
shēnɡ chǎn zhě jià ɡé
  • Producer prices;manufacturer's price
  1. 过去两个月,生产者价格的涨幅一直快于CPI,在6月份达到8.8%。

    Producer prices have accelerated faster than CPI in the past two months , reaching 8.8 per cent in June .

  2. 通货膨胀进一步影响企业收益:截止7月的1年间,中国的生产者价格指数(PPI)上升了10%。

    Inflation is further pummelling earnings : producer price inflation rose by 10 per cent in the year to July .

  3. 生产者价格指数(PPI)同比上升7.3%,同样比二月份的数据还高。

    PPI , that 's the Producer Price Index , stood at7.3 percent , also higher than February 's read .

  4. 过去几周持续走强的英镑昨日又添新的推动因素:生产者价格指数上涨,显示英国央行(bankofengland)将会继续加息。

    The currency , which has been strengthening over the past few weeks , got another push yesterday after a rise in producer price inflation suggested the Bank of England would continue to increase UK interest rates .

  5. 此外,4月份生产者价格指数(PPI)上升,主要受食品价格上涨推动。

    Separately , the April producer price index , which gauges prices at the wholesale level , rose driven by growth in food prices .

  6. 与此同时,自2012年3月份以来一直处于通缩状态的生产者价格指数(PPI)再一次同比下降2%。

    Meanwhile producer prices , which have been in deflationary territory since March 2012 , declined by another 2 per cent , year on year .

  7. 在一些关键的大宗商品价格继续下跌之际,上个月中国的生产者价格指数(PPI)大幅下跌,同比跌幅为2.7%。

    As key commodity prices continue to drop , China 's producer price index tumbled to a year-over-year pace of - 2.7 per cent pace last month .

  8. 生产者价格涨幅已经有四个月为负,而以当前的大宗商品价格水平来看,2013年PPI涨幅很有可能仍然为负。

    Producer price inflation has now been negative for four months , and with commodity prices at their current level , looks likely to remain negative in 2013 .

  9. 与此同时,中国的生产者价格指数(PPI),衡量总体通货膨胀,上个月同比下降5.9%,指向市场需求的持续疲软。

    Meanwhile , China 's producer price index ( PPI ) , which measures wholesale inflation , plunged 5.9 percent year on year last month , pointing to continuing weak market demand .

  10. 其它数据显示,今年8月份生产者价格指数(ppi)同比增幅从7月的10%小幅升至10.1%,同时城市固定资产投资增速略有上升。

    Other data showed that the annual rate of producer price inflation edged up to 10.1 per cent in August from 10 per cent in July , while urban fixed-asset investment growth rose slightly .

  11. 服务业生产者价格指数(SPPI)反映的是服务业企业所提供服务的平均价格变动情况。

    The Services Producer Price Index ( SPPI ) provides information on price change for service businesses services .

  12. 截至9月底,中国工业品出厂价格已经连续32个月处于通缩区间,这是当代中国生产者价格指数(PPI)下滑期延续最长的一次。

    By the end of September , Chinese factory gate prices had been in deflationary territory for 32 consecutive months , the longest period of producer price inflation in the country in the modern era .

  13. 昨天公布的官方数据显示,7月份产成品的生产者价格指数(ppi)比上月增长了1.2%,而经济学家预测为0.6%。

    The producer price index for finished goods , which was forecast by economists to jump by 0.6 per cent in July from a month earlier , instead gained 1.2 per cent , government data showed yesterday .

  14. 上月的生产者价格指数(PPI)——衡量中国工业和出口部门困境的重要指标——同比下降4.3%,仅比2月份4.9%的降幅略有缓和。

    Last month 's producer prices index , an important gauge of the woes plaguing China 's industrial and export sectors , dropped 4.3 per cent , easing only slightly from a 4.9 per cent drop in February .

  15. 目前我国仅电信业已开始试编SPPI,尚未形成完备系统的服务业生产者价格指数体系。

    At present our country has only started to compile an experimental SPPI for telecommunication , and it has not formed a complete index system .

  16. 香港瑞穗证券(MizuhoSecurities)发表的一份研究报告显示,中国的实际贷款利率(加权平均贷款利率加上生产者价格通缩)在今年3月升至10.8%,为2009年9月以来的最高水平。

    The real lending rate ( the weighted average lending rate plus producer price deflation ) rose to 10.8 per cent in March , its highest level since September 2009 , according to a research note from Mizuho Securities in Hong Kong ( see chart ) .

  17. 第三,粮食规模生产者价格风险的现状特征分析。

    The study in the reality of provision scale producer price risk .

  18. 3年来,中国的生产者价格指数一直处于通缩。

    Producer prices in China have been in deflationary territory for three years .

  19. 同时,生产者价格指数同比上涨8.8%。

    Meanwhile , the producer price index 8.8 percent from a year ago .

  20. 中国的生产者价格飙升至18个月新高。

    Chinese input prices jumped to an 18-month high .

  21. 最近几个月,中国的消费者及生产者价格均出现了轻微通缩。

    China has experienced mild deflation in consumer and producer prices in recent months .

  22. 自那时以来,生产者价格指数一直在下跌,而油价下跌则加剧了这个问题。

    Falling oil prices have exacerbated the problem .

  23. 两年前,尽管中国工资水平在快速上升,生产者价格却开始下跌。

    China plunged into producer price deflation two years ago , despite rapid wage inflation .

  24. 生产者价格指数下降了3%。

    The producer price index 3 percent .

  25. 第四,粮食规模生产者价格风险形成原因及其量化研究。

    The study on the reason and quantitive research of the provision scale producer price risk .

  26. 国家统计局的数据还显示,生产者价格指数上涨了9.5%。

    Data from the National Bureau of Statistics also shows that the producer price index 9.5 percent .

  27. 同时,衡量工业盈利能力的生产者价格指数同比上升了9%。

    Meanwhile , the producer price index , which measures industrial profitability , 9 percent year on year .

  28. 生产者价格下跌意味着,从产品价格来看,汇率的高估表现得不那么明显,但为此付出的代价则是利润率严重缩水。

    Price deflation means overvaluation is less evident in price terms , but the cost is serious profit-margin shrinkage .

  29. 第二部分是对丹麦编制电信服务业生产者价格指数具体流程的分析。

    The second part is the preparation of the telecommunications industry in Denmark the producer price index detailed process analysis .

  30. 第五,粮食规模生产者价格风险可能的管理手段并对各管理手段的可行性进行分析。

    The study on the potential management measure of the provision scale producer price risk and the feasibility of the measures .