
wài chā
  • heterodyne
外差 [wài chà]
  • [heterodyne] 把一个无线电频率同另一不同的频率合在一起以便产生差拍

  • 一个低频信号(一般约100千赫)随后被倍频和外差以产生所需的载波频率

  1. 双频CO2激光器的输出特性分析及三频外差测量研究

    Output characteristic of a two-frequency CO_2 laser and three-frequency heterodyne detection

  2. CO2激光非线性四频外差探测的实验研究

    The experimental study on nonlinear four-frequency heterodyne detection of CO _2 laser

  3. CO2激光脉冲外差探测一阶统计特性分析

    Analysis of 1st Order Statistic Specialty of CO_2 Laser Pulse Heterodyne Detection

  4. CO2激光外差探测系统灵敏度的研究

    Sensitivity study of the CO_2 laser heterodyne detection system

  5. 用于CNC位置环测量的外差激光干涉仪的研究

    Study on laser heterodyne interferometer for positioning a CNC machine tool

  6. 一种基于FPGA的外差干涉仪动态数据采集方法

    Dynamic data collection method of heterodyne interferometer based on FPGA

  7. GaAs肖特基二极管外差接收系统用于托卡马克电子回旋辐射的诊断

    The diagnosis of Tokamak electron cyclotron radiation by GaAs Schottky diode heterodyne receiver

  8. 该菱体较好地用于CO2激光外差接收系统中,其能量转换效率达到93%以上。

    The rhomb has been used in the CO2 laser heterodyne detection system , and the transfer efficiency is more than 93 % .

  9. 科用外差法测定NH2D斯塔克盒稳定CO2激光频率系统的鉴频曲线

    The Measurement of the Frequency Discriminating Curve of CO_2 Laser Frequency-Stabilized System Using NH_2D Stark Cell with the Heterodyne Method

  10. F-P腔光外差光谱及其激光稳频系统

    Optical heterodyne spectrum of Fabry-Perot cavity and laser stabilization

  11. 调制转移光外差光谱信号的信噪比(SNR)和中心斜率与吸收程等有关。

    Absorption length has an influence on signal to noise ratio ( SNR ) and slope of modulation transfer spectra .

  12. 外差锁定放大技术及在STM中的应用

    Heterodyne Lock-in Amplifier and Application in STM

  13. 8mm波段外差时序多色仪实验

    Experiment of heterodyne time sequential polychromator in 8 mm band

  14. HT-6B上的ECE外差接收系统

    An ECE measurement system with heterodyne receiver on the HT-6B Tokamak

  15. 紫外差吸收光谱检测到明显的配体向金属的电荷转移(LMCT,ligand-to-metalchargetransition)谱带。

    Distinguished ligand-to-metal charge transition ( LMCT ) bands were observed through UV differential spectra .

  16. 提出了一套基于CPLD的中频差外差信号处理的整数检测方案。

    A noval way based on CPLD was put forward for integral detecting of the processing heterodyne interference signal with mid frequency difference .

  17. 1.5μm外腔半导体激光源外差FSK相干光纤通信系统的研究

    1.5 μ m Experimental Heterodyne FSK Coherent Optical Fiber Communication Systems with External Cavity Semiconductor Lasers

  18. 低功耗FSK超外差式接收电路设计

    Low-Power FSK Superheterodyne Receiver Based

  19. 本文对合成孔径激光雷达(SyntheticApertureLadar,简称SAL)中光外差平衡接收技术进行了研究。

    As the key techniques in Synthetic Aperture Ladar ( SAL ), balanced optical heterodyne receiver technology is studied in this paper .

  20. H2O~+和D2O~+离子分子(?)A1-(?)B电子态跃迁的光外差磁旋转速度调制光谱研究

    Study on the Absorption Spectra of the (?) A_1 - (?) B_1 Electronic Transition of H_2O ~ + and D_2O ~ + by Optical Heterodyne Magnetic Rotation Enhanced Velocity Modulation Spectroscopy

  21. 分析了温度、压力、应变三个方面对DBR激光器光外差产生的毫米波信号的影响。

    The influence of temperature , pressure and strain on the millimeter signal is analyzed .

  22. 腔内CdTe电光调QCO2窄脉冲激光外差信号特性分析

    Characteristics of Q-switched CO_2 Short-pulse Heterodyne Signal with CdTe Electrooptic Modulator

  23. 采用延迟自外差方法测量了一只DFB半导体激光器的线宽。

    The linewidth of a DFB semiconductor laser has been measured by the delayed self-heterodyne method . 2 .

  24. 利用超外差式接收和直接数字合成(DDS)技术设计了高频地波雷达频谱监测系统的前端电路。

    The design of a frontend circuit in the shortwave noise spectrum monitoring system is made by utilizing superheterodyne reception and direct digtal synthesis techniques .

  25. 提出了一种MEMS构件微小振动、位移测量系统,采用外差法激光多普勒技术,通过对信号的频谱分析,确定了信号处理单元的适宜频带宽度。

    A small MEMS component vibration measuring system using heterodyne laser Doppler technology is proposed . The frequency bandwidth is properly determined by analyzing the frequency of Doppler signal .

  26. 本文用荧光光谱,紫外差示光谱和CD谱研究果菠萝蛋白酶在不同浓度的脲溶液中的构象及酶活力的变化情况。

    Changes of activity and conformation of fruit bromelain in different concentrations of urea solution have been studied by means of measuring the fluorescence spectra , differential UV-absorption spectra and circular dichroism spectra .

  27. 本文介绍了在HT-6B上使用的一套五道外差接收机系统,它用于该装置的ECE信号测量。

    A set of 5-channel heterodyne receiver system for measuring the ECE signals of the HT-6B tokamak plasma is described .

  28. 1.5μmCPFSK外差/差分&延迟解调实验系统

    1.5 μ m Experimental System on CPFSK Heterodyne / Differential-Delay Demodulation

  29. RoF系统的关键技术之一就是利用光子方法产生微波、毫米波信号,其中,光外差技术以其优良特性而成为最具潜力的光生毫米波方案。

    At present , the optical heterodyne technology becomes the most potential lightwave-Millimeter synthesis scheme due to its unique advantages .

  30. 合成孔径激光成像雷达(VI):时空散斑效应和外差探测信噪比采用三线位置敏感探测器定位模型分析光斑对定位精度的影响

    Synthetic Aperture Imaging Ladar ( VI ): Space-Time Speckle Effect and Heterodyne Signal-to-Noise Ratio Analysis on the Position Sensitive Detector Positioning Error Caused by Laser Spot Using New Three-Ray Model