
wài sheng nǚ
  • niece;granddaughter;sister's daughter
外甥女 [wài shēng nǚ]
  • (1) [niece;sister's daughter]∶姐妹的女儿

  • (2) [granddaughter] [方]∶外孙女

外甥女[wài sheng nǚ]
  1. 在事业发展的同时,他还和出身政治世家的玛利亚谢里弗结了婚,并在2003年成为加州州长。玛利亚谢里弗是美国前总统约翰F肯尼迪的外甥女。

    Along the way he also married into a political dynasty , wedding Maria Shriver , a niece of former president John F. Kennedy , before becoming California governor in 2003 , a post he relinquished in January .

  2. 我不是他的女儿,我是他的外甥女。

    I am not his daughter , I am his niece .

  3. 她的三个外甥女出生时她都在现场,而且她承认她对她们及其溺爱。社会学家们用这个缩写词来反映目前无子女的职业女性人数不断上升这一现象,她们有足够的可支配收入和时间跟孩子们一起相处。

    She was present at the births of all her three nieces and admits she spoils them rotten . Sociologists coined the acronym to reflect the growing number of childless professional women who have plenty of disposable income and time to spend with youngsters .

  4. 第二天,我遵守我的诺言没有向任何人提起这颗头的事,不过我还是将我夜半遇猫的经历告诉了弟妹和外甥女,毕竟这没有那颗飘浮的人头那么恐怖。

    The next day , I kept my promise to him about telling the others about the head , but I mentioned seeing the cat to my sister in law and my nieces as a cat isn 't as scary as a floating head .

  5. 我妹妹的女儿,即我的外甥女。

    My sister 's daughter , who is my niece .

  6. 我姐和外甥女要来

    My sister 's coming into town with my niece .

  7. 我向你道喜,亲爱的外甥女。

    I give you joy , my dear niece .

  8. 我们的一个外甥女,还刚刚从上海来看我们。

    We also had a visit from our niece from Shanghai , China .

  9. 我的外甥女在这?她们应该去学校的啊。

    My nieces are here ? They 're supposed to be at school .

  10. 不管是为了儿子的幸福,还是为了外甥女的幸福,她都不希望他们结婚。

    No happiness of son or niece could make her wish the marriage .

  11. 克里外甥女重庆小辣妹

    John Kerry 's Granddaughter Is a Girl from Chongqing

  12. 我想了解我的学生玛丽的真相你的外甥女

    I 'd like to know the truth about Mary my student your niece

  13. 不好意思,我要带我的外甥女去滑冰。

    Jack : Uh , pardon me . I 'm taking my niece skating .

  14. 有我送给我外甥女的。

    I have my niece 's confirmation gift .

  15. 帮我照顾好我七舅老爷和他的三外甥女。

    Help me to take care of my seventh uncle and his third niece .

  16. 我有好些外甥女都没见过。

    I have nieces I have never seen .

  17. 相对于你那神经质的外甥女和她的高跟鞋之间摇摇晃晃的关系来说。

    as compared to the shaky arrangement of a neurotic niece in high heels .

  18. 她是我爷爷的外甥女。

    She is my grandpa 's niece .

  19. 她是晶晶和苏兰的阿姨,而晶晶和苏兰则是她的外甥女。

    She is the aunt of Jingjing and Sulan , and they are her nieces .

  20. 你一定是凯特的外甥女

    You must be Kate 's niece .

  21. 她是我的外甥女明白吗?

    She is my niece ! Okay ?

  22. 他有一个漂亮的外甥女。

    He has a pretty niece .

  23. 不论妻、妾、千金,还是侄女、外甥女,统统都被地主当作了为争夺土地而战的武器。

    Wives , concubines , daughters and nieces were indiscriminately thrown into the battle for land .

  24. 这个可爱的小女孩是我的外甥女,我妹妹的女儿。

    The cute little girl is my two years old niece , my sister 's daughter .

  25. 她是托马斯·贝特伦爵士的外甥女,即此一点就会为人另眼相看。

    She is niece to Sir Thomas Bertram ; that will be enough for the world .

  26. 我的外甥女很喜欢看这些书

    My niece loves those books .

  27. 第7单元外甥女和外甥

    Unit 7 Niece and Nephew

  28. 远在英国的两位姑妈都恳求外甥女回家,并要给她介绍好人家。

    Her two old aunts in England implored her to come back , still to make a great match .

  29. 还有个人想答应她每个侄女外甥女,给她们买一顶价格最高可达1000英镑的帽子。

    A third wants to give each of her nieces permission to buy a hat costing up to 1000 .

  30. occasionally:偶尔地偶尔和我外甥女一起。talented:有才能的不过她比我更有天赋。

    Jack : Occasionally , with my niece , But she 's much more talented than I am . -