
shēng xiào
  • any of the twelve animals, representing the twelve Earthly Branches, used to symbolize the year in which a person is born;any of the twelve animals;representing the twelve Earthly Branches, used to symbolize the year in which a person is born
生肖 [shēng xiào]
  • [any of the twelve animals; representing the twelve Earthly Branches, used to symbolize the year in which a person is born]代表十二地支,用来记人出生年的十二种动物,即鼠(子)、牛(丑)、虎(寅)、兔(卯)、龙(辰)、蛇(巳)、马(午)、羊(未)、猴(申)、鸡(酉)、狗(戌)、猪(亥)。也叫属相

生肖[shēng xiào]
  1. 他生肖属鼠。

    He was born in the year of the rat ( i.e.1924 , 1936 , 1948 , 1960 , 1972 , 1984 , 1996 , or2008 ) .

  2. 狗是中国十二生肖中排名第十一的动物,是忠诚和诚实的象征。

    Ranking as the eleventh animal in the Chinese zodiac -- the Shengxiao , Dog is a symbol of loyaltyand honesty .

  3. 但是,这里有中国的十二生肖园,每个园子里都会有十二个迪士尼动物中的一种,比如小兔桑普(Thumper),代表兔年,还有一个名叫“漫月食府”(WanderingMoon)的茶馆。

    But there would be Chinese zodiac gardens , each featuring one of a dozen Disney creatures like Thumper ( Year of the Rabbit ) , and a teahouse called the Wandering Moon .

  4. Weight:145�原名:张学友原名:张学友英文名字:Jacky花名:七仔出生日期:1961-7-10星座:巨蟹座生肖:牛身高:1.76m体重:145磅学历:预科婚姻状况:已婚家庭成员:爸妈、一哥、一妹、

    Name : Cheung Hok Yau English Name : Jacky D.O.B. : 1961-7-10 Horoscope : Cancer Height : 1.76m Education Level : F.7 Marriage : Married Family Member : Dad , Mum , 1 Brother , 1 sister , Wife ,

  5. 是繁殖兔。如果我说我在森林里看到一只buck,人们会认为我看到的是一只公鹿。京晶:所以,我们可以只用生肖的通俗名。马克:是的,称鸡为鸡。

    If I said I saw a buck in the forest , people would think I saw a male deer . So , we should just stick with the basic names for animals . Mark : Yeah . Call a chicken a chicken .

  6. 南京老人推出十二生肖可拆装玩具

    Impish old man invents a removable toy of the Twelve Animals

  7. 十二生肖的排序还有这样一种说法。

    There is another saying about the sequencing of Chinese Zodiac .

  8. 基于生肖和其他中国传统而作出的决定

    the decisions made based on the zodiac and other Chinese traditions

  9. 十二生肖是传递人类文明的一种载体。

    The Chinese zodiac is a carrier to inherit human civilization .

  10. 河北石家庄生肖猪一度脱销发泄球颇为抢手

    Hebei Toys of Santa Claus and Pig Sold Like Hot Cakes

  11. 我敢说我也能猜中你的生肖!

    I bet I can guess your zodiac sign , too !

  12. 十二生肖首先出现于计时。

    The Chinese Zodiac initially originated from the division of time .

  13. 如果你分享了你和爱人的生肖

    If you share you and your partner 's animal signs ,

  14. 珍妮花:没有,她是打扮成我的生肖。

    Jennifer : No , she 's wearing my Chinese zodiac sign .

  15. 蒙古民间文学习俗中有关十二生肖探析

    A Study of 12 Zodiacal Animals in Mongolian Folk Tales and Custom

  16. 龙,是十二生肖中唯一的虚拟动物。

    Dragon , is the only virtual animals in the Chinese zodiac .

  17. 论中国生肖邮票设计中的民俗性

    On the Folk - custom in the Design of Chinese Animal Stamp

  18. 也许你不相信中国的生肖,

    Maybe you don 't believe in the Chinese zodiac .

  19. 但就一些生肖的解读,羊的优点却少之甚少。

    But sheep have fewer advantageous qualities , according to some interpretations .

  20. 哦。那是中国的十二生肖之一。

    Oh . That 's one of the twelve Chinese horoscope animals .

  21. 中国十二生肖文化是中华民族文化的宝贵遗产。

    The Chinese zodiac culture is a valuable heritage of Chinese culture .

  22. 每个农历年与12生肖动物相关联。

    Each lunar year is associated with one of 12 zodiac animals .

  23. 甚至谈恋爱的时候也会参考生肖。

    We even refer to the zodiac when entering into romantic relations .

  24. 马克:大部分人知道他们自己的生肖年。

    Mark : Most people know their own animal year .

  25. 还有一个不受欢迎的生肖是虎,也许和它的喜怒无常有关。

    Tiger is another undesirable animal , due to its volatile temperament .

  26. 并不是大家喜欢生肖马

    It 's not because they like horses so much ,

  27. 我对中国的生肖所知不多。

    I 'm not really familiar with the Chinese zodiac .

  28. 你知道中国的生肖年顺序吗?

    Do you know the Chinese cycle of the year ?

  29. 中国人相信某些生肖与其它生肖比较好相处。

    The Chinese believe certain animals get on better than the others .

  30. 在农历中,每年都有一个生肖。

    On the Chinese calendar every year has an animal'sname .