
  1. 复进口税是指对外籍船舶载运中国土货从一个通商口岸运赴另一个通商口岸所征缴的进口税,因进口时纳税税率为出口税率的一半,又称复进口半税。

    Coast duty was an import tax collected from foreign ships which transported Chinese local products from one trading port to another . It was also named as re-import half duty , for its tax rate was half of the export tax rate .

  2. 港口国监控,被喻为海上安全最后防线,是对停靠本国港口的外籍船舶实施的安全监督管理,其内容是检查这些船舶对国际安全公约和防污公约的遵守情况。

    Port State Control , also called " The Final Defense of Sea-Safety ", is one kind of inspect and control against the ships lying at anchors in a Port State , by inspecting whether the ships amply with the conventions related on sea-safety and pollution-prevention or not .

  3. 我国疏浚市场引进外籍施工船舶的管理对策研究

    Management Strategies of Importing Foreign Constructing Ships to Dredging Markets in China

  4. 舟山口岸外籍修理船舶的检疫风险研究

    Study on Quarantine Risks of Felly Repair Foreign Nationality at Zhoushan Port