
  1. 德国《焦点》杂志(Focus)去年披露了慕尼黑公寓藏品的发现,引起犹太物主的继承人的归还要求。

    The discovery of the Munich hoard , disclosed by Focus magazine last year , prompted claims for restitution from the heirs of Jewish owners .

  2. 2012年,德国当局因税务调查突击检查了古利特的慕尼黑公寓,查扣了这批现代主义和文艺复兴时期的艺术作品。

    The trove of modernist and renaissance art was seized from Mr Gurlitt 's Munich apartment when it was raided in 2012 by German authorities pursuing a tax investigation .

  3. 我在慕尼黑有套公寓。

    I have another apartment in munich .