
shēnɡ huó zhě
  • liver
  1. 《母亲》与《为党生活者》共性中的民族审美话语

    Nationality 's Aesthetic Words in the Commonness of Mother and Person Who Live for Party

  2. 这几户人家就这样一代代的生活者,没有太大的变化。

    These households on the life of this generation to generation , not much changes .

  3. 注重强化品牌,使生活者与品牌建立终身恋爱关系;

    It aims at the establishment of a life long relationship between the consumer and a brand ;

  4. 人本观广告呈现六个方面的特质:视受众为生活者;

    Six features of humanistic advertising is explained in the paper : it sees consumers as living humans ;

  5. 本文从生活者的角度来考察环境问题,认为而源污染是社会转型中所发生的社会失序在环境问题上的投射。

    The author thinks that the non-point source pollution is a projection from social disorder to environmental problems among the social transformation .

  6. 这里的人们&不管是外国人或者本地人,应当说是一群不折不扣“生活者”;

    The people here-whether they are foreigners or locals , should be said that a group of the letter ," who lives ";

  7. 键赞公司建立这个网站是为了与戈谢病患者共同生活者或者照料者,包括专业护理员。

    Genzyme has created this website for people living with or caring for someone with Gaucher disease , including health care professionals .

  8. 结果本组患者抢救成功率为77.2%,恢复正常生活者52.9%,病死率22.8%。

    Results The successful rate was 77.2 % , 52.9 % patients recovered to normal life , and the mortality was 22.8 % .

  9. 科学的不断发展使得科学自身在门类以及专业等方面不断细分,人日益成为其专业领域的生活者。

    The continuous development of science makes science itself in areas such as categories and sub-professional , are increasingly becoming those of their professional life .

  10. 社会上期待早早退休,过着闲云野鹤生活者,特别钟爱与向往这类人,以及他们的生活方式。

    Those , who long for early retirement and living idle lives like the cloud and wild crane , favor them and long for such life .

  11. 富豪榜不仅满足了极想探窥富人与名人生活者的癖好,同时也反映了中国经济的重要发展趋势。

    The list not only satisfies the prurient interest of those fascinated with the lives of the rich and famous , but also reflects important trends in the Chinese economy .

  12. 作者检查了40岁及以上能维持正常工作或生活者5934人,发现有视网膜动脉硬化551人(9.29%)。

    The authors examined 5934 cases of patients over 40 years of age who could work and live normally . Retinal arteriosclerosis was found in 551 cases ( 9.29 % ) .

  13. 对于冠状动脉病变严重,经积极正规的内科药物治疗效果不明显,且症状日趋加重而影响工作和生活者,适于做冠状动脉搭桥手术。

    Serious to coronary artery pathological changes , medication via active and normal internal medicine the effect is not apparent , and the person that the symptom accentuates with each passing day and the influence works and live , comfortable take bridge operation at doing coronary artery .

  14. 当然,陈设陶瓷的装饰不仅是物质产品的一种功能属性,更重要的是使用者、生活者作为主体追求的精神属性&一种超越物质之美的自由的、艺术化的精神追求。

    Of course , the display of decorative ceramics products are not only a function of material properties , more importantly , users who live the spirit of the pursuit as the subject of the main property - a freedom beyond the physical beauty , the art of spiritual pursuit .

  15. 同时,本研究试图跳出环境维权或者环境抗争的思路,在整个村庄的生态背景中考察村民沉默或者抗争的原因,从生活者的角度理解村民的环境行为选择。

    Not only from the angle of environmental rights or environmental protest , but also the ecology of the entire village as the background . In order to observe the villagers ' silence or resistance reasons , to understand the environmental behavior of the villagers in angle of ordinary people .

  16. 发展生产和改善人民生活二者必须兼顾。

    Consideration must be given to both the development of production and the improvement of the people 's livelihood .

  17. 方法:采用社会心理行为学方法,随机调查有婚前性生活史者510人。

    Methods : The survey adopted the society psychology behavior methodology .

  18. 生活幸福者人生短暂,生活悲惨者人生漫长。

    Life is long to the miserable , but short to the happy .

  19. 时尚生活追求者与爱慕虚荣型汽车消费态度显著正相关;

    The relationship between faddist and conspicuous attitude on automobile consumption is significant and strongly positive correlation ;

  20. 出院后随访1个月~5年,能正常参加日常工作或学习者33例,需生活照顾者4例,死亡1例。

    33 cases worked and studied normally , 4 cases needed life support and 1 case died .

  21. 有在银行、券、店、屋中介、险等行业从事销售工作的经验或在国外生活经验者。

    Have some job experience for bank , securities business , hotel , house agency , insurance or live abroad .

  22. 饱满的种子中具有生活力者占45%,反映出秦岭冷杉种子有较高的败育率;

    The TTC results showed that the vital seed percentage reached 45 % , implying the higher ratio of seed abortion .

  23. 婚姻消费作为一种特殊消费,在不同地区不同民族,不同生活水平者之间有不同的表现。

    Matrimonial expending as a special expending , has different expressions among different areas , nationalities and the man with different living standard .

  24. 病理学检查肿瘤为良性者3例,恶性者7例,增生活跃者1例。

    By pathology , benign GIST was identified in 3 cases , malignant in 7 cases , and active proliferation in 1 case .

  25. 几乎所有的受访者(94%)认为她们可以在令人满意的职业发展和快乐的个人生活二者间取得平衡。

    Nearly all , 94 percent , believed they could achieve a balance between a satisfying professional career and a gratifying personal life .

  26. 研究人员根据每国“生活如意者”所占百分比,得出排名。

    The researchers of the survey worked out the ranking according to the proportion of " life appreciators " among the whole population in a country .

  27. 有不洁性生活史者、旅游、餐饮服务业者、无业者及企事业员工为梅毒感染的高危人群。

    The high risk crowd infecting syphilis was the persons who had impurity sexual life , was engaged in travel , repast service , and no occupations .

  28. 麻醉后常规消毒腹部及外阴、阴道,放置导尿管和根据手术需要放置举宫器(无性生活史者则不放置举宫器)。

    Anesthesia after routine disinfection of the abdomen and vulva , vagina , placed catheter and uterine manipulator ( asexual life cycle is not Placed the uterine manipulator ) .

  29. 社会救济的任务是给那些既无力自救又不能从第三方获得帮助的生活窘迫者提供的一种符合人的尊严的补助。

    Social relief mission is not only to those who can not help themselves unable to get help from third parties to provide distress of living with a kind of human dignity subsidies .

  30. 有不洁性生活史者阳性检出率为44.74%,显著高于无不洁性生活史者的13.31%(P<0.01)。

    The positive rate of UU , CT in the group of women with non-clean sexual intercourse was 44.74 % and was significantly higher than that of control group 13.31 % ( P < 0.01 ) .