
  • 网络collecting toys
  1. 如今这位50岁的男子已拥有约2万个玩具,家里的玩具从地上堆到了天花板,2014年还因收藏玩具过万而打破了吉尼斯世界纪录。

    Now , the 50-year-old has about 20000 toys packed from floor to ceiling in his home and holds a Guinness World Record from 2014 , when his collection reached more than 10000 items .

  2. 很难包括所有类型的玩具,但看那些台湾的名人分享他们对收藏玩具的想法和经验也粉开心!

    Its hard to include all type of toys , but it still fun to watch the Taiwanese celebrities share their thought and experience in toys collection !

  3. 童话《美女与野兽》的真人改编电影定于今年3月在全球上映,英国女演员艾玛·沃森在片中饰演主人公贝尔。和往常一样,配合电影而来的还有一系列收藏玩具。

    Emma Watson plays Belle , the lead in a live action adaptation of fairytale " Beauty and the Beast . " The film is set for global release in March 2017 , and , as per usual , a series of collectible toys has been created to accompany the film .

  4. 鲁格住在位于菲律宾首都马尼拉西北方向的邦板牙省的阿帕里特,他盖这座房子就是为了收藏他的玩具。

    Lugue , who lives in Apalit in Pampanga , a province northwest of Manila , built his home especially to house his collection .

  5. 他的爱好是收藏艺术品和玩具。

    He collects art and toys .

  6. 扬州中国玩具博物馆收藏云和精品木质玩具

    China Toy Museum collects fine wooden toys made in Yunhe

  7. 吴同学平时喜欢看一些动漫电视剧,家里已经收藏了不少动漫玩具。

    Wu students usually like to see some anime TV series , the family has a collection of many cartoon toys .