
zōng lǘ yè
  • frond;palma
棕榈叶[zōng lǘ yè]
  1. 乡村小屋用棕榈叶作顶。

    The village hut was thatched with palm fronds .

  2. 在另一个名为Behali的社区,Joaquina是一个小组的司库,她拿著漂亮的手织棕榈叶工艺品给我们看,笑容十分灿烂,使我无法忘记。

    In another bairo , Behali , I cannot forget the bright smile of Joaquina , the treasurer of her group , when she showed us her handicrafts , beautiful woven palm leaves in pinks and purples .

  3. 有棚野餐区;石板瓦屋顶的房子;棕榈叶搭建的顶棚。

    Roofed picnic areas ; a slate-roofed house ; palmleaf-roofed huts .

  4. 摄影小组将船与漂浮的棕榈叶绑在一起

    and the team tie on to a floating palm frond

  5. 那儿有二十间棕榈叶苫成的屋子,其中任何一间都可以做他们的家。

    Home was in any one of twenty palm-thatched houses .

  6. 但棕榈叶在枝干处是黑色的。

    But the palm was blackish at its branches .

  7. 人们可以把棕榈叶折叠起来盖棚屋,制伞,编篮子。

    You can pleat palm fronds to make huts , umbrellas and baskets .

  8. 织工用棕榈叶织成了一顶帽子。

    The weavers made a hat from palm fronds .

  9. 他盘腿坐在竹席上,四周环绕着曾祖父的棕榈叶药籍,照料人们,撵走恶魔,偶尔享受一杯加糖咖啡。

    mollifying demons and occasionally treating himself to a cup of coffee with sugar .

  10. 棕榈叶是胜利的象征。

    The palm is a symbol of victory .

  11. 用棕榈叶作顶的乡村小屋

    A village hut thatched with palm leaves

  12. 她左手举着月桂花冠,右手拿着棕榈叶。

    She is holding a laurel crown in her left hand and a palm leaf in her right hand .

  13. 菖蒲类热带亚洲棕榈叶的一种,;轻而坚硬的茎干是藤条杖的来源。

    Any tropical Asian palm of the genus Calamus ; light tough stems are a source of rattan canes .

  14. 当棕榈叶被放在他们面前,这个仪式是为了纪念耶稣基督到达耶路撒冷。

    The observance commemorates Jesus Christ 's arrival in Jerusalem when palm leaves were laid out in front of them .

  15. 政治只是生命中短暂的一部分-詹姆士.瑟伯;用棕榈叶搭建的临时小屋;暂时的安排。

    Politics is an impermanent factor of life - James Thurber ; impermanent palm cottages ; a temperary arrangement ; temporary housing .

  16. 在一个用木头建造,干燥的棕榈叶覆顶的小摊里,一名年轻男子用钩子挂着一块牛肉在出售。

    A young man carves a side of beef hanging from a hook under a wooden stall roofed with dried palm fronds .

  17. 在一些教堂中,在棕枝全日为了灰节将保存起来的棕榈叶烧为灰烬。

    In some churches , the palms that are used on Palm Sunday are saved and burned into ashes for Ash Wednesday .

  18. 宽檐棕榈叶帽子下面闪着的那双眼睛,即使在心情好、兴致高的时候,也露出一股野兽般的凶光。

    From beneath their broad-brimmed hats of palm-leaf , gleamed eyes which , even in good-nature and merriment , had a kind of animal ferocity .

  19. 奖牌背面表现手持棕榈叶的一群欢乐的运动员将获胜运动员高高举起的情景,背景是体育场。

    The reverse of the medal features a victorious athlete , a palm branch carried by jubilant athletes , and a stadium in the background .

  20. 奖牌正面为传统的胜利女神。她左手持棕榈叶,右手拿着胜利者佩戴的花冠。

    On the obverse , the traditional goddess of victory , holding a palm in her left hand and a winner 's crown in her right .

  21. 写下的手稿在中世纪被用来教学,写在白桦树皮和棕榈叶上,直到16世纪出现印刷机为止。

    While written manuscripts were used for teaching in medieval times , they were written on birch bark or palm leaves , until the advent of the printing press from the16th century .

  22. 五种丛生状棕榈植物叶热值的月变化研究

    Monthly changes in caloric values of five shrubby Palmae species leaves

  23. 天南星科、龙舌兰科、棕榈科观叶植物在闽中地区的引种适应性

    Adaptability of Introduced Foliage Plants of Araceae , Agavaceae and Palmaceae in the Central Part of Fujian Province

  24. 地表覆盖物的吸水特性直接影响径流的产生过程,通过室内研究方法,研究了稻草、黄麻、棕榈、棕榈叶的吸水特性。

    The water absorption character of geotextile have a direct impact on the runoff process . The paper studies the water absorption of straw , jute , palm , palm-leaf by the indoor method .

  25. 耶稣的朋友们把他们的衣服和棕榈树的叶子铺在路上,并且把棕榈树的叶子抛撒在空中。

    Jesus friends put their cloaks and palm-tree leaves on the road , and waved palm leaves in the air .