
  • 网络munich conference;Conference of Munich
  1. 从慕尼黑会议看9.11事件后欧美关系的发展趋势

    Munich Conference and the Tendency for the Development of Europe-U.S. Relationship after September 11

  2. 慕尼黑会议后绥靖与遏制并存的美国对德政策

    America 's Germany Policy After Munich Conference

  3. 慕尼黑会议之后,美国的对德政策是绥靖与遏制并存。

    After Munich Conference , America ? s policy was not only to appease Germany , but also to contain it .

  4. 以慕尼黑会议为界,苏联对欧洲外交重点发生了变化&从维护集体安全转变为安全自保

    After the m ü nchen conference , the diplomatic emphasis of the Soviet Union on Europe shifted & from maintaining collective security to secure self-defence

  5. 分析人士认为,美国将在慕尼黑会议上寻求欧洲国家为确保中东和平和打击阿富汗塔利班提供更多的帮助。

    Analysts believe the Munich conference will be an occasion for Washington to seek more European assistance in securing peace in the Middle East - and fighting the Taliban in Afghanistan .

  6. 第56届慕尼黑安全会议闭幕,但没有就今年会议的主题“西方缺失”达成共识。

    The 56th Munich Security Conference has concluded without a consensus on " Westlessness , " the theme of this year 's conference .

  7. 但是,预计将出席慕尼黑安全会议的伊朗议长拉里贾尼表示,不会同美国官员在会议期间展开任何会谈。

    But Iranian parliamentary speaker Ali Larijani , who is expected in Munich , has ruled out any talks with U.S. officials there .

  8. 卡尔扎伊是在德国慕尼黑安全问题会议快结束时说这番话的。这次会议还讨论了其它一些关键性议题,包括伊朗核项目、美国同俄罗斯及西欧的关系以及俄罗斯同格鲁吉亚去年暴发的冲突等等。

    Mr. Karzai spoke during the final hours of a security conference in Munich that has touched on other critical issues - Iran 's nuclear program , US relations with Russia and western Europe and last year 's conflict between Russia and Georgia , among others .

  9. 拜登在慕尼黑出席国际安全会议时发表以上言论。

    Biden spoke in Munich where he 's attending an international conference on security .