
  1. 深海浮式平台在开采海洋石油资源中扮演着重要的角色,是海上生产作业和生活的基础设施。

    Deep-sea floating platforms play an important role in the life of offshore operations and infrastructure .

  2. 这需要关注监管、税收和生活质量基础设施,同时还要着眼于留住最优秀的人才。

    This entails looking at regulation , taxes and quality-of-life infrastructure with an eye towards keeping the most talented people .

  3. 软件已经成为人类生产生活的基础设施,软件安全也日益重要。

    As software becomes a part of the infrastructure of production and living of human beings , software security is becoming more and more import .

  4. 投资3亿美元发展生活用水基础设施。在2001~2010年发展战略中,越提出今后十年要建设成有效、牢固的基础设施系统和分布合理的基础设施网络。

    Vietnam puts forward from now on that will construct valid and firm infrastructure system and infrastructure network distributing reasonably in 2001-2010 years the development the strategy .

  5. 中国已经意识到,他们将开始需要中产阶级城市生活的基础设施,从教育、医疗、公交,到休闲场所、购物场所和公园。

    It has realised that they will begin to demand the infrastructure of bourgeois city life , from education , healthcare and public transport to leisure facilities , shopping and parks .

  6. 但在第三个阶段,两县经济发展的差异在GDP、人均GDP及其增长率、人民生活水平、基础设施建设及城镇化水平等方面表现出来,并不断扩大。

    While in the third period , the difference between two towns is more and more expanding , which shows on GDP , per capita GDP and the growth rate , the standard of living , infrastructure project and the level of urbanization , etc.

  7. 在马卡卡,只有非常少的生活系统和基础设施存在。

    In Makoko , very few systems and infrastructures exist .

  8. 配套设施是居住区不可缺少的重要组成部分,它是居民日常生活重要的基础设施和物质载体。

    Public service facilities are indispensable important parts of residential district , and they are also the important basic establishments and physical carriers in the daily life of denizen .

  9. 海洋平台是深海油气探测和开采的主要装备和工具,是海上生产作业和生活的主要基础设施。

    Offshore platform is the main equipment and tool of exploration and mining of deep-sea oil and gas resource , regarded as the infrastructure of offshore production and operation .

  10. 市政排水管道工程是城市的基础排水管网系统,是与人民生活息息相关的基础设施,确保其施工质量至关重要。

    Municipal drainage project is the basic urban drainage system , which is closely related to the people 's livelihood and the infrastructure is essential to ensure the quality of its construction .

  11. 近年来,随着用户数量和多种业务的急速膨胀,互联网呈爆炸性地增长,已发展成为国家政治、经济和社会生活的重要基础设施。

    With the significant increasing of the number of users and diverse applications , the Internet has grown explosively and become a fundamental infrastructure for national political systems , economic systems and social activities .

  12. 中心村建设不仅促进人口的转移、土地的流转和产业的提升,而且提高农民生活质量和基础设施共享程度。

    The construction of central villages helps not only transfer the population , but also land circulation and industry promotion . Besides , it helps improve the residents ' living quality and sharing of infrastructure .

  13. 在未来高度信息化的社会中,光缆有线电视(CATV)将成为人们生活中必不可少的基础设施之一。它将成为电信部门仅次于电话业务的第二大支柱产业。

    In the information society , optical cable television ( CATV ) will be an important element in people 's daily life , and the second largest support industry compaired with the telecommunication business .

  14. 城市公共交通是与人民群众生产生活息息相关的重要基础设施。

    The urban public traffic is a very important and basic establishment to the denizens .

  15. 但在广大的农村地区,农民们却仍旧生活在严重匮乏基础设施的境地之中。

    But in the rural areas of China , rural infrastructure is still in deficiency .

  16. 单一政府投资,已不能满足现代生活对港口工程基础设施的增长需求。

    Single government investment can not meet the modern life of port engineering infrastructure growth needs .

  17. 建筑与土木工程是人类社会和生活所需要的基础设施建设的规划、设计、建造和维护的工程领域。

    Architectural and Civil Engineering covers planning , design , construction and maintenance of infrastructures which support human society .

  18. 二是进一步改善贫困地区的生产生活条件,加强基础设施和生态环境建设;

    Second , further improving the production and living conditions of poor regions , and strengthening rural infrastructure and eco-environment construction ;

  19. 公路是国民经济发展和社会生活中的重要基础设施,发展收费公路则是当前公路建设特别是高等级公路建设的一个主要手段。

    Highways are important basic facilities in the development of national economy and social life . Developing toll roads is the main means to conduct the highway construction , especially the high-grade ones .

  20. 公共交通是国家综合运输网中的枢纽和节点,是城市交通体系的主体,是生产和生活必不可少的基础公共设施。

    Public transport is the critical hub and node of National Integrated Transport Network , the subject of urban transport system , and the essential public facilities for the production and social life .

  21. 公路交通是国家国民经济、社会发展和人民生活服务的公共基础设施,是衡量一个国家国民经济实力和现代化水平的重要标志。

    The highway transportation is a nationally public foundation facility which provides some service for our society , and represents the modernization level of the whole social development and the really national economy strength .

  22. 随着社会的发展,市政管网已经成为现代生产和生活中的重要基础设施,管网的种类随之越来越多、越来越复杂。

    With the society development , urban pipe-network has become an important infrastructure for modern life and manufacture . So there is a great variety of pipe and the structure has becoming more complex .

  23. 第三,长株潭城市群低碳城市的发展主要归功于相关部门对能源利用效率、节能减排、提高城市生活环境和公共基础设施方面进行了有效投入。

    Third , Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan urban agglomeration low carbon is mainly attributed to the development of the city related department of energy efficiency and energy conservation and emission reduction and improving the urban living environment and public infrastructure investment effectively .