
  1. 甜点是威士忌口味的慕斯。

    The sweet was a mousse flavoured with whisky .

  2. 诺贝尔奖得主、纽约斯隆-凯特琳癌症中心(MemorialSloan-KetteringCancerCenter)总裁瓦慕斯医生曾两次被哈佛医学院拒绝。第一次被拒时,他感到沮丧。

    Dr. Varmus , the Nobel laureate and president of Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York , was daunted by the first of his two turndowns by Harvard 's med school .

  3. AmusedByMuse慕斯带来的惊喜东京东急株式会社旗下的慕斯美容美发,想出了一个巧妙地使用染发样品头发的替代方法。那些染过色且被扭绞并编成辫子的头发,曾在染发剂机架上,被公开地展出。

    The Muse Beauty Salon ( c / o Tokyu Agency Inc. , Tokyo ) has come up with an ingenious alternate use for those twisted and braided samples of dyed hair commonly displayed at the hair dye rack .

  4. 但2001年的拉菲目前卖到了一瓶800英镑左右,而在达沃斯品酒会上更胜一筹的葡萄酒来自澳大利亚的慕斯森林(mosswood)解百纳和来自南非的vergelegen却只卖43英镑和14英镑。

    But Chteau Lafite 2001 currently sells for about 800 a bottle ; whereas you can still get the wines that tasted better in Davos , moss wood Cabernet from Australia and vergelegen from South Africa , for 43 and 14 , respectively .

  5. 让我们犹豫不决的是那种入口即化的、如慕斯一般的口感。

    It 's the melting , mousse-like texture that gives pause .

  6. 桃馅饼和朱古力慕斯蛋糕也接近卖完。

    The peach cobbler and the chocolate mousse cake are nearly finished .

  7. 巧克力奶油,巧克力慕斯,巧克力冰淇淋。

    Dark chocolate creamy , milk chocolate mousse , chocolate ice cream .

  8. 那可能是慕斯昨天好尴尬

    That 's probably Mouse now . So that was weird yesterday .

  9. 比其他的鲑鱼慕斯好吃?

    Is it better than the other salmon mousse ?

  10. 求救我的衣服慕斯穿不了

    Crisis . My clothes don 't fit Mouse .

  11. 我们想点白巧克力慕斯蛋糕及二副叉子。

    We 'll have the White Chocolate Mousse Cake with two forks please .

  12. 黑巧克力覆盆子慕斯,巧克力萨歇尔蛋糕,香蕉团子。

    Dark Chocolate and Raspberry Mousse , Chocolate Sacher cake , Banana dumpling .

  13. 试试这鲑鱼慕斯。好吃。

    Monica : OK , try this salmon mousse .

  14. 慕斯你怎么来了

    Mouse . What are you doing here ?

  15. 吃巧克力慕斯的最后机会了

    Last chance for chocolate mousse .

  16. 那感恩节善信慕斯呢?

    How about pilgrim Macholate mousse ?

  17. 阿斯慕斯用的那些比喻或许过了头,但主要观点是正确的。

    Mr Asmus 's metaphors may be breathtakingly mixed , but his big point is right .

  18. 将一片蛋糕放在合适的盘子上,套上慕斯圈。

    Place one cake on a serving plate and position the mousse ring to enclose the cake .

  19. 我想这是草莓慕斯,你要来点儿吗?

    Yeah . I think it 's strawberry mousse . Ooh ! Do you want some ? Um ...

  20. 她非常喜欢巧克力,特别是巧克力饼干蛋糕、巧克力慕斯和巧克力海绵蛋糕。

    She absolutely loves chocolate , especially chocolate biscuit cake , chocolate mousse , and chocolate sponge cake .

  21. 除前十种最常借用的物品外,男性还借用过伴侣的头发拉直器、人工美黑慕斯、指甲油和眼线笔或睫毛膏。

    Just outside the top ten included hair straighteners , fake tan , nail varnish and eyeliner or mascara .

  22. 当然,正如作家欧蕾慕斯(WillOremus)所强调的,我们应该带着怀疑的态度去看这些数据。

    Of course , we should take such stats with some measure of scepticism , as Will Oremus highlights .

  23. 慕斯大概也会来一起看《迷墙》怎么样

    I think , uh , Mouse is coming over . Maybe watch " The Wall " or something ?

  24. 哈慕斯说,研究结果还显示,面试考官需要留心自恋者运用的策略。

    The findings also suggest that interviewers need to be aware of the tactics used by narcissists , Harms said .

  25. 我觉得慕斯说得对因为狗狗过的时间比人要快-好好随便了

    Yeah , I think Mouse is right because dog years happen faster than human years . - Okay , whatever ,

  26. 我想…我眼睛里全是草莓慕斯了!

    I think there 's a lot of ... I 've got quite a lot of strawberry mousse in my eye now !

  27. 而在寝室门的另一边,那群流着鼻涕的小屁孩正在做巧克力慕斯,看着空手道电影。

    And on the other side of the bedroom door the snotty little kids were making chocolate mousse and watching a karate movie .

  28. 草莓慕斯下藏着酸甜可口的芒果菠萝冻,搭配口感细腻的日式巧克力,层层诱惑令你爱不释口。

    Beneath the soft strawberry mousse cake , a layer of mango pineapple pudding is able to go extremely well with the cake .

  29. 接着,人们怀着从来没有这么激动的心情,唱起了国歌《威尔海尔慕斯》。

    Then , with an emotion such as they had never experienced before , the people sang the Wilhelmus , the national anthem .

  30. 他们在那儿等待船队的其他伙伴一个多月,结果等来的是逼近的西班牙舰队,“埃拉斯慕斯”号只好独自航向未知的海洋。

    They had waited a month for the others and then , the Spaniards closing in , had set sail into the unknown .