
  • 网络Munich beer;munchen;Mumich dark beer;Munich Dark Beer;munchen bier
  1. 本月的好去处是一年一度的慕尼黑啤酒节(Oktoberfest)和巴西啤酒节。

    This month features the annual Oktoberfests in Munich and Brazil .

  2. 爱喝啤酒的朋友们可能很快便会在德国慕尼黑啤酒节上喝个痛快。

    Beer lovers may soon be feeling the blues in Germany .

  3. 欧,孩子们,你们知道的,是慕尼黑啤酒节。

    Oh , boys , you know this festival as oktoberfest .

  4. 我在慕尼黑啤酒节钓的男人是个铁匠。

    A guy I picked up at Oktoberfest is a blacksmith .

  5. 第179届慕尼黑啤酒节以传统方式-鸣枪响炮宣告结束。

    The 179th annual festival ended with a traditional gun salute .

  6. 德国//在巴伐利亚州,秋色翩然而至,又正好赶上慕尼黑啤酒节(9月21日至10月6日)。

    GERMANY / / Fall colors arrive in Bavaria just in time for Oktoberfest ( Sept. 21-Oct. 6 ) .

  7. 2011年,慕尼黑啤酒节共吸引来690万游客,消耗啤酒超过700万升。

    In 2011 , the Oktoberfest drew some 6.9 million visitors , who downed well over 7 million liters .

  8. 来自斯图加特的坎施达特民俗节被列为世界第二大啤酒节,位列慕尼黑啤酒节之后。

    Stuttgart 's Cannstatter Volkfest is billed as the world 's second largest beer-drinking event – following Munich 's Oktoberfest .

  9. 慕尼黑啤酒节起源于1810年的一场婚庆仪式,当时泰瑞莎公主与巴伐利亚王子路德维希结婚。

    The celebration of Oktoberfest started in Germany as a wedding celebration in1810 , when Princess Therese married to the Bavarian Crown Prince Ludwig .

  10. 内饰,大木桌子和高高的天花板,旨在复制一个慕尼黑啤酒地下室,虽然有大量的墙壁装饰当代艺术品之一。

    The interior , large wooden tables and high ceilings , aims to replicate a Munich bierkeller , though one with large contemporary artworks adorning the walls .

  11. 慕尼黑啤酒节是世界上最盛大的啤酒节,今年的慕尼黑啤酒节在吸引来640万游客并喝光约690万升巴伐利亚啤酒后已经接近尾声。

    The world 's largest beer festival , Oktoberfest , has drawn to a close after some 6.4 million visitors downed an estimated 6.9 million liter mugs of Bavarian brew in the city of Munich .

  12. 因此,不论您是喜欢喝啤酒,或只是单纯想体验德国最盛大的节庆,都欢迎您在九月底到慕尼黑参加啤酒节。

    So whether you enjoy beer or simply want to experience the biggest festival in Germany , visit in late September for Oktoberfest .

  13. 若说慕尼黑是因啤酒而建,并不夸张。

    It is fair to say that the city of Munich was founded on beer .

  14. 慕尼黑着名的啤酒节登场了。

    Munich 's famous Oktoberfest is underway .

  15. 你可以在慕尼黑的众多啤酒厂寻找其他口味和品牌的啤酒,以及各种娱乐节目。

    Look for other varieties , as well as oompah bands and other entertainment , at any of Munich 's abundant breweries .

  16. 时,他经常出入慕尼黑一家露天啤酒屋。

    He can often be found in a Munich beer garden .

  17. 现代慕尼黑可不只有啤酒园而已。

    There is much more to modern Munich than beer gardens .