTO

  22. 入世以来,WTO法律规则对我国各方面的影响正逐步凸现,在吸引外资方面,几乎取得了立竿见影的巨大效应。

    After China ' entry into the WTO , great progress has been made in the part of attracting foreign investment .

  23. 加入WTO后,中国本土企业的竞争与外资企业竞争更加激烈化。

    After China join in WTO , competition be - tween Chinese native place enterprise 's and the foreign capital enterprise is intense .

  24. 目前外商投资已成为我国各地区利用外部资源的主要方式,外资的流入对各地区的经济增长产生了重要的影响,其中外商直接投资(ForeignDirectinvestment)的作用最为明显。

    At present , foreign investment has become the region 's main form of the use of external resources , the role of foreign direct investment is most evident .

  25. 我国现行的现行三部外资法有关外商投资企业的超国民待遇和次国民待遇的规定与WTO的国民待遇原则不一致。

    The super and secondary national treatment in three current present Foreign Investment Laws in China cannot conform to the WTO national treatment principle .

  26. 通过对水利利用外资现状的分析,阐述了加入WTO对水利利用外资结构的影响。

    The paper expounds the impacts on foreign funds utilization structure of water sector after joining WTO through analysis on the present status of foreign funds utilization .

  27. 中国加入WTO五年后,中国银行业全面对外开放,中国银行业将直面外资银行的挑战和冲击。

    China join WTO after the five year , Chinese banking overall to open foreign countries , Chinese banking face straightly foreign capitals challenge of bank hit .

  28. 对FDI在江苏的产业及地区分布结构以及外资的来源地和进入方式进行全面地概括和总结。

    Generalize the developing situation of FDI in Jiangsu including industrial and regional distribution structure , the source and entering mode of FDI .

  29. 取自扬州某外资皮革厂的蓝皮制革废水舍有大量的Cr3+和COD。

    The blue-wet skin wastewater getting from certain foreign capital leather factory in Yangzhou contains a mass of Cr3 and COD .

  30. 加入WTO以后,外资银行将以雄厚的资金实力,低廉的资金成本和优质的服务与我国商业银行展开激烈竞争。

    After China joins WTO , foreign capital bank is going to compete with commercial bank of China by abundant capital , low cost and service in high quality .